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The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra With Commentary

【卷四 提婆達多品第十二 】

Roll Four,Chapter Twelve, Devadatta

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version



第二呢,叫盡知法藥,這個法好像治病的藥似的,他知道用什麼法藥去給眾生治什麼毛病。好像眾生貪心很大的,他就用少少的貪心,用多一點的布施心,來給這個人吃。先給一點,好像這個小孩子,他貪心吃糖,你就給他一塊糖,然後就教他啦:你要做一個好孩子,要對父母孝順。好像今天晚間,說這個小孩子他歡喜燒香拜佛。什麼道理呢?就是他 父親母親教他,先或者給他一塊糖,說:你拜拜佛,我給你一塊糖吃。哦,那麼他就拜佛了,這就叫知病予藥。知道這個病,他所貪的就是糖,那麼?你給他一塊糖,然後你叫他幹什麼他就幹什麼了,這是「盡知法藥」。

說法無所畏,知眾生的根,他是什麼根性?他的這個欲望想什麼?他的性是一個善呢?一個惡?也知道他的心地是怎麼樣,知道眾生這個根,欲、性、心。說法無所畏,你知道他了,然後給他說法,這無所畏,就不怕了,一定會度得了他。這也就是什麼呢?「欲令入佛智,先以欲鉤牽」你想要叫他開佛的智慧,就先給他一點甜的東西吃。他沒有學佛法,你就先給他苦的東西吃,他就跑了。好像,他沒有懂佛法,你要罵他一頓 :唉!你這個,真不是個好東西,罵得他跑了。 那麼,他要知道佛法了,你罵他一頓,打他一頓 ;打他一頓,他也不跑了。說你拿把刀殺了他,他說:這是我為法犧牲,這是最有價值的,這不 跑的。這就是知眾生的根、欲、性、心來說法。說法無所畏,這是菩薩所行的道。

第三,叫問答無所畏。說法無所畏,你來問來了,問什麼都可以的,問答說法無所畏這第三。 第四,是什麼呢?能解眾疑。說法無所畏,能解眾疑,就是眾生所懷疑的問題,他都能給解答了。你懷疑什麼,只怕你不來問,你要來問的話,都可以解答。有一個人就說:「我有一個問題請問法師,為什麼你不解答我?」我不解答,正是解答你。

這個「四攝法」,就是四種攝受眾生的方法。 第一,就是布施攝;第二,就是愛語攝;第三, 就是利行攝;第四就是同事攝。用這四種法來攝受眾生,也就是方才講的,眾生貪心很大的,你要一開始就叫他布施,他絕對不做的:「哈!我 啊?」殺了他,他也不做。為什麼呢?他就貪心嘛,你叫他,「你捨出來五萬塊錢。」那把他嚇死了,嚇一嚇都嚇死他了。你要怎麼樣子呢 ?你先布施給他一點,說:「那這是不是有用意 的?」這是為度他,為教化他,布施給他一點,叫他得到一點少少的甜頭。然後,你再來用權巧方便的法來度他。以後他也做了布施,這布施攝眾生。


From last issue:
It was because of Devadatta that the Buddha perfected the Six Paramitas, .. the Ten Powers, the Four Fearlessnesses, the Four Dharmas of Attraction,…

I have asked about the Ten Powers, and if anyone knows them, they can explain them for everyone. Then there are the Four Fearlessnesses. Whoever knows what they are can also speak them for me. Don't wait for me to call your name. No one knows? The Buddha speaks the Dharma like a lion roaring, without fear. There are Four Fearlessnesses of the Buddha, and also Four Fearlessnesses of the Bodhisattva. They are:

1. Their memories are unfailing, and so they speak Dharma without fear. They know the marks of all Dharmas and never forget them. Because they remember a lot of principles, everything they say makes a lot of sense. No matter what they say, there is principle to it. Even something that doesn't make sense, when they explain it, makes sense. This is the the first kind of fearlessness.

2. They completely know the medicine of Dharma, and so they speak Dharma without fear The Dharma is like medicine. They know which Dharma to use to cure each "illness" of living beings. One living being may have a lot of greed, so they might give him a small dose of greed and a large dose of giving. This might be like giving a child a piece of candy and then saying, "You be a good child. Be filial to your parents." For example, one of the children here likes to light incense and bow to the Buddhas. Why? Because his parents taught him to; they would give him a piece of candy and tell him, "If you bow to the Buddha, you can have a piece of candy to eat." That's called "prescribing medicine according to the illness." Knowing the child is greedy for candy, you give him some, and then he'll do whatever you ask him to do. This is "completely knowing the medicine of Dharma."

Knowing the faculties, dispositions, desires, and thoughts of living beings, whether their natures are good or evil, and the quality of their mind-grounds, one is able to speak the Dharma for them without fear, knowing that one will certainly be able to save them.

If you want to lead them to the Buddha's wisdom,
You must first bait the hook with something they like.

You must give them something sweet first. If they haven't studied the Buddhadhanna, and right away you give them something bitter, they will run off. Say they don't know anything about Buddhism, but you start scolding them right off saying, "You're terrible!" and so on. If you do that, they will run away. Once they understand the Dharma, even if you hit them or scold them, they still won't run away. Even if you take a knife and try to kill them, they will think, "It's the greatest honor to give up one's life for the Dharma," and they will not run away. It's all a matter of knowing the dispositions, desires, natures, and thoughts of living beings, and speaking the Dharma for them without fear. This is the path that Bodhisattvas walk.

3. When confronted with difficult questions, they speak the Dharma without fear. This means they can answer any questions put to them.

4. Endowed with the ability to resolve doubts, they speak the Dharma without fear. No matter what doubts living beings have, they can resolve them. If you ask them about something you don't understand, they can explain it for you. Someone says, "I have a question. Dharma Master, why don't you answer me?" My not answering you is already an answer.

The Four Dharmas of Attraction are four methods for drawing living beings in. They are (1) giving, (2) kind words, (3) beneficial conduct, and (4) cooperation. As mentioned before, living beings are very greedy. If you tell them to give right away, they won't do it. "Who--me?" Even if you threaten to kill them, they won't give. Why? Because they're greedy. If you say, "Donate five hundred thousand dollars," you'll scare them to death. So first of all you give them something.

"But isn't that rather calculating?" you ask.  

Perhaps, but it's for the purpose of saving that person. First you give him something so that he gets a little benefit, and then you find a clever way to cross him over. Then he will also be able to practice giving. So this is using giving to attract living beings.  

 ~ To be continued



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