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文‧陳由斌 by Yo-Bin Chen

這是我所知道,有師父因為徒弟不孝而痛打自己的例子,真令人震撼及心痛難過。上人對實踐「他非即我非,同體名大悲」的精神,在此一覽無遺,就如《華嚴經﹒二十五品》所說的: 「我當普為一切眾生備受諸苦,令其得出無量生死大壑。我當普為一切眾生,於一切世界,一切惡趣中,盡未來劫受一切苦......我寧獨受如是眾生苦,不令眾生墮於地獄。當彼於地獄、畜生、閻羅王等險難之處,以身為質,救贖一切惡道眾生,令得解脫。」

記得以前李炳南老居士還在世的時候,有次弟子請長鞭一條,請恩師鞭策調教,結果老師拿起鞭子道: 「大家請起,學生學不 會是為師之過,這條鞭子,我拿回去鞭打自己。」同樣也令人動容不已。孔子在〈論語〉中也說「躬自厚,而薄責於人,則遠怨矣。」(衛靈公十五)。商湯王在祭告天地時也說:「朕躬有罪,無以萬方(指百姓),萬方有罪,罪在朕躬。」(堯 日二十)這些聖人的言行教誨都是一樣的。唯有以身作則,降服自己,才能感動別人。此外上人亦有一詩曰:



甚至上人在美國還常向徒弟來叩頭,徒弟若不聽話,上人就向他叩個頭,徒弟就聽話了。如早期在美國,有天晚上,上人在聖城妙語堂講經時,沒有一個出家人願意上台講。等講經結束後,從妙語堂回佛殿峙,上人是跪著看大眾出門的。他嚴厲責備自己,行無言之教。這真是「太空 "時代」的修行,居然有師父向徒弟叩頭的事,更證明了上人已達「無我」的精神。此外上人對請來聖城講經的法師都是親自領眾跪著聽的,絕不是像外人說的上人有股傲氣。且上人在年輕時,從十二歲開始就跟所有的一切眾生來叩頭(並非叩佛) ,每天向天、地、父母、師長、蚊蟲、螞蟻......等來叩頭,一天叩一千六百七十拜,這絕非常人所為的。

而現在有些學佛者,每天只會向外面的佛來叩頭,而不會向自己心中的佛來叩頭 ,更不會向父母及一切眾生認錯,這是不圓滿的。我們應該學學天天向父母及一切眾生來叩頭問訊,要不斷地「反求諸己,迴光反照,反聞自性」,要「見賢思齊,見不賢內自省也。」


佛法的最終目地就是要了脫生死,而了脫生死的方法很多,不過有一件必須要知道的事。古德去:「愛不斷不生極樂,罪不重不生娑婆」,不斷除情欲的話,是不可能了生死的。〈楞嚴經〉上云:「淫心不除,塵不可出」及「若諸世界,六道眾生,其心不淫 ,則不隨其生死相續」。《圓覺經》上說:「當知輪迴,愛為根本,由有諸欲,助發愛性,是故能令生死相續」。《無量壽經》「惑盡見佛第四十一品」中云:「復有眾生,雖種善根,作大福田。取相分別,情執深重 。求出輪迴,終不能得。」這是說我們雖然念佛,作大福田,如果情執深重,還是不能出生死輪迴的。又《無量壽經鈔》曰「夫淫欲者,流轉生死之根源矣,遠離解脫之因緣 也。」

可見千經萬論所指, 「淫慾」為生死的根 本。而宣公上人一生提倡教育,認為君子乃來自於夫婦,而夫婦之道乃來自於彼此的忠貞,守不邪淫戒。這就要從幼小的兒童開始教育,宣導正確的性知識,男女不濫交,這是非常急迫而且嚴重的問題。因為世界上一切的怪病及災難,都是從「殺生」和「貪慾」(男女)來的。雖然很多人不喜歡聽這個 ,討厭談這個問題,而上人卻說:「你最反 對的,我最喜歡講,我們兩人正是有生意做哩!」

上人一生提倡不邪淫、不淫慾,一直到他老人家圓寂前一年,仍不斷的重呼:「萬惡淫為首,死路不可走」「人生於色,死於色,如此而己」。「男孩子要到二十五歲以後才找對象;女孩子要到二十歲以後才可以找對象」所以上人說萬佛城是很古老的,仍然 採「男女分校」的制度,就是要我們每個人都能守規矩,不邪淫、不墮胎、不吃避孕葯 。因為這個「色慾」是使這個世界變壞的最重要因素。上人說:「人為財死嗎?不是的。這個『財』後面有『色』在推動著,人其 實是為『色』而死。『人為財死』有語病的 ,中國人不願意揭穿它。明知不對但不講,掩耳盜鈴。所謂『良藥苦口利於病;忠言逆耳利於行』我不忍大家傳染『愛死病』,故不能不說」。「倘若你不能斷慾去愛,你就是出家了八萬個大劫,也只是在佛教裡混光陰,吃造業飯。」

