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Awakened from Illusory Dreams by a Gentle Breeze— Introducing Bhikshu Heng Hui Shi

謝福來 文 by Fu-lai Hsieh


退休後於1992 年偕其俗家夫人同來萬佛聖城,當時身體微恙,行動稍有不便。他一心精進,蠲除業障,不久即日漸好轉;雖是老來學道,卻因而信心彌篤。於是不斷勗勉兩位學音樂,都在法國深造的兒子,放下一切前來萬佛聖城。目前長子在男校當義務教師,次子做外勤工作,一家人皆歸隊於宣公上人座下修行。

1993年,夫婦倆痛知老邁之身,餘日不多,生老病死,無常迅速,雙雙蒙上人慈悲披剃出家。上人並殷殷垂詢夫婦倆生活狀況,鼓勵用功修行,了生脫死。上人的期勉,聖城良好的家風,及同參道友的照顧,使恆惠師與同修兩人很順利地在1995 年受了具足大戒,為減少貪欲好修行,恆惠師並持銀錢戒。



恆念四大皆假空 惠風吹醒紅塵夢
師恩難報誓見佛 願返娑婆度群萌

Under the warm spring breeze (his teaching), peach and plum trees (his students) blossom everywhere. Heng Hui Shi was an indefatigable junior high school teacher. His love of goodness and missionary zeal for teaching led him to live a well-disciplined life.

After he retired in 1992, he and his family came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB). At the time he was slightly ill and had a little trouble getting around. He cultivated vigorously to cast out his karmic hindrances. His health began improving day by day. Because he started cultivating late in life, his faith was especially firm. He urged his two sons, who were studying music in France, to put down everything and come to CTTB. Currently his eldest son is a volunteer teacher at the Boys School, and his second son works as a driver. His whole family has come to cultivate under Venerable Master Hua’s guidance.

In 1993 he and his wife, realizing that their days were numbered and that sickness, old age, and death were approaching, both gained the Venerable Master’s kind permission to leave the home life. The Master constantly inquired about their well-being and encouraged them to cultivate vigorously in order to end birth and death. Under the Master’s exhortations, the City’s wholesome traditions, and the care of their fellow cultivators, the two of them were fully ordained in 1995. In order to reduce greed, Heng Hui Shi holds the precept of not handling money.

Heng Hui Shi’s daily practice consists of reciting the Buddha’s name, and he does so vigorously at all times of the day and night. He says, “If one’s faith and vows are sincere, and every recitation of the Buddha’s name is clear in the mind and clearly heard in the ears, then the mind unites with the Buddha and one enters the sea of Amitabha’s vows, and success is certain.” This is Heng Hui Shi’s insight from ten years of recitation, and it is also the reason for his physical and psychological well-being.

Heng Hui Shi hopes that all beings can profoundly understand that life is but a dream, that all things arise from conditions and that at death the body decays and there is no self. Then they will wish to end the cycle of birth and death. He firmly believes that he will be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss at the end of this life. In order to repay the Venerable Master’s kindness, he vows to return to the Saha world to save beings. A verse says:

Constantly mindful that the four elements are false and empty,
He’s awakened from illusory dreams by a gentle breeze.
The Master’s kindness is hard to requite;
 he vows to see the Buddhas
And return to the Saha to save the multitudes of beings.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea