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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【卷四 世主妙嚴品第一之四】

Roll Four, Chapter One: The Wondrous Adornments of World Rulers, Part Four

宣化上人講於一九七三年十一月十九日 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua on November 19, 1973
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version










怎麼叫不知足呢?本來這個人也沒有錢,也沒有房子。住就要在街邊上住,也沒有衣服穿。這個時候,他就想:「我若有房子住,那可不錯的。」天天就打這個房子的妄想,打這個衣服的妄想,又打這個吃的妄想。那麼有一天房子也有了,衣服也有了,吃的東西也有了。房子可以遮風雨了,衣服可以遮這個身體了,吃的東西也可以把這個飢餓的病治好了。在這個時候他又打妄想了:「我若要住一個大的房子就好了。我穿最名貴的衣服就好了。再吃這個最有營養的東西--最低限度也要每一頓吃一點 cottage cheese 〈起士〉或者牛油,或者這個牛扒、豬扒。」本來他以前連飯都沒得吃,他現在有吃的了,他想要吃好的;以前連衣服都沒得穿,現在有得穿了,又想要穿好的;以前也沒有房子住,現在有房子住,他又想住一個最好的房子,這都是不知足。











The Water-Ruling Spirit named Whirlpools of Skillful Expedients obtained the liberation door of universally proclaiming the profound states of all Buddhas.

The next Water-Ruling Spirit is named Whirlpools of Skillful Expedients. “Skillful” refers to being very intelligent and understanding the Dharmas of skill-in-means. “Whirlpools” indicates that this kind of Dharma is spoken over and over again in the employment of provisional expedient methods to teach and transform living beings. He obtained a kind of samadhi of skill-in-means.

This Water-Ruling Spirit obtained the liberation door of universally proclaiming the profound states of all Buddhas. He can describe all the deep states of all the Buddhas of the ten directions, using various types of methods to proclaim them. At other times he makes his proclamations of the Dharma-doors of skill-in-means through the medium of the sound of flowing water. Hence this is called universally proclaiming the profound states of all Buddhas, and is the kind of door to liberation which he attained.

The Water-Ruling Spirit named Immaculate Accumu-lation of Fragrance obtained the liberation door of universally manifesting great light of purity.

The next Water-Ruling Spirit is named Immaculate Accumulation of Fragrance. He is free of all defilement. “Accumulation of fragrance” is as in the kitchen, which is the area where fragrances accumulate. The kitchen’s accumulation of fragrance refers to how the five flavors are blended exceptionally well, so there are all kinds of aromas and tastes. The Water-Ruling Spirit, who is called Accumulation of Fragrance, obtained the liberation door of universally manifesting great light  of purity. He can purify the Dharma Realm with his universal manifestation of intense, pure radiance. To the exhaustion of empty space and throughout the Dharma Realm he makes appear a great treasury of light. He obtained that kind of door to liberation.

The Water-Ruling Spirit named Light-Sound Bridge to Blessings obtained the liberation door of purified Dharma Realms with no marks and no nature.

The next Water-Ruling Spirit is named Light-Sound Bridge to Blessings. He obtained the liberation door of purified Dharma Realms, of causing the Dharma Realms of the ten directions to return to purity. They further have no characteristics, which is the reference of with  no marks. The purification of the Dharma Realms indicates that they unite with empty space, so they have no appearances. Nor do they have a  nature. In other words: “All dharmas from their origin are constantly characterized by still quiescence, and cannot be expressed by words.” There is no way you can use words and language to articulate them. He achieved the Dharma Realms being purified so they have no marks and no nature. Even if they have no characteristics, perhaps they have a nature? Not so. They are also without a nature. Having neither marks nor nature, they merge with emptiness. That is the kind of liberation door he attained.

The Water-Ruling Spirit named Contentment and Sovereign Ease obtained the liberation door of a sea of unending great compassion.

It’s just to be feared that people do not know how to be content. Discontentment is suffering, whereas contentment is bliss, hence the saying: “One who knows how to be content will always be happy. One who can be patient will naturally be at peace.” To be happy all the time, you need to know contentment; and to have natural tranquility is itself sovereign ease. Not to know how to be content is acute suffering.