現在報紙每天都是些殺盜淫妄的犯罪案件 ,尤其「殺」跟「淫」,更是氾濫,上人又說:「在因果律上,犯邪淫者最嚴重,其懲罰尤為凌厲。根據因果律,一個人生前曾邪淫多少次,死後就會有把大鋸子,把人從頭頂鋸到腳尖多少次,生前曾結婚一百次,死後便分開一百次。」在《印光大師文鈔》中對「邪淫」的事,大師更有嚴厲的說詞:「 行邪淫者,是以人身行畜生事,報終命盡,先墮地獄道,後生畜生道中,千萬億劫,不能出離,一切眾生從淫慾生,所以此戒難持易犯。」

「至於邪淫一事,無廉無恥,極穢極惡,乃以人身,行畜生事,現生已成畜生,來生便做畜生......邪淫之人,必生不貞潔之兒女.....或手淫以戕身命,此人能不邪淫,亦當墮大地獄,從地獄出,或作母豬母狗,若生人中,當作娼妓。...... 」

有人也許會懷疑祖師的開示有「言過其實」或「矯枉過正」的嫌疑,其實不然,正因為末法眾生己造惡到非以「過正」不足以「矯枉」的地步。君不見〈孟子﹒勝文公下篇〉載:「世衰道微,邪說暴行有作,臣弒其君者有之,子弒其父者有之,孔子懼,作春秋。」可見在春秋戰國時,人心已很混亂了 ,何況現在未法呢?祖師的開示必有他特別用意的地方,我們不必加以懷疑或揣測,這也是老子「正言若反」的哲學。



As far as I know, there has never been a teacher who beat himself because his disciples were not filial. It really leaves a person profoundly grieved and pained at heart. The Venerable Master's practical application of the principle: "Others' mistakes I take as my own; to be one with everyone is called Great Compassion" can be perceived at a glance. It is just as described in the Twenty-fifth Chapter of the Flower Adornment Sutra.

I should, for the sake of living beings, universally undergo all their sufferings on their behalf so that they will be able to quickly escape the deep abyss of endless births and deaths. I should, for the sake of living beings in all worlds and in all evil destinies, universally undergo all their sufferings on their behalf throughout all time to come... I would rather undergo all beings' sufferings myself than to ever allow beings to fall into the hells. I prefer to stand in for all beings who are in the dangerous and difficult situations of being in the hells, among the animals, or among the asura kings so that I can rescue and ransom all beings in the evil paths, enabling them to escape and attain liberation.

I remember when Elder Layman Li Bingnan was still alive, one time a disciple presented a long whip and asked his teacher to beat him with it. Instead the Elder took the whip from the disciple saying: 'Will everyone please rise. When the students fail to learn, it is the teacher's fault. I will take this whip away with me and beat myself with it." That, too, caused people to be profoundly moved. In the Analects, Confucius said, "Chastise yourself more and blame others less. In that way you will avoid resentment." (Venerable Weiling, Chapter Fifteen). King Tang of the Shang said as he made sacrifices to Heaven, "Please do punish the people for my mistakes; and if the people err, the offense is mine." (Xiaoyue, Chapter Twenty) The words and actions of these sages are similar. They all act as models, subduing themselves; only in that way are they able to influence others. The Venerable Master has another verse:

Vast, proper energy fills heaven and earth.
Transform what is great and learn from the sages and worthies.
When you fail in your endeavors, seek within yourself.
Turn the light around and shine within; don't exploit conditions.
Act like an old fool; don't be clever.
Diligently sweep the dust from your mind; get rid of craftiness
If you can constantly spur yourself on in this way,
It won't belong before the Buddhadharma fills the universe.

Finally, let's discuss the Master's philosophy of kowtowing. The Master once remarked that the secret to his life's cultivation was bowing to others and taking losses. The Master often would say to his new disciples in refuge, "As my refuge disciples, you must learn to be patient and not to contend. If people beat you, you should bow to them. If they scold you, you should bow to them. Always be willing to take a loss." "If people scold me, you ought to bow to them. No matter who slanders me, you shouldn't defend me."

The Master frequently bowed to his own disciples in America. If his disciples were disobedient, he would kowtow to them, and then they would behave. In his early years in the United States, one night when the Master was giving a lecture at Wonderful Words Hall in the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, not a single left-home person was willing to go up on stage to speak. After the lecture was over and the assembly was filing out of Wonderful Words Hall and returning to the Buddha Hall, the Master knelt by the door and watched everyone walk out. He was reproaching himself and giving a wordless teaching. That's really "Space Age cultivation," where the teacher bows to his disciples. It shows the Master has realized the spirit of nonself. Moreover, the Master often led the assembly by personally kneeling to listen to lectures given by guest Dharma Masters at the Sagely City. He certainly was not haughty, as certain rumors might say. The Master started bowing to all living beings from the time he was twelve (he wasn't bowing to the Buddhas). Every day he bowed to heaven, earth, his parents, teachers, elders, insects, ants, and so forth, making a total of 1,670 bows. This was certainly not something ordinary people could do.

