萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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Mashed Potatoes with Avocado

轉載自/天華健康食譜 found in Heavenly Delicacies Health Food Cookbook

*材料:馬鈴薯6個   酪梨2個

*作法:(一)馬鈴薯洗淨,可切片,放入蒸籠或電鍋內蒸熟(或水煮,但養分、甜份易流失)。取出去皮, 4島成泥,待涼。




6 medium-sized potatoes
2 ripe avocadoes

1. Wash potatoes. Cut into slices. Place in steamer or rice cooker and steam until cooked. (Boiling them is also acceptable, but more nutrients are lost that way.) Remove the peels, mash, and let cool. 2. Cut avocadoes open, remove pits, and use a spoon to scoop out from shell. Combine with potatoes and mash until uniformly mixed.

Nutritional content:
Potatoes are high in starch, and avocadoes have plenty of vitamins. Note:
This dish makes a refreshing summer salad if stored in the refrigerator before being served.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea