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Seminar on Buddhism Held at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

A student asking a question during the seminar


漢堡大學宗教研究系自十餘年前起,每年定期帶領學生往訪萬佛聖城,藉此機會讓不同宗教的教徒互相溝通交換意見。由於這項參訪活動深受學生好評,自四年前起,由每年舉辦一次改為每年二次。每次報名的學生人數不斷地增加。這次有七十四名漢堡大學學生前往萬佛城參訪,打破歷年紀錄。帶隊的宗教學教學教授比爾·赫布雷克滋邁爾(Bill Herbrechtsmeier)對東方思想深感興趣,本身也習太極拳。

舊金山大學(University of San Fran-cisco)是天主教教會所辦的大學。今年第一次舉辦參訪萬佛聖城的活動,由該校神學教授大衛·拜特斯東(David Bat-stone)率團前往。拜特斯東教授表示,以後將繼續舉辦參訪萬佛聖城之旅。



On the evening of Friday, September 26, 74 students from Humboldt State University and 12 students from the University of San Francisco (a private Catholic university) came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to explore the meaning of life, experience the life of a Buddhist practitioner for a weekend, and exchange views with the residents of the City.

For over ten years, the Religious Studies Department of Humboldt State University (HSU) has held fieldtrips to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, fostering the opportunity for those of different religious beliefs to exchange views. Given the wide popularity of the program, four years ago HSU began to sponsor these trips twice a year. The number of students per trip has risen steadily. This time, a record high of 74 students came from HSU. They were led by Bill Herbrechtsmeier, Professor of Religious Studies, who has a deep interest in Oriental philosophy and also practices tai qi quan.

This is the first time the University of San Francisco, a Catholic-sponsored university, has organized a visit to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Students came with David Batstone, Professor of Theology, who indicated that he would like to plan more trips to the City in the future.

Several Sangha members and laypepople who live at the City, as well as Dr. Tom Macmillan, an old friend of the City who is a Baptist minister and a faculty member of Mendocino College, took part in various discussions with the students. Students’ questions included: “Is death enlightenment?” “Why do Bhikshunis (nuns) have more precepts than Bhikshus (monks)? “Why do monks and nuns shave their heads?” “If everyone enters Nirvana or gets enlightened, will the world still exist?” The answers were just as wonderful, and the discussions were carried out in a harmonious fashion. Dr. Macmillan is teaching a course on Comparative Religions at Dharma Realm Buddhist University this fall.

I hope every teacher will be a good model of integrity who does not go on strike for the sake of salary, but will pass his or her aspirations and wisdom on to the next generation.
                  Venerable Master Hua


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