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宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version














Sutra text from last issue: The second cause consists of habits of greed and intermingled scheming which give rise to a suction. The third cause consists of habits of arrogrance and resulting friction which give rise to mutual intimidation.

The fourth consists of habits of hatred that provoke each other causing mutual defiance to arise. When this defiance pressures one without cease, one’s heart becomes so hot it catches fire, and the molten vapors turn into metal. From that, the Mountain of Knives, the Iron Cudgel, the Tree of Swords, the Wheel of Swords, Axes and Halberds, and Spears and Saws. It is like when a person meets a mortal enemy and the urge to kill surges forth so that he is roused to action. Becaue these two habits clash with one another, there come into being castration and hacking, beheading and mutilation, filing and sticking, flogging and beating, and other such experiences. Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon hatred and name it ‘sharp knives and swords.’ Bodhisattvas avoid hatred as they would their own execution.

The fourth consists of habits of hatred. These habits of anger and rage provoke each other causing mutual defiance to arise. This defiance is over how you are right and I am wrong or I am right and you are wrong. When this defiance pressures one without cease. This kind of pressure beats away at us endlessly. One’s heart becomes so hot it catches fire. Our heart feels so hot it’s as if it were on fire with the fire of ignorance. The molten vapors turn into metal. It’s terrible. From that, the Mountain of Knives. Because the molten vapors turn into metal, the Hell of the Mountain of Knives comes into being, as does the Hell of the Iron Cudgel, the Hell of the Tree of Swords, the Hell of the Wheel of Swords, the Hell of Axes and Halberds, and the Hell of Spears and Saws, as well as others. It is like when a person meets a mortal enemy. These two people harbor resentment toward each other. And the urge to kill surges forth so that he is roused to action. The intense wish to kill takes over.

Because these two habits clash with one another, there come into being castration and hacking. This refers to the Hell of Castration and Hacking, and it is experienced by eunuchs. Beheading and mutilation: one is killed by having one’s head chopped off or maimed by having one’s legs or arms severed. Grinding one’s bones is also a form of mutilation. Filing and sticking is torture inflicted with files or thorns. Flogging and beating, and other such experiences.

Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon hatred and name it ‘sharp knives and swords.’ They say that hatred is the same as a keen knife or a sharp sword. Bodhisattvas avoid hatred as they would their own execution. Bodhisattvas regard hatred as being like someone getting killed.

The fifth consists of habits of deception and misleading involvements which give rise to mutual guile. When such maneuvering continues without cease, it produces the ropes and wood of a gallows for hanging. It is like how grass and trees grow in a flooded field. Because the two habits perpetuate one another, there come into being handcuffs and fetters, cangues and locks, whips and clubs, sticks and cudgels, and other such experiences. Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon deception and name it a ‘treacherous crook.’ Bodhisattvas fear deception as they would a savage wolf.

The fifth consists of habits of deception. Deception means cheating and being phony. Deception and misleading involvements. These mean that you cheat me and I cheat you. You deceive me and I deceive you. That gives rise to mutual guile. You trick me and I trick you. Such maneuvering continues without cease. Maneuvering refers to endless ways of behaving that deceive people. That behavior produces the ropes and wood of a gallows for hanging. A gallows is composed of rope and wood and is used to hang people to death. This is also one kind of hell. It is like how grass and trees grow in a flooded field. When a field is flooded with water, plants grow prolifically.

Because the two habits perpetuate one another. Past habits of deception and present habits of deception cambine and grow upon each other. And so there come into being handcuffs and fetters, cangues and locks. Handcuffs are put on the wrists. A cangue is worn on the neck. Whips and clubs, sticks and cudgels, and other such experiences. Whips beat, clubs batter. Sticks and cudgels are instruments of torture. There are many such experiences. Where do these experiences come from? They come from deception. These experiences spring from having been deceptive.

Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon deception, this behavior that cheats others, and name it a ‘treacherous crook.’ Treachery includes not speaking truthfully or using flattery. Bodhisattvas fear deception as they would a savage wolf. Bodhisattvas look upon deception and find it as terrifying as a wolf.

The sixth consists of habits of lying combined with continual fraudulence which give rise to mutual cheating. When false accusations continue without cease, one becomes adept at corruption. From this there come into being dust and dirt, excrement and urine, filth, stench, and impurities. It is like the obscuring of everyone’s vision when the dust is stirred up by the wind. Because these two habits augment one another, there come into being sinking and drowning, tossing and pitching, flying and falling, floating and submerging, and other such experiences. Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look upon lying and name it ‘robbery and murder.’odhisattvas regard lying as they would treading on a venomous snake.
The sixth consists of habits of lying. This habit is to not tell the truth in order to deceive others. You lie to me, cheating me; I lie to you, cheating you. This combines with continual fraudulence which give rise to mutual cheating. This means not being straight. It means saying things that are not so. When false accusations continue without cease. You falsely implicate me and I falsely implicate you. We implicate each other endlessly. One becomes adept at corruption. All day long we think of ways to be cunning and crafty. We are treacherous and always find ways to break the law, continually creating offenses. From this there come into being dust and dirt, excrement and urine. There is the Hell of Dust and Dirt and the Hell of Excrement and Urine. Filth, stench, and impurities. In these hells everything is filthy and defiled. It is like the obscuring of everyone’s vision when the dust is stirred up by the wind. It’s like the karmic obstacle of a dust storm. When the dust is stirred up, no one can see clearly. The vision becomes impaired because of the dust.

Because these two habits augment one another. Past habits combine with present habits and there come into being sinking and drowning, tossing and pitching, flying and falling. Flying means you are pitched into space and then you fall. Floating. Perhaps you have to float in an ocean. And there is submerging, and other such experiences.

Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions. When they see this mutual cheating going on, they look upon lying and name it ‘robbery and murder.’ They say it’s just like doing that to someone: robbing and killing them. Bodhisattvas regard lying, not telling the truth, as they would treading on a venomous snake. They say someone like that is venomous. Thus, we know that lying is something we should not do.

To be continued


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