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Focus ON Education

Speech by a Parent and Teacher Representative at the Commencement Excercises of Developing Virtue School

孫果秀/ by Jennifer Lin  

師父上人、各位法師、校長、老師、家長和同學們,大家晚安;在歲月的流轉中,畢竟季候也會變了顏色,更何況是瞬息變化的心思與週遭的事物!在這生滅的大學校中,我們究竟學到了什麼呢?住在萬佛聖城的六年裏,身兼母親與教師的角色,在此轉換人生舞台,揮手道別的當口,能說些什麼呢?千言萬語,終歸只是一旬「謝謝 」。


雖然學校在許多方面還不夠完善,但人之所以有勇氣活著,不正是因為不完善,才產生追求完善的力量嗎?哲學家尼采說:「受苦的人沒有悲觀的權利。」生活在這無量諸苦的五濁惡世,我們正是要振作起來,精進修行,才能夠離苦得樂 ;否則豈不是要在歲月的流轉中,沉淪於無盡的 黑暗裹了嗎?今天,我眼看我三個子女,已逐漸捨除他們的缺點,一日一日朝向完善之途邁進, 我心中的安慰自是不可言喻的。我也希望我其他的孩子一一我所有的學生們一一能有同樣的進步。古人說:「君子臨別,贈人以言,小人贈人以 財。」我願效法君子把我的座右銘與大家分享。




Venerable Master, Dharma Masters, Principals, teachers, parents, and fellow students, good evening! In the flow of time, even the seasons change their colors, how much the more do our thoughts and the things around us change. What lessons have we learned in this great school of generation and extinction? During six years at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas I have played the roles of mother and teacher. What can I say at this moment when I am entering another phase of life and bidding farewell? Simply, "Thank you."

The Venerable Master established Instilling Goodness Elementary and Developing Virtue Secondary Schools in this sagely pure land of Buddhism. Many Dharma Masters and teachers, including myself, have had the opportunity to come here and devote themselves to education. Many kids, including my three children, have been given the chance to come here to learn goodness and develop virtue.

This school is still imperfect in many areas. But imperfection is the very thing that gives people the courage to live and seek perfection. The philosopher Nietzsche said people in suffering have no right to be pessimistic. Living in this miserable world of the five turbidities, we need to cheer up and cultivate vigorously in order to free ourselves from suffering and attain happiness; otherwise, we will sink into endless darkness. I am indescribably reassured knowing that my three children have gradually renounced their shortcomings and are progressing toward perfection. I also hope my other children-all my pupils-will do the same. An ancient author said that a gentleman gives words as a good-bye gift, while a petty person gives money. I would like to share my motto with everyone:

With courage, we change what we can change.
With patience, we accept what we cannot change.
With wisdom, we understand the difference between the two.

As a parent, I would like to express my gratitude once again to the Venerable Master, all Dharma Masters, teachers, parents, students and everyone at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas for your guidance and support to Instilling Goodness Elementary and Developing Virtue Secondary Schools. Best regards to all.


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