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蓮藕濃粥 {四人份}
Lotus Root Porridge {serves four}

轉載自/天華健康食譜 found in Heavenly Delicacies Health Food Cookbook

材料:糯米       75公克      
            蓮藕       一節
            水           適量

調味料: 糖                2湯匙   

              桂花醬         少許


作法: (一)糯米洗乾淨,泡水後煮成粥。 (二)蓮藕去節,磨成泥,加入作法(一)的糯米粥煮開,再加入調味料燒開即可。

sweet rice 75 grams
lotus root  one section
water  as needed

sugar 2 tbsp
osmanthus flower paste a bit (or strawberry jam)  

1. Rinse the sweet rice, soak in water, then cook until it becomes porridge.
2. Cut off the ends of the lotus root section, grind into paste, and add to porridge. Boil until uniformly mixed, and then add seasoning. Serve.


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