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with Commentary


宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version



你要是受過戒,就是很長的時間,會縮成很短。就好像你犯了很大一個法一一你給詹森總統或者做個護衛啊,或者做一個茶房啊一一你犯罪了,被警察抓捉去詹森那兒,詹森就給寫幾個字,說:「這人你把他放出來。」他就放出來了,很快的。要沒有呢?沒有就很久也放不出來的,不知拖延多長,是一個樣道理。你有戒來保護著你,你受很長罪的時間,可以縮為很短。所以,不要自作聰明,說是 :「喔!不要受戒好。」你都是受戒好,我告訴你 們。「眾生受佛戒即入諸佛位。」眾生受了佛戒,就是入佛位了。所以不要謗毀佛的戒律。

「誑妄說法」:不要說法說得誑妄,撥無因果:「無因無果啊,人就是佛嘛!不必修行。吃肉喝酒隨便你怎麼樣子都可以成佛的。佛是最容易成的。」不錯!佛最容易成的,但是你要去毛病。沒有有毛病的佛。那佛都是清淨無染的,沒有說污濁邋遢 ,一身的罪業就去成佛了,沒有的。沒有說喝喝酒也可以成佛;吃肉也可以成佛的,沒有的。要是有這樣子,當初佛就不必說這個戒律了。所以我很恭喜我一個弟子。恭喜什麼呢?他現在喝三瓶啤酒這個頭痛了。這是一個善根的發現。你自己都應該生高興,你的善根發現了。


所以我什麼時候我不和你們講錢的。我今天在這不貪之中,我才講一講。人家收皈依弟子,都要先講明白了,五十塊錢,或者六十塊錢,或者多少錢一個。你皈依我,我這兒收這麼多皈依弟子。有的供養師父的,有的還對師父一個cent也沒有供養過。我也沒說這個皈依弟子真是不好啊!對於師父這一點的表現都沒有。我都不知道哪個供養,哪個 沒供養。




Sutra text from last issue:
When they are possessed entirely of emotion, they sink into the Avichi Hell. If the emotion has gone into their hearts so that they slander the Great Vehicle, defame the Buddha's pure precepts, speak crazy and false dharma, are greedy for offerings from the faithful, recklessly accept the respect of others, commit the five rebellious acts and the ten major offenses, then they are further reborn in Avichi Hells throughout the ten directions.

"Wine and meat pass through the bowels. The Buddha dwells in the mind." He says that once the meat is eaten and the wine is drunk, it is done and gone. The Buddha is in the mind. Your mind is the Buddha, and the Buddha is your mind. What he professes is deviant knowledge and deviant views. He defames the Buddha's pure precepts. He tells people not to receive the precepts. "What are you doing taking precepts? You haul in some precepts to restrict yourself. It is so much freer if you don't receive any precepts! Why would you want to take precepts?" Actually the freedom you experience from not receiving precepts makes it very easy to fall into the hells. You call that true freedom! Once you receive the precepts, they will support you. Once you have the precept marks, precept dharmas, and precept substance, it will not be so easy to fall into the hells. Or if you must go to the hells, you will quickly come out again. But if you listen to people's claims about freedom and because of that do not receive the precepts, then if you fall into the hells, there's no guarantee when you'll get out again.

If you take the precepts, then a long term in the hells gets cut to a short term. It's as if you were a president's aide and broke some major law and were caught. Just a note from the President would suffice to effect your release. Without that help, it might be a long time before you were released. If you have the precepts for protection, then the suffering you have to endure for having committed major offenses will be lessened significantly. So don't outsmart yourself by deciding not to take the precepts. It's better to take the precepts. A living being who receives the Buddha's precepts enters into the position of a Buddha.

Don't slander the Buddha's precepts, and don't speak crazy and false dharma. Don't deny cause and effect. Don't say things like "There's no cause and no effect; people are just Buddhas, after all. There's no need to cultivate. Eat meat, drink, and be merry, because no matter what you do, you still can become a Buddha. It's really easy to become a Buddha."

Right, it is easy to become a Buddha, but the way to do it is to get rid of your faults. There aren't any Buddhas who have faults. They are all pure and undefiled. They didn't become Buddhas by being filthy and full of karmic offenses. They didn't becomes Buddhas by drinking wine and eating meat. If that's the way it was, then the Buddha would not have had to speak the precepts. So I would like to congratulate my disciple, who got a headache after drinking three bottles of beer. This is a manifestation of his good roots. You should be happy because your good roots are coming forth.

Don't be greedy for offerings from the faithful. Don't scheme to get people to believe in you, to give you gifts, to make offerings to you. Don't think, "If I take a lot of disciples, I'll be rich. If one disciple gives me one dollar, ten disciples would mean ten dollars, and so on, and pretty soon I'll be rich."

I never discuss money with my disciples. Since I'm talking about not being greedy today, I'll discuss this a little bit. When other teachers take disciples, they make it clear from the start that people should give at least fifty or sixty dollars just to take refuge. Of all the people who have taken refuge with me, some of them have made offerings, while others have not given even one cent to their teacher. But I have never criticized them for being ungrateful disciples who don't show the least appreciation for their teacher. I don't even know who has made offerings and who hasn't.

These kinds of beings also recklessly accept the respect of others. They have no virtue or attainment in the Way, yet they like others to respect them.  

 ~ To be continued



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