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Explained by the Venerable Master Hua in 1972
at Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery,San Francisco,U.S.A.



今天時間也不等我了,也不等你了,也不等他了,我們時間又到了。今天我們講「聲聞眾僧」,「不論女男」:這個證果,女人也可以證果,男人也可以證果,證果就是聲聞,就是阿羅漢。好像鳩摩羅什法師的母親,就是證三果的 聖人。

「四諦觀行」:觀行,就是修行,觀察來修行。觀察修行什麼呢?修行這四諦法一苦、集、滅、道;知苦、斷集、慕滅、修道。要修這 四諦的法門。
「隱實示權」:本來這一些個聲聞;你看他是聲聞,有的是大權示現,是大權教的菩薩來示現這個權教的聲聞,所以這叫隱實。隱,把這實在的功德他都隱起來了。示權,示就是指示;權就是權巧方便。你不要認為他是聲聞,是小乘,你就輕看他,不要這樣子。他這也都是大菩薩再來的;不是完全都是大菩薩,可是其中一定是有的。那這個大乘菩薩,他又現一個小乘的身,來接引這個小乘迴小向大,所以叫隱實示權。這是聲聞 這一個法界。




我們現在都在這個六欲天的四王天裏頭包括著。我們直接所看見的這個天,叫四王天,有四大天王管著。這個天是在須彌山的半山腰上。須彌山有一半是在人間的,在這四王天的上 面還有一半。什麼叫四王天呢?是在須彌山東邊、西邊、南邊、北邊,這四大天王。這四大天王管著我們這個四天一一一四天下,管著東勝神洲、南瞻部洲、西牛賀洲、北俱盧洲。詳細說起來,這是很多的,說不完。


From last issue: The Dharma-realm of Hearers

During the third turning he said,  
This is suffering; you should know it.
This is the cause of suffering; you should eliminate it.
This is the Way; you should cultivate it.
This is the cessation of suffering; you should realize it.

After the Buddha spoke the three turnings of Four Noble Truths, he said to Ajnata-kaundinya, "You are troubled by guest-dust [transient defilements] and have not obtained liberation. When Ajnatakaundinya heard the words "guest-dust," he became enlightened and realized the transience of defiling objects. "The guest is not the host, and the dust is unclean. My self-nature is the host, and it is clean and pure." Ajnatakaundinya is called "one who understands the original limit." He understood the fundamental truth and became the "foremost exponent of emptiness." The Four Noble Truths are infinite and inexhaustible. The Shravaka disciples, / Both men and women. Both women and men can realize the fruition and become Hearers, or Arhats. Dharma Master Kumarajiva's mother, for instance, became a third-stage Arhat.

Hearers contemplate and practice the Four Noble Truths. They cultivate the Four Noble Truths: suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the Way. This involves being aware of suffering, eliminating the cause of suffering, aiming for the cessation of suffering, and cultivating the Way. They cultivate the Dharma-door of the Four Noble Truths.

Concealing the real and displaying the expedient. You see them as Hearers, but in reality they may be great Bodhisattvas of the provisional teaching who appear expediently as such. This is called "concealing the real.” They conceal their real merit and virtue. "Displaying the expedient" means they demonstrate skillful means. You should not write off all Hearers as Small Vehicle cultivators and look down on them. Some may be Great Vehicle Bodhisattvas who appear among those of the Small Vehicle to urge them to turn from the small and go toward the great. This is called "concealing the real and displaying the expedient."

The Dharma-realm of Gods  

Beings of the Six Desire and the Brahma heavens,
Practice the five precepts and the ten good deeds.
Planting seeds with outflows,
They cannot terminate their transmigration.

Beings of the Six Desire and the Brahma heavens. First of all, there are the Six Desire Heavens, which are the Heavens of the Desire Realm. There are heavens in the Desire Realm, the Form Realm, and the Formless Realm-in all of the Three Realms. Our world is considered part of the first of the Six Desire Realm Heavens, called the Heaven of the Four Heavenly Kings. This heaven, directly above us, is governed by the four Heavenly Kings. It is located halfway up Mount Sumeru, which means that half of Mount Sumeru is within the human realm, while the other half is above the Heaven of the Four Heavenly Kings. This heaven, dividing into north, south, east, and west sides of Mount Sumeru, is governed by the four Heavenly Kings, as are the four continents of our world: Purvavideha to the east, Jambudvipa to the south, Aparagodaniya to the west, and Uttarakuru to the north. If we were to go into detail, we would never finish our discussion of this heaven.

 ~ To be continued


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