Nowadays Buddhists only know how to bow to the Buddhas outside. They don't bow to the Buddha in their minds, nor do they repent and admit their errors before their parents and all living beings; thus their practice is not perfect. We ought to learn to bow to our parents and all living beings every day . We should constantly "seek within ourselves, reflect upon ourselves, and listen to our own natures." Let us "strive to emulate those who are worthy, and examine ourselves when we see those who are not worthy."

Part Five Birth and Death
The final goal of the Buddhadharma is to help us end birth and death . There are many ways to do this, but there is something we must be aware of. The ancients said, "If you don't cut off love, you can't be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. If you didn't have heavy offenses, you wouldn't be born in the Saha World." If emotions and desires are not severed, it's impossible to end birth and death. The Shurangama Sutra says, "If lust is not cast out, one cannot leave the dust." It also says, "If living beings in the six paths have no lust in their minds, they will not continue in birth and death." The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment says, "One should know that transmigration is based upon love. Due to all kinds of desire, which help to generate love, birth and death are perpetuated." The Sutra of Limitless Life says in Chapter Forty-one, "Ending Delusion and Seeing the Buddha," "If there are living beings who plant wholesome roots and create great blessings, but who cling to marks and discriminations and have deep emotional attachments, they will ultimately fail in their attempts to escape transmigration." The Commentary on the Sutra of Limitless Life says, "Lust is the source of flowing in birth and death and the cause which brings us far away from liberation."

All the Sutras and commentarial literature seem to indicate that lust is the root of birth and death. The Venerable Master promoted education all his life, for he believed that virtuous people come from good marriages, and good marriages come from mutual fidelity and avoidance of adultery. These values must be instilled in children at a young age. We must educate them to have proper relationships and not indulge in promiscuity. This is an extremely critical issue. All the strange diseases and calamities in the world are caused by killing and lust. Although many people may not like to hear about or discuss this topic, the Master said, "Whatever you oppose the most, that's what I like to talk about most. Then the two of us will have business to do!”

All his life the Venerable Master urged people to refrain from sexual misconduct and lust. Even the year that he passed away, he was still cautioning, "Lust is the foremost of all evils; don't walk that road to death"; "People are born from lust and die from lust. That's all there is to it"; "Boys should not look for a girlfriend before they reach twenty-five years of age. Girls should not look for a boyfriend until they are at least twenty." The Master spoke of the old-fashioned ways at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, which has separate schools for boys and girls. This encourages people to behave themselves and to avoid promiscuity, abortions, and contraceptives. Lust is the major cause of degeneration in the world.

The Master said, Do people die for money? No. The desire for wealth is actually driven by lust. People go to their death on account of lust. The proverb that "people die for money" is a misnomer, but the Chinese people aren't willing to expose it. They know it's wrong, but they won't speak about it. They just want to fool themselves. But as it's said, "Good medicine is bitter to the taste, but cures the illness. Honest words are hard on the ear, but can cause people to reform their behavior." I can't bear to see people catch AIDS, so I have to say this." He also said, "If you can't put an end to lust and love, then even if you have left the home-life for 84,000 great eons, you're just wasting time within Buddhism and creating offenses with every meal you take.

Every day the newspapers are filled with reports of murder, robbery and theft, sexual misconduct, and perjury. Homocide and sexual misconduct are especially prevalent. The Master said, "In terms of the law of cause and effect, sexual misconduct is the most serious offense and carries the most severe punishment. According to the law of cause and effect, however many times a person engaged in sexual misconduct in his life, that's how many times he or she will be sawed from head to foot with a giant saw. If the person was married a hundred times, he or she will be divided a hundred times at death." In the Writings of Great Master Yinguang, the Great Master had some stem words to say: "Those who engage in sexual misconduct are using human bodies to engage in the behavior of animals. When their lives come to an end, they will first fall into the hells and then be reborn in the animal realm, where they cannot escape for thousands of billions of eons. Since all living beings are born from lust, this precept is difficult to hold and easy to transgress."

"Those who engage in sexual misconduct have no modesty or shame. They are filthy and vile to the extreme. With human bodies, they act like animals. They have already become animals while still alive, and in their next life they will be born as animals ... Those who engage in sexual misconduct will certainly give birth to children who do not preserve their chastity... Those who ruin their bodies through masturbation-even if they don't engage in sexual misconduct with others-will still fall into the great hells. When they come out of the hells, they may be born as sows or bitches. If born among people, they will become prostitutes... "

Some people may think the Patriarch's words are exaggerations or overcorrections of mistakes, but that is not the case. Living beings in the Dharma-Ending Age have done so much evil that if the corrections were not excessive, they wouldn't be effective. Have you not read "Teng Weng Gong," Part II, of Mencius? It states, "The times were bad and the Way was weak; deviant teachings and violent deeds prevailed. Ministers assassinated their lords, and sons murdered their fathers. Confucius was fearful and wrote the Spring and Autumn Annals." It can be seen that people's hearts were already quite degenerate in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, how much the more in the present Dharma-Ending Age? The Patriarchs spoke that way for a reason; we ought not doubt or speculate about it. As Lao Zi said, "True words seem paradoxical.”

 ~ To be continued




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