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Bodhi Mirror

The First native Argentinian to be ordained in the Buddhist Sangha

編輯室Bhikshuni Dzau Dzan Shi
Interviewed by editorial staff





Bhikshuni Dzau Dzan is the first native Argentinian to be ordained in the Buddhist Sangha. Born in Argentina in 1947, she studied Art History at the University of Buenos Aires. In 1969 she got married and moved to São Paulo, Brazil, where she had two children. Later when she was working in an art gallery, she translated articles and books from English and French into Spanish. Once, after she read about Oriental art, she began studying the Eastern religions that inspired such art and felt particularly drawn to Buddhism. She became a vegetarian through her interest in macrobiotics.

In 1988 she returned to Argentina to look after her parents. One day she saw an announcement in the newspaper about a new Buddhist temple opening near her home. When she went there, she was introduced to the principles and practice of Buddhism and started translating many English Buddhist books into Spanish. Later in 1990, went to visit Taiwan and practice in a nunnery there. She lived there for one and a half years as a layperson, learning Buddhist ceremonies, meditation, monastic duties, and basic speaking and writing in Chinese.

In March of 1992, on the Birthday of Guanyin Bodhisattva, she left the home-life and at the end of that year she received full ordination as a Bhikshuni. In 1993 she returned to Argentina and participated in the inauguration of a temple in São Paulo. Since then she has divided her time between Brazil and Argentina, translating or collaborating in the translation of several Buddhist texts into Spanish and Portuguese. Some of the texts she has helped to translate are: "The Universal Door of Guanyin Bodhisattva," The Earth Store Sutra, various Buddhist ceremonies, and sections of the Shurangama Sutra. She is currently translating the Vajra Sutra.


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