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Bhikshuni Heng Jun-Someone with a Mission

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Heng Jun Shi lived next to a Guanyin temple and learned to worship Guanyin Bodhisattva when she was young. After she grew up, her parents arranged her marriage. Her in-laws were kind to her and her husband's business was successful, so her life should have been happy. But for some reason, she often got sick. The doctors could not diagnose her illness. Her only symptom was fever. Although they gave her medication, it was of no use.

After she got married, she developed a huge temper. She often scolded and even hit people. Just about everyone irritated her. She constantly argued with people and was totally unreasonable. There was not a single day of peace in her house. Her family called her "the lunatic" behind her back. Several times her whole family cleared out of the house; sometimes she herself walked out.

Finally, her family couldn't take it anymore and complained to the abbess of a nearby temple. They took her to see the abbess, who reproached her. Heng Jun Shi reacted by having a good cry against the wall. After that, she got well. She started staying in temples, because she found that all illnesses would go away, and she could do all kinds of chores with great energy there. She was a totally different person compared to when she was at home-sick to the point that she couldn't even cook. Her family said, "You must be faking illness. As soon as you go to the temple, you have all this energy. But at home, you say you're sick."

Heng Jun Shi herself couldn't explain why this was. But ever since she got married, there was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that she didn't come to this world to be a housewife. She felt there was something very important she had to do, but she didn't know what it was, so she often felt very frustrated. She only experienced relief when she went to a temple; it was as if the temple were her home.

In the course of visiting various temples, she took part in several Buddha-recitation sessions. After each session, she experienced an indescribable state. Sometimes it made her cry all the way home. She found the outside world and her home totally at odds with her experience in the temple, and it was difficult for her to go back to that environment. Finally, she moved to City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and became a nun, and felt a great sense of peace and happiness.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea