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Introducing Upasaka Yuanjing Li


在本世紀三十四十年代裡,是蘇州弘化社,上海佛學書局出版經書最旺盛的年代,在導俗啟信初機入門的書籍中,當推李圓淨居 士的著作最多最精。他學識淵博,文筆流暢 ,確能引人入勝。我在童年時代,在一個暑假期間,就是因為讀了圓淨居士的《佛法導論》和聶雲台居士的《人生指津》而皈信佛 教的。

李圓淨居士名榮祥,廣東人,他長我十餘齡,所以我和他誼在師友之間。他的父親在滬經營滬粵物資交流的「辦庄」是商業殷富戶。他生長於上海,畢業於復旦大學文學系,一生為大少爺,而肯深入經藏,精研佛法。畢生以編寫佛學書籍為志事,著作等身,稿成後即交弘化社、佛學書局出版,不取稿酬。所撰初機書籍如《到光明之路》、《旅行者言》、《暗路明燈》‧‧‧生動而又深刻,引人入勝!《醒世千家詩》,亦其所編 。高深的如《梵網經菩薩戒本彙解》、《首 楞嚴經彙解》等,均能深入淺出,弘闡摩訶衍乘。後又參加法藏寺編輯《民國增修大藏經》(初名《普慧藏》)的工作。當經費困難時,他還慷慨自助及募集。其實,因為在抗日戰爭前後,通貨膨脹達到「天文數字」,他本身的經濟亦巳漸陷窮境了!有一件事使我至今感銘難忘的事。一九五0年在他捨報之前,他到地方法院辦了公證手續,願將他在上海閘北寶興路的一塊房地產,和在莫千山的別墅,托交方子藩、鄭頌英兩友,以此資金編印一部,梵英漢佛學大辭典,可惜那時候私有出租房產已由市房地產局接管,莫干山別墅也由政府征用了,我們無法完成他的遺願和囑托!但《梵英漢佛學大辭典》的編印,確是世界佛教經書翻譯工作上的一件大事!要由精通佛法和三種文字的學者,與大宗的經費方能完成。敬希國際佛教組織和大德居士們共同關注發心,群策群力來完成這項佛教大事!

「三世因果」、「六道輪迴」是佛教的基本教義,也是佛教的宇宙人生觀。如果輪迴轉世不是事實,那佛教便是迷信了。須知近年來佛教之所以在全世興起,高級知識分子紛紛嚮往佛教者,其原因之一,就是因為在世界各地越來越多的、無可爭辯的輪迴轉世的事實不斷湧現。十年前國外印的《科學時代的輪迴錄》的事實記載、相片,不少還曾於國外報紙登載過的。也有經組團到實地去考核證實過的。上海外文書店出版的一厚冊近代國外關於輪迴轉世的事實記載,已由上海倪維泉居士(上海市供電局高級工程師)選譯成中文,將要付印出版了。還有兩位德高望重的學者都激動地說過:「我前世是和 尚啊!」那就是前幾年以九十五歲高齡在北京逝世的政治活動家、學者梁漱溟先生,他在晚年熱淚盈眶地說這句話的!我在十五歲到三十餘歲時,常到聶雲台老居士處就教的 !聶老送我梁先生編的《村治》月刊,說他是虔誠的佛教徒!他是懷著救國救民之心搞政治的。後來確知他從二十二歲青年時代起,就已經長齋素食了。還有現在上海八十餘高齡的經濟學家顧毓琮老居士,曾任上海佛協理事,他也含淚激動地說過:「我前世是個和尚啊!」


一、從上述兩位自知前世是和尚的,有高度理智的人,雖然他們仍能在佛法中種些善根 ,但總是在世法中老去!沒有毅然繼續出家淨修梵行,在了生死成佛的出離道和菩提道上是倒退了!一世修,一世丟,生死大事何時了!所以,現在眾生應以具足信、願、行的淨土法門,即生了生脫死!正是「不能救世非菩薩,未出輪迴豈丈夫」!


During the 1930s and 40s, the publishing of Buddhist texts by the Suzhou Propagation Society and the Shanghai Buddhist Bookstore reached a peak. Among books written for beginners and aimed at the average layman, Upasaka Yuanjing Li's were the best. His profound erudition and elegant style truly enthralled his reader. It was because I read Upasaka Yuanjing Li's Introduction to Buddhism and Upasaka Yuntai Nie's Guide to Life as a child one summer that I became a Buddhist.

Upasaka Yuanjing Li's name was Rongxiang. He was a native of Guangdong. He was older than me by over ten years, so he was both a teacher and a friend to me. His father had been a wealthy businessman who managed a Shanghai-Guangdong trading center. He grew up in Shanghai, graduated from the Literature Department of Fudan University, and was a "dandy" all his life. Yet he was given to studying the Sutras and investigating the Buddhadharma. His life was devoted to the writing of Buddhist books, and his works were extremely numerous. As soon as he finished a manuscript, he would send it to the Propagation Society and the Buddhist Bookstore for publication without taking any payment. The books he wrote for beginners, such as Walking a Bright Path, Words of a Traveler, and Bright Lamp on a Dark Road, are profoundly moving and enthralling. "Poem for Awakening the World" was another of his compositions. More profound works such as Explanation of the Brahma Net Bodhisattva Precept Manual and Explanation of the Shurangama Sutra convey deep principles in a simple and clear way, propagating the Mahayana teaching. Later on he participated in the work of editing the Revised Great Treasury Canon of the Republic (initially entitled the Universal Wisdom Treasury) at Fazang Monastery. In times of financial difficulty, he generously donated his own money and also raised funds. Actually, since the inflation rate had reached astronomical figures after the Sino-Japanese War, he was in financial difficulty himself. There is one unforgettable matter. In 1950, before he passed away, he went to the notary public at the local court and transferred the ownership of a piece of land on Baoxing Road in Zabei, Shanghai, and a villa on Moganshan to two friends, Zifan Fang and Songying Zheng, with the wish that the money from their sale be used to edit and print a Sanskrit-English-Chinese Buddhist Dictionary. Unfortunately at that time, all privately leased property had to be turned over to the city real estate bureau and the Moganshan villa was also used by the government. We had no way to carry out his wish and instructions. However, the editing and printing the Sanskrit-English-Chinese Dictionary is truly a project of great importance for the translation of Buddhist texts worldwide. It can be done only by scholars who are experts on Buddhism and fluent in those three languages, and with a substantial budget. I hope international Buddhist organizations and greatly virtuous ones will contribute their efforts and cooperate to accomplish this great task of Buddhism.

Cause and effect in the three periods of time and rebirth in the six paths are basic teachings in Buddhism. They are part of the Buddhist view of life and the cosmos. If reincarnation were not true, Buddhism would merely be superstition. One of the reasons Buddhism has gained popularity worldwide and has won the admiration of intellectuals is that there have been more and more instances of undeniable evidence of reincarnation in various parts of the world. The factual accounts and photographs in the book Cases of Reincarnation in the Scientific Age, printed abroad ten years ago, have been printed in quite a few foreign newspapers. There have also been investigative teams sent to verify the evidence. The Shanghai Foreign Language Bookstore will be publishing a thick volume of contemporary foreign accounts of reincarnation, which have been translated into Chinese by Upasaka Weiquan Ni (a high-level engineer in the Shanghai Electricity Bureau). And there were two distinguished scholars who excitedly exclaimed, "I was a monk in my last life!" Mr. Suming Liang, a political activist who recently passed away in Beijing at the advanced age of 95, tearfully uttered those words in his old age. From the time I was fifteen until my thirties, I often went to Upasaka Yuntai Ni's place to study. The Elder Ni presented me with the magazine Cunzhi (Village Government) edited by Mr. Liang, introducing him as a devout Buddhist whose involvement in government was due to his wish to help the people and the nation. Later I found out that Mr. Liang had been a vegetarian since the age of twenty-two. There is also Elder Upasaka Yuzhong Gu, an 85-year-old economist who was a standing committee member of the Shanghai Buddhist Association. He also said tearfully, "I was a monk in my last life!"

In the past as well as the present, there have been many people, both Chinese and other nationalities, who are able to know about their past lives (this is a small manifestation of the penetration of past lives); however, the clarity of their knowledge varies. There are some who can perceive many past lives. From the reality of reincarnation, we can know that the law of cause and effect, wherein one receives the consequences for one's own actions, is not false. From the incidents and principles mentioned above, we can draw two conclusions:

1. The two intellectuals who knew that they had been monks in their past lives, although they were able to plant some good roots in the Buddhadharma, still grew old and passed away in the mundane world. They were unable to continue their cultivation of pure conduct as left-home people. They had been walking the path toward Buddhahood and liberation. In one life they cultivated; in the next life they squandered their merit; when will they be able to resolve the great matter of their birth and death? Therefore, living beings of the the present should use the Pure Land Dharma-door, replete with faith, vows, and practice, to liberate themselves from birth and death in this very life. As it's said:

One who cannot save those in the world is not a Bodhisattva;
One who has not escaped the wheel of rebirth is not a hero.

2. If one can thoroughly understand the facts and principle of cause and effect and reincarnation and establish a correct view of life and the universe, one will certainly have self-awareness and self-respect, bring benefit to the people and the country, and be a virtuous and productive member of society. Then the difficult problems of crime and suicide that plague advanced nations will be greatly reduced or even eliminated. This is the best education of the spirit; it is the greatest contribution that Buddhism can make to the spiritual aspect of our civilization.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea