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Students’ Corner


/芬雪薇 15歲 培德女中
by silvia Fuentes,age 15,Developing Virtue Girls High School



Meditation to me is very relaxing; however, sometimes when I have many false thoughts it can become rather boring. I used to think. that I would never be able to calm my mind, even a bit. I now realize that I can calm my mind by meditating if I try.

When I first encountered meditation, I hated it and felt it a horrible waste of time. I now realize that if used properly, meditation can be one of the best things that I will ever encounter. Sometimes when I'm feeling down, I meditate, and after about a half an hour I feel totally calm and my mind is much more open to things.

I am definitely going to continue to meditate even if it is only for a few minutes a day. I think I've finally realized the wonders of meditation and how it can be used as a medicine. Meditation can heal many sicknesses. Most of all, meditation gives us a chance to relax and have some quiet time to ourselves.


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