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宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version





這「九情一想,下洞火輪」:洞就是洞穿了。把這個火輪又穿過去了。穿過到什麼地方呢? 「身入風火,二交過地」:這見不單是水和火,這兒還有風了。這風一吹,這火就又更加猛烈了,燒得更厲害。「輕生有間」:那個輕者就生到那個有間地獄。「重生無間」:重者就生到無間地獄。這「二種地獄」。


要是純情,就是情重,沒有想了,即沉。「純情即沈」,沉到什麼地方去呢?沉入「入阿鼻獄」,到這個阿鼻地獄裡去了。「若沈心中」:假設他這個純情要是在這個心裡邊, 「有謗大乘」。他在心裡頭單單用這種的情來用事 。就是他讓謗大乘經典。他說這個大乘佛法都是假的。他完全用他自己這種情來揣測。就是以是為非,以非為是;以黑為白,以白為黑。 就是橫不講道理。你說 「這是白的啊!」他說:「這是黑的嘛!」他一定要和你說一個相反的道理。你說:「不要做不好的事情。」他說:「那怕什麼的呢?」就好像我方才聽說有人說:「什麼事情都沒有關係嘛!」那就是在心裏有這一種情來用事。所以他說什麼都沒有關係。


Sutra text from last issue:
When they have more emotion than thought, they enter the animal realm. With heavier emotion, they become fur-bearing beasts; with lighter emotion, they become winged creatures.

In the realm of ghosts, being in water is like being in fire. As a response to their karma, water naturally turns into fire. The wheel of fire lies beneath the wheel of water. They experience the full force of that terrible blaze in the bodies of hungry ghosts. They are constantly burned to a crisp. They are perpetually burned by fire until they die. But after they die, they will come to life again and once alive, they will be burned to death again. They keep getting born and dying in that place without ever knowing why. Muddled ghosts, muddled ghosts muddling along for how long? What a muddled existence to have to pass their days as ghosts in that realm.

Even water harms them. Water harms hungry ghosts, and they have nothing to eat or drink. People can drink water, but hungry ghosts cannot. They see water as being fire and so they cannot drink it. They also cannot eat. How long does that go on? It continues for hundreds of thousands of eons. That's a long time.

When they have ninety percent emotion and ten percent thought, they fall through the wheel of fire until their bodies enter a region where wind and fire interact. With lighter emotion they are born in the intermittent hell; with heavier emotion they are born in the unintermittent hell.

When they have ninety percent emotion and ten percent thought, they fall through the wheel of fire. They pierce the wheel of fire and where do they end up? Their bodies enter a region where wind and fire interact. In that place, not only is there water and fire, there is also wind. When the wind blows it stirs the fires into raging blazes. With lighter emotion they are born in the intermittent hells. The lighter retribution is to be born in the intermittent hells. With heavier emotion they are born in the unintermittent hell. The heavy retribution is the unintermittent hell. They enter one or the other of these hells.

When they are possessed entirely of emotion, they sink into the Avichi Hell. lf the emotion has gone into their hearts so that they slander the Great Vehicle, defame the Buddha's pure precepts, speak crazy and false dharma, are greedy for offerings from the faithful, recklessly accept the respect of others, commit the five rebellious acts and the ten major offenses, then they are further reborn in Avichi Hells throughout the ten directions.

Total and heavy emotion devoid of reason causes them to sink down. When they are possessed entirely of emotion, they sink. Where do they end up? They sink into the Avichi Hell. Once they are in the Avichi Hell, if the emotion has gone into their hearts and entered their minds, then they slander the Great Vehicle. Their emotional thoughts influence everything they do. They slander the Great Vehicle Sutras saying that Great Vehicle Buddhadharma is spurious. Their speculations are ruled by emotion so that they take what is right as wrong and what is wrong as right. They see black as white and white as black. They are totally unreasonable. You say, "This is white," and they argue, "No, it's black." They are determined to oppose whatever you say. You say, "Don't do bad things," and they retort, "What's there to be afraid of?"

It's like just now I heard a disciple talk about certain person who said, "Nothing matters at all." That is an emotional reaction. He is basing himself in emotion when he says that anything goes.  

 ~ To be continued

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