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Bodhi Mirror

When the Fire Dies, Pure Gold Remains—In Memory of Bhikshu Heng Jau Shr

比丘恆律 文 By Bhikshu Heng Lyu
比丘尼恆音 英譯 English translation by Bhikshuni Heng Yin








Heng Jau Shr, a native of Taiwan, was the eldest son in the Yeh family. After he took refuge with the Venerable Master in 1988, he often read Venerable Master Hua’s Talks on Dharma. Soon it became clear to him that leaving the home-life to cultivate was the only way to end the suffering of birth and death. On January 8, 1993, he and his brother, sister, and father all left home under the Venerable Master—an event that people marveled at. In 1995 he received full ordination at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Upon becoming a monk, he donated to the temple all his personal savings and the proceeds from the sale of his house. He held the precept of not keeping money, was frugal and hardworking, and was never apart from his three sashes and bowl. He sternly upheld the precepts. In addition to participating in the daily ceremonies of the monastic community, he maintained his personal practice without laxness, rising at two o’clock in the morning.

In the Administration Office, Heng Jau Shr devoted all his heart to his job as the Guest Prefect. He also energetically took on all kinds of maintenance chores, such as repairing roofs and appliances, working alone or with others.

Although he had suffered from poor health since youth, he endured it with patience. He was upright by nature, never seeking for personal advantages. He was never a hypocrite, and often frankly remonstrated with those who violated the rules of the temple. He always worked conscientiously and set a good example for others.

After a lengthy illness in which he refused to take medicine, he passed away on February 7, 1998, at the age of thirty-six. Our grief and mourning are beyond words. On the other hand, everyone who is born is destined to die. Heng Jau Shr’s vow was to be transformationally born from a lotus in the Pure Land so as to draw near Amitabha Buddha. Since his vow has now been fulfilled, what sorrow can there be?

Heng Jau Shr had cultivated diligently for five years after leaving the home-life. After his body was cremated on February 11, there were several hundred pieces of sharira (bone relics) ranging in color from jade green to white, red, yellow, and black. His cultivation was not in vain. What is there to grieve about?

Let us all bring forth a great resolve for Bodhi and accumulate merit and virtue, so that when our wisdom and blessings are perfected, we may meet him again in the Pure Land. There we may together realize patience with the nonproduction of dharmas,  universally save living beings, fulfill our vows for Bodhi, and ultimately attain Buddhahood.


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