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The County Of No Mirrors

孫華穗文by Sun Huasui


胡塗的太太看丈夫每天總要背著人拉開櫥門看上幾回,心生疑惑,便決定去探索丈夫的祕密。可巧那天胡塗趕著出門,忘了上鎖,太太急忙去拉開櫥門。不看還好,一看,登時掩面大哭,告訴婆婆:「你的兒子自外地討回了個不正經的女人藏在壁櫥裏!」愈哭愈委曲,嫁了個不義丈夫 ,這後半輩子怎麼靠得住?婆婆好奇地打開櫥門,一瞧,不由大怒地罵起來:「啊!這糊塗兒! 要娶小老婆倒也罷了!也不知花多少冤枉錢,竟娶回一個蠢老太婆!」愈想愈傷心,生了個糊塗兒子,這祖產家業怎麼撐得住?




In the County of No Mirrors, there were no mirrors. One day a man named Muddle from a rich family went on a trip outside the county and saw that mirrors are very useful, so he bought a mirror. He treated it as a precious object. Fearing that if others knew about it, it would come to harm, he used a red cloth to cover it and locked it up in his closet.

Every day Muddle's wife saw her husband secretly opening the closet when no one was around, and she became suspicious. One day she decided to check out what his secret was. By coincidence, that day Muddle was in a hurry to leave and forgot to lock his closet. His wife hastened to open the closet. When she looked in the closet, she covered her face and sobbed. She went and told her mother-in-law, "Your son has brought home a woman of improper conduct and is keeping her in the closet." The more she cried, she more she felt sorry for herself. She had married an unfaithful husband and her life was doomed.

Her mother-in-law curiously opened the closet and looked in. Then she got very angry and scolded, "Oh, my muddled son! If he wants to have a mistress, fine, but why pick an old woman'?" The more she thought about it, the more upset she got. She felt that the wealth of the family would be doomed, having a son like that.

Muddle's son was annoyed by all the noise in the house. He came in from the courtyard and also looked in the mirror and thought, "Gosh, what a mean, wild kid with eyebrows sticking up and a frown on his face." The boy said, "If you're going to be mean, I'll throw my ball at you." The face in the mirror got meaner, and the boy threw the ball and shattered the mirror. There was broken glass all over the floor, and nobody was in the closet.

When Muddle came home, his wife wanted a divorce, his mother threatened to take back all the inheritance, and his son had his hands on his hips and was scolding the mean boy, "If you have any guts, then don't hide. Come out and show yourself right now!"

1. If a person doesn't know how to use a mirror to look at himself, he will only expose more faults and shortcomings.
2. If a person tries to hide a secret, the secret will sooner or later be exposed, and it will also be twisted.
3. If a person thinks he is smart, actually he is muddled and will take a big loss because he pursues trivial advantages. What he gains does not make up for what he loses.



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