What do we mean by not knowing to be content? Someone, to start with, might have no money and no house, and have to live along the roadside, even lacking clothing. At that time he might think, “It would be nice to have  a house to live in.” Everyday he would have false thinking about housing, clothing, and food. The day might come when he actually does have a house and clothes, and food to eat. The house is adequate to keep out wind and rain. The clothes suffice to protect his body. The food available to him can stave off the hunger and thirst. Yet, when that happens, he starts having other false thoughts, such as, “It would be nice to live in a bigger house. I would prefer to eat very nutritious food—at least get to eat some cottage cheese or butter, or steak and pork chops.” Before, he didn’t have anything  to eat, but now that he does, he wants the food to be good. Previously he had no clothes to wear, but now that he has some, he wants to wear fine clothes. In the beginning he didn’t have a house to live in, but now that he has a place to live in, he wishes for a very fine house. That’s not knowing contentment.

When he does get his home and food and clothes, he has the further wish to hold public office. Being head of the County Board of Supervisors turns out to be a minor position, too insignificant for him, so he wants to be the State Governor. After being Governor of his State, or perhaps the Mayor of a major city, he wants to be President. Once he is President, he starts wishing to be world-leader. Having achieved the position of world-leader, he muses about going to the heavens to be the Heavenly Lord. So, you see how much suffering it is not to know contentment, whereas knowing contentment is happiness. “One who knows how to be content will always be happy, and will always attain sovereign ease.” He obtained the liberation door of a sea of unending great compassion. He constantly cherishes the wish to bestow happiness on living beings and pull out their suffering. Hence, his is the liberation door of an ocean of unending great compassion.

The Water-Ruling Spirit named Wholesome Sound of Pure Joy obtained the liberation door of acting as a treasury of great delight within the Way Places of assemblies of Bodhisattvas.

The next Water-Ruling Spirit is named Wholesome Sound of Pure Joy. He is always joyous at heart, and is very good at speaking Dharma. Therefore, this Water-Ruling Spirit obtained the liberation door of acting as a treasury of great delight within the Way Places of assemblies of Bodhisattvas. Bodhisattvas benefit themselves and benefit others, enlighten themselves and enlighten others, rescue themselves and rescue others, bringing forth the great resolve for Bodhi. Within the Way Places of Bodhisattva multitudes, he serves as a treasury of great delight. He can cause all the Bodhisattvas in the Bodhimandas, all those great multitudes in the sea-vast assemblies, to achieve great delight. Since they all achieve great happiness, this is called a treasury, the liberation door of a treasury of delight. He attained that kind of state and door to liberation.

The next Water-Ruling Spirit named Universally Manifesting Awesome Light obtained the liberation door of using unobstructed strength of vast, great blessings and virtue to manifest universally.

The next Water-Ruling Spirit is named Universally Manifesting Awesome Light. He appears everywhere and also has great radiance. This Water-Ruling Spirit obtained the liberation door of using unobstructed strength of vast, great blessings and virtue to manifest universally. His ability to appear in kshetra-lands as many as motes of dust throughout the ten directions is unhindered. He employs the power of vast, great, boundless blessings and virtue. Blessings are cultivated, whereas virtue comes from one’s actions. Such blessings and virtue are vast, great, limitless and boundless, and through their power there can be universal manifestation in kshetra-lands as numerous as dust motes in the ten directions, so there are Buddhas in all worlds. This Water-Ruling Spirit named Universally Manifesting Awesome Light understood that type of state and entered that kind of door to liberation.

The Water-Ruling Spirit named Roaring Sound Pervading Seas obtained the liberation door of contemplating all living beings and bringing forth expedients like emptiness to tame and subdue them.

The next Water-Ruling Spirit is named Roaring Sound Pervading Seas. The sound of this Water-Ruling Spirit’s roar can pervade the seas of living beings in kshetra-lands numerous as motes of dust—hence his name. He obtained the liberation door of contemplating all living beings in the worlds throughout the ten directions, and bringing forth expedients like emptiness to tame and subdue them. He uses  skill-in-means like emptiness to tame and subdue all those living beings like emptiness in the ten directions, teaching and transforming them all. Yet even though he teaches and transforms all living beings, living beings teach themselves and transform themselves. Consequently, his actions are as if nothing were being done, without attachment to marks. That’s why the text says: “bringing forth ... like emptiness.” This is also as stated in the Vajra Sutra, which describes causing all living beings to be crossed over to quiescence, and yet not a single living being having been crossed over to quiescence. Even if the realm of living beings were empty, the Buddha’s vows would still not be fulfilled. Therefore, he observes all living beings and brings forth vows as vast and great as empty space, along with vast spiritual penetrations, to regulate those living beings. He employs all sorts of expedient Dharma doors to tame and subdue all living beings. That’s the door to liberation which he attained.

to be continued


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