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Elephant Tusk

孫果秀/文 by Jennifer Lin


懷德不屑地淡淡道:「那麼你去當吧!我可沒那個興趣去爭什麼名利和地位。我寧可遠離那些庸俗的象群,自己躲到深山裏頭,高興散步就散步,累了在樹下露宿,餓了吃些果子,渴了喝些山泉,自由自在地。我是與世無爭的,清高的白象,才不和那些蠢象混在一起呢! 」說完轉身便向深山而去。

陽光透過林梢照在牠身上,襯得牠更孤高與潔白;有些小灰象忍不住讚嘆:「牠好自好美啊! 」葛雷生氣地衝著那些小灰象,抖直了牠的長鼻子說:「哼!盡滅自己威風,長他人志氣!瞧我灰是灰,一對牙可比牠長又利! 」說完,牠捲起長鼻,又朝天空抖直,吹喇叭似地發出召集令,附近的大小象都圍攏過來。

照例葛雷又儼然似領袖地帶著大伙玩鬧,當然也不忘賣弄牠的長牙,全然沒察覺到潛伏的危機。虎視耽耽的獵象人早已各處佈下陷阱,只等著捕捉那些離群的象。葛雷又一次提出當王的想法,大部分的象都附從,只有幾頭看不慣牠愛出風頭的象說:「論漂亮的長牙 ,誰也及不上懷德的牙白!」葛雷的致命傷就在一個牙不夠白,聞言十分震怒:「光白有什麼用!牠的牙可沒我的長! 」「可是牠白!你知道咱們象牙是愈白愈珍貴的!」葛雷更生氣了:「什麼珍貴?那是人類的價值觀!你要讓人類以為珍貴,你早就沒牙了!懂不懂?笨象!」象群們騷動起來,葛雷皆牙裂嘴地嘲笑牠們:「象牙是我們最重要的武器,不是給人類做裝飾品的,比自有什麼用!看我的牙多長多利啊! 」賣弄一番之後,牠也轉身獨自走了,終於落入了獵象人的陷阱。

在被送往馴象所的途中,籠子內的葛雷意外地看見了另一只大籠子內的懷德。葛雷憤怒地踢撞著籠子,但是懷德只是靜靜地趴在那兒,悲哀地凝視著車窗外倒退的風景。到了馴象所,葛雷幾度踢翻木柵想逃走,結果反被緊緊地用鐵鍊扣住手腳,就在牠咆睜翻滾的當兒,馴象人牽來了一頭早被馴服的母象,葛雷慢慢地安定下來,接著是一盤盤的美食送到面前,牠的臥處也舖上了又香又軟的草。葛雷忍不住飢餓,終於大口大口地食起那些佳肴;吃飽後,才感覺真是精疲力竭了,在母象勸誘下,牠終於在香草窩上安眠了。就這樣,在母象、美食、香窩的引誘,及馴象師鞭子的威脅之下,幾天後,葛雷終 於俯首點耳,受馴象人的指揮了。而有著美麗長牙、遺世獨立的白象懷德,卻因悲哀過度而病倒。牠既不接受母象的勸誘,也不吃東西,終至 奄奄一息。馴象人找來了象牙批發商,談妥價錢 ,就把牠美麗潔白的象牙拔下虛弱的懷德就此傷痛而死。那曾經想領袖象群的葛雷,則被轉賣到馬戲團,每日穿戴著小丑的衣帽,為人所趨使。


