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Leaving Home Does Not Depend on Any Condition-
Bhikshuni Heng Bu

編輯部 Interviewed by Editorial staff




接著,有人來問她是否想皈依?她說:「想!」。之後,受人之託縫製僧服,她說:「好!」。再來,又有人問她,要不要出家?她說:「要!」。絲毫不猶疑。恒布師說:「出家是不依因緣的。不需要刻意安排,船到橋頭自然直 。」真應了師父上人開示:「出家就出家,要什麼因緣?只要一念真心就出得了家。」她那曾和她在人生道路攜手共進了四十八年的老伴對她放棄含飴弄孫之樂,趣向佛道的決定給予衷心護持。

當有人問起:「出家是怎麼個好法? 」她總是用台語說:「肩卡頭輕鬆 ,心頭就清涼。免想過去,也末未來,就算現在心搆卡不可得。將一切攏總交給佛菩薩。師父給我法號是果『施』恒『布』,要全心出家才算。這是一條自然快樂的直路啦!」

Seventy-five-year-old Heng Bu Shr, who has three sons, one daughter, three daughters-in-law and eight grandchildren, left the home-life at the beginning of 1993.

There are many people who consider leaving home, yet they are still so caught up in this mundane world that they cannot cut free of its entanglements. These hindrances deter them from fulfilling their wish of leaving home. For Heng Bu Shr, however, leaving home was an idea which had never occurred to her. She always went along with what fate had in store, dedicating her full energy to every single obligation, great and small, that she was supposed to fulfill. When her three sons and one daughter had started raising their own families and were able to take care of their own lives, she thought, "It's time for me to think about finding a true refuge for myself." This ingenuous thought quickly evoked a response from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas; someone introduced her to a nearby Buddhahall where she could recite the Buddha's name, Afterward, someone came to ask her if she wanted to take refuge. She said she did. Later on, when she was requested to do some sewing for Sangha members, she readily agreed. When another person came to ask her if she was willing to renounce the household life and became a Buddhist nun, she replied without hesitation, "Yes, I am."

Heng Bu Shr said, "Leaving home doesn't depend on any condition, and you don't need to make deliberate preparations for it; the boat will guide itself ashore." These words really tally with what the Venerable Master has said: "Leaving home is simply leaving home, that's all. As long as your mind is sincere, you'll make it." Her spouse, who had for forty-eight years walked hand-in-hand with her on the secular path, offered his sincere support of her decision to renounce the sweetness of a family and instead take the path toward Buddhahood.

When she is asked," How is leaving home good?" she always replies in Taiwanese, "The burden on the shoulders gets lighter, and the mind becomes extremely pure and cool. One doesn't think of the past or the future, and even less is one preoccupied with the present. Give everything to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The Master gave me the Dharma name of Guo Shi, Heng Bu ('bu shi' means giving), which means I have to leave home. This is a straight road, natural and happy."


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