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Explained by the Venerable Master Hua in 1983 at Gold Wheel Monastery in Los Angeles



當時,這一些阿羅漢,聽見阿難結集經藏,都起三疑,所以我們現在聽這個經,一聽下來,不只三疑,恐怕千疑萬疑都有了,說:「這經是不是真的啊?是不是佛說的啊?有什麼證明啊?」喔!在肚子要頭那個算盤子啊,就打起來了,劈啪!在那兒響。自己肚子裏頭那個不叫電腦,那個叫人腦,人腦在這個人的身體裏邊,就算起來了,這千疑、萬疑都 生出來了。

由這個看來,學佛法不是那麼容易的。我們學佛的人,所以不能與道相應,就因為疑心太多了。所以才說:「修道之人心莫疑」,你心要不要有諸多懷疑。這也不信,那也不信,講真的你也不信;講假的,喔!你信了!所以就顛倒。「疑心若起便途迷」,你疑心一生出來了,就會走錯路了。所以學佛的人要「朝於斯,夕於斯」,要天天學,時時刻刻都要學佛,念茲在茲的,不能 好像馬馬虎虎的那麼樣子。


學《楞嚴經》,以及聽經、念經,我們都要有一種忍耐心,不要生疲厭的心。你們要知道,你看那個樹是一天一天長大的,那個花是天天你去用水給它澆的,它才能開花,才能那麼樣地美好 。我們小孩子也是一天一天教導成的、長大的,讀書也是一天一天讀的,所以我們學佛法,也要拿出一點時間來,天天研究佛法,來學習佛法。




From last issue:
When Ananda ascended the Dharma-seat to compile the Sutras, the assembly had three kinds of doubts: (1) They thought Ananda was Shakyamuni Buddha come back to life. (2) They thought Ananda was a Buddha from another world.

3. They thought Ananda himself had become a Buddha. The entire assembly was startled and at a loss, but once Ananda said, "Thus I have heard," their three doubts were dispelled. He was in effect stating, "This is the Dharma that I, Ananda, personally heard Shakyamuni Buddha speak."

Even the Arhats had three doubts when they saw Ananda leading the compilation of the Sutras. As we listen to this Sutra, we may have a thousand or even ten thousand doubts! "Is this Sutra true? Did the Buddha really say this? What proof is there?" We start punching the buttons on our internal computer. Actually, it's not a computer; it's just our brain. Our human brain starts plugging away, generating millions of doubts!

So, you see, studying the Buddhadharma is not that easy. Why haven't we had any attainment? Too many doubts, that's why!

A cultivator should take care not to doubt.
Once you doubt, you go astray.

You shouldn't be so skeptical. You refuse to believe the truth, but you accept a false teaching right away. That's why you are utterly deluded. Once you have a doubt, you are sure to take the wrong road. You should study the Dharma morning and night, day after day, in moment after moment and thought after thought. Don't be sloppy and casual.

There are now many laypeople and left-home people at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Whether you are a left-home person or a layperson, if you really want to study Buddhism, you should memorize the Shurangama Sutra. Everyone should master this Sutra, know it inside out. If you can recite the Shurangama Sutra from memory, then your study of Buddhism will have been worth it. The Shurangama Sutra is the Buddha's most genuine and penetrating teaching. It exposes all the shortcomings and weaknesses of the heterodox sects. If you understand the Shurangama Sutra, you will frighten the demons from the heavens and the followers of heterodox sects so much that their hair stands on end. Therefore, if you really want to support the Triple Jewel and propagate Buddhism, then you should start by studying, reciting, and explaining the Shurangama Sutra. That's the very minimum you should do.

Studying Sutras and listening to lectures requires patience. You can't get tired of it. You see how a tree grows day by day, and how plants have to be watered every day so they will bloom and look pretty. When you raise children, you have to teach them every day until they grow up. If you go to school, you have to attend classes every day. And so if you want to learn Buddhism, you should set aside some time each day to study the Dharma.

Studying Buddhism is worth more than any amount of money you save up in the bank! In terms of your Dharma body and wisdom life, the Dharma is far more important than money. Don't take worldly wealth so seriously. When you study the Dharma, you earn a transcendental kind of wealth, which can be used in the world and which is indispensable if you want to transcend the world. So, don't look lightly upon the wealth of Dharma and of merit and virtue. Don't take this casually. It would be best if you could find some time in your busy schedule to come listen to the Sutra lecture and investigate Buddhism every day. "But the lecture is always the same," you say, "Why do I have to listen to it every day?" No matter how busy you are, you still have to eat, dress, and sleep every day, don't you? You ought to consider listening to the Sutra just as important as wearing clothes, eating, and sleeping.  

 ~ To be continued



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