四﹒貪名好利與厭世棄俗皆落兩端,不思善不 思惡,方是中道了義。

The gray elephant, Gray, told his brother, White, the white elephant: "We should have a leader in our herd. You and I are the best, your tusks are the whitest and mine are the sharpest. If you do not participate in the campaign, I will be the king for sure. Once I become the king, I will not have to search for food and furthermore, I will have a comfortable and pleasant home to live in. White replied depreciatorily, "In that case, you go ahead! I have no interest in fighting for fame and position. I would rather go far away from the vulgar herd of elephants and hide deep in the mountain by myself. I can go for a walk as I like, sleep under a tree when I am tired, eat some fruit when I feel hungry, and drink some spring water when I feel thirsty, and also enjoy comfort and ease. A morally pure and superior white elephant will not stay with those stupid elephants. I am in harmony with the rest of the world!" After the conversation, White turned around and marched toward the mountains. The sunshine penetrated the trees and shone on his body enhancing his solitary purity; some little gray elephants could not help but sing praises for his whiteness and beauty. Gray straightened his long trunk and angrily looked at those little gray elephants and said: "Humph' You little elephants only know to fawn upon others! See even though I am gray in color, I have a pair of tusks that are longer and sharper than his!" With that, he rolled up his long trunk, pointed it upwards, and made a trumpeting sound beckoning all the nearby elephants to gather together. As usual, Gray led the whole group in play and, of course, he did not forget to flaunt his long tusks. He did not notice the potential danger lurking all around. A greedy hunter had already placed traps everywhere waiting to catch those elephants who left or stayed behind the herd. Gray again mentioned the idea of becoming the king. Most of the elephants agreed with him, but a few elephants who could not tolerate his arrogance said, "If we're talking about beautiful tusks, no one can compete with White's white tusks!" Gray's biggest weak point was that his tusks were not white enough. When he heard this, he angrily retorted, "Whiteness makes no difference! My tusks are much longer than White's!"

"But White has white tusks. As you know, the value of the tusk depends upon whiteness!" Gray was even more enraged and said, " What do you mean by valuable? That's the human view of value! If humans think you are valuable, you will not have any tusks! Understand? Stupid elephants!" There were disturbances in the herd. Gray opened his mouth widely and laughed at them, "Tusks are our important weapon, not a decoration for humans. There's no point in competing on whiteness! See how long and sharp my tusks are!” After flaunting himself, Gray walked away too and was finally caught in the hunter's trap.

On his way to the elephant taming center, inside the cage, Gray suddenly saw White who was in another cage. Gary was kicking his cage angrily, but White was just lying in the cage quietly and gazing sadly into the distance through the bars. When the truck arrived at the taming center, Gray kicked at the bars several times until people shackled his legs with iron chains. As he was shouting and rolling about, the tamer led in a female elephant. Then Gray slowly began to calm down. The next thing that happened was that many delicious food dishes were put in front of him. The sleeping area was lined with soft and sweet-smelling grass. Unable to bear his hunger any longer, Gary finally ate that delicious food bite after bite. After the meal, he really felt exhausted and, under with female elephant's charms, he fell asleep on the soft and sweet-smelling grass. With the charms of the female elephant, the delicious food, the sweet-smelling grass and the whip of the tamer, a few days later, Gray finally submitted and came under control of the tamer. The white elephant, White, who had beautiful long tusks and lived in isolation from the rest of the world, became very ill due to sadness. He was not receptive to the charms of the female elephant, nor did he eat any food. When he was on the point of dying, one day the tamer came with the tusk wholesaler, negotiated the price, and cut off White's beautiful white tusks. White then became weaker and weaker and finally died due to his sadness and sickness. Gray, who once aspired to become king of the elephant herd, was sold to the circus troupe, where he was dressed as a clown and did whatever people desired.

1. To follow the crowd gains boundless merits and virtues, to leave the crowd often invites danger.
2. "There is no guilt in being a common person; the precious stone lands its innocent possessor in jail" Even if one is in harmony with the rest of world and seeks nothing from the world, very often he gets into trouble because of the talent which he rely upon all the time. It is better to blend in with the crowd.
3. People who like to compete, to search for prestige, often become angry due to their greed. Because of their anger, they often do stupid things and finally are exploited by other people.
4. Those who are greedy for fame and profit and those who wish to renounce the world fall into two extremes. When there is no thought of good or evil, one discovers the ultimate truth of the Middle Way.


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