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The  Dharma  Flower Sutra With Commentary

【卷四 提婆達多品第十二 】

Roll Fpur, Chapter Twelve, Devadatta

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version




同事,就是什麼呢?就是他做什麼,你和他做什麼。譬如他歡喜賭錢,眾生,他要賭上錢,他什麼也不顧了。你給他說什麼佛法他也不聽。那麼你也就跟著他去到那個賭場去。然後在那個地方看他歡喜的事,這就叫同事,變得你那個身體和他一樣的。譬如,你想要度讀書的人,你就做一個讀書的人的樣子;你要想度做工的人,你就去幫他做工。他看你 這個人來幫我做工,很不錯的。你然後說什麼他都相信的。所以我教你們度人啊,你們應該用這四攝法去度人去,這叫同事,和他一同做事。


「十八不共神通道力」,十八不共法。「身無失」。什麼叫身無失呢?因為釋迦牟尼佛由無量劫以來,生生世世,都保持這個法身慧命,而沒有失過。這個失,也可以說是過失,就是有過錯。什麼叫過錯呢?譬如這個身,犯了殺、盜、婬。殺、由這個身造成的;偷盜,由這個身造成的;邪婬,由這 個身來造成的。釋迦牟尼佛由無量劫到現在就沒有犯過這個殺、盜、婬,三惡,所以這叫「身無失」,身不犯殺、盜、婬。


「意無失」。意無失就是意念裏頭,時時都存著為法忘軀這種心。沒有貪、瞋、癡,這三毒給這個心裏頭,這是意無失。今天晚間我就講到這三種的不共法 ,還有十五種留到明天晚間再講。明天晚間,或者我還叫你們哪一位來講。你們要是不怕問的話,今天晚間就照常睡覺;要怕問呢,就學一學,看一看,明天或者就要用到。




From last issue:
The Four Dharmas of Attraction are four methods for drawing living beings in. They are (1) giving, (2) kind words, (3) beneficial conduct, and (4) cooperation.

2. Kind words. Everyone likes to hear kind, loving words. Westerners in particular are always talking about "love." So you tell someone, "You are a wonderful lady," or "You're a wonderful man. You have a good heart, and you're a good worker, too." You don't just walk up to someone and drop a verbal bomb, or hit them over the head with an iron club so they run off in terror. In general, you have to tell them things they like to hear.

3. Beneficial conduct. This means you benefit others and do things to help them. 

4. Cooperation. If you want to teach someone, you might take up the same activity that they are engaged in. For example, if someone likes to gamble and they forget about everything else once they start gambling, then no matter what Buddhadharma you speak to them, they won't listen. You have to accompany them to the gambling parlor and do what they like to do. That's called cooperation. You take up the same occupation and work beside the person. If you want to save a student, you disguise yourself as a student. If you want to convert a worker, you go and help him with his work When he sees you helping him, he'll be pleased and then will believe whatever you say. With these Four Dharmas you attract and convert living beings. Those of you who have jobs should try to teach and influence your colleagues with the Four Dharmas of Attraction.

The Buddhas has the Eighteen Unshared Dharmas.

1. Faultless in body. For limitless eons, the Buddha has guarded the wisdom-life of his Dharma-body, without making a mistake. There are three offenses committed by the body: killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct. The Buddha has committed no offenses of the body throughout limitless eons.

2. Faultless in speech. The Buddha speaks the supreme, profound, and subtle Dharma. With his mouth he does not commit the four evils of loose speech, false speech, harsh speech, or backbiting. When Shakyamuni Buddha extended his tongue, it covered his whole face! Actually, his tongue wasn't all that long. The Amitabha Sutra says that the Buddhas of every direction put forth "a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds." That's long! But Shakyamuni Buddha's tongue extended to the crown of his head. How did he get such a long tongue? He never lied, that's how. If you want to know who lies and who doesn't, take a look at their tongues! If their tongue isn't as long as Shakyamuni Buddha's, then they've lied before. This applies to me, too!

3. Faultless in mindfulness. In his mind, he constantly keeps the thought to disregard his very body for the sake of the Dharma. His mind is not defiled by the three poisons of greed, hatred, and stupidity. Thus, he is faultless in mindfulness. This evening I will explain just the first three kinds of unshared dharmas. That leaves fifteen more for tomorrow night's lecture. Tomorrow night I may also call upon one of you to explain them. If you're not afraid of being called on, you can sleep as usual tonight. If you are nervous, then you can look them up and study them; they may come in handy tomorrow.

4. No discriminations in his perception. Throughout limitless eons the Buddha only sought the supreme Bodhi Way. He had no other false thinking. Therefore, in the present, he has realized the supreme Bodhi Way.

5. No lack of concentration in his thoughts. Not only does the Buddha not have discriminations in his perceptions, but in every life, he cultivated Dhyana samadhi. Therefore, he attained supreme, wonderful samadhi, and his mind is not scattered.  

 ~ To be continued



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