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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】


Emperor De Zong of the Qing dynasty

by the Venerable Master on February 27th, 1988, at Gold Mountain Sagely Monastery
Translated by the International Translation Institute



慈禧也把光緒皇帝帶走了,因為她怕這些洋人擁護光緒做皇帝,她就沒有了地位。 她跑了,跑到西安去。



志欲革新   謀慮未臻    
用人不當   徒勞苦辛    
奸臣出賣   被囚京津    
有為青年   抱負未伸

可是「謀慮未臻」:他沒有什麼真正有智慧的人來幫助他,所以他考慮得不周全。「用人不當」:他用人都很不恰當的 ,所以「徒勞苦辛」:很費了一翻辛苦,也沒有用。

瀛臺那個地方很多鬼 。


戊戌變法未成功   遺恨終天走西東
陰人伺側尋機會   奸臣賣主求貴榮
鬱鬱難展沖霄志   憂憂易臥平地宮
光緒有道德不備   臨死弗知誰是忠



「奸臣賣主求貴榮」:這個袁世凱是一個奸雄 ,他覺得如果變法成功了,對他沒有什麼利益。他想他告密去,就能得到慈禧的重用,那麼樣子,所以他就去告密去了。


「憂憂易臥平地宮」:他一天到晚都是在憂愁,自己覺得沒有能發展他的抱負。在瀛臺那個地方被囚,一生活著一點也不自由的。 「光緒有道德不備」:他的德行不夠,也像崇禎似地。

「臨死弗知誰是忠」:等他死的時候,他也不知 道哪一個人把他出賣了,哪一個人在他前面是最忠誠的、最忠心的,他不知道。所以這個皇帝也可以說是做一個糊裡糊塗的夢,始終這個夢也沒有醒,就是含恨而沒,抱著恨,他就死了。

At that time although he [Guangxu] was the emperor, Cixi was still at his side, waiting to find fault with him. She still had her old group working for her.
At that time Emperor Guangxu wanted to rectify the government, which included forming a constitution in the manner of a democracy. But the emperor still had to hold onto some of the power. He was also trying to take Cixi's authority away from her. At that time Yuan Shikai went to report to Ronglu (who was Cixi's top official). Ronglu then passed the information on to Cixi. Cixi managed to put Guangxu under house arrest at Yingtai. He had no freedom; all communication to the outside was cut off. Cixi used the Boxer Rebellion to oppose foreigners, and at that time many foreign priests and ministers were killed. This brought about the attack on Beijing by the Eight Nation Alliance. When Beijing was attacked, Cixi escaped.

She took Emperor Guangxu with her because she was afraid the Westerners would support Guangxu and she would lose her position. She fled to Xian.

Li Hongzhang came forth to make peace with and pay a compensation to the Eight Nation Alliance, signing some unfair treaties. Cixi brought this whole thing about.

Although Guangxu had no success, his motives were good. And so,  

A verse in praise says:  

His intent was to modernize,
But he failed to consider the consequences.
The people he employed were not suitable,
And so all his efforts were in vain. The traitor sold him out,
And he was placed under house arrest.
He had been a very promising youth,
But his ambitions were never realized.

His intent was to modernize. His intent was to set up a Reform and modernize the country, but he failed to consider the consequences. He didn't have anyone with true wisdom to help him, so his plans were not complete. The people he employed were not suitable, / And so all his efforts were in vain.

The traitor sold him out, / And he was placed under house arrest. He was confined at Yingtai. There were a lot of ghosts at Yingtai. He had been a very promising youth, / But his ambitions were never realized. He was a young and promising person; what a pity his ambitions were never realized.

Another verse says:
The Reform came to no success.
In unending sorrow he was moved here and there.
The culprit stalked and awaited her chance.
The crafty official sold out his lord, hoping for favors.
He fretted over not being able to bring about Reform.
And grieved in idleness in his island prison.
Guangxu had virtue, but it was not complete.
Right up to his death, he did not know who was loyal.

The Reform came to no success. His attempt at reform failed. In unending sorrow he was moved here and there. Later Cixi took her with him when she fled to Xian. Although the Emperor was young, he wasn't as capable as that old lady. The culprit stalked and awaited her chance. He was accompanied by a vicious woman who awaited her chance to ruin him. That's why his Reform did not succeed.

The crafty official sold out his lord, hoping for favors. Yuan Shikai was a traitor. He felt that if the Reform succeeded, it would not be favorable for him, but if he gave away the plan, Cixi would regard him highly. So he went to let the secret out.

He fretted over not being able to bring about Reform. Guangxu must have had a melancholic air, for he was never able to realize his lofty ambition.

And grieved in idleness in his island prison. He fretted all day long, feeling there was no way to realize his ambition. Imprisoned at Yingtai, he had no real freedom in his life.

Guangxu had virtue, but it was not complete. Like Chongzhen, he did not have enough virtuous conduct.

Right up to his death, he did not know who was loyal. When he died, he didn't know who had betrayed him and who was most loyal to him. You could say this emperor was having a muddled dream from which he never woke up. He died with hatred in his heart.  


世事無常莫執著 夢幻三昧且逍遙
遊戲神通隨變化 靜觀萬物自榮凋
The affairs of the world are impermanent;
Don't be attached to them.
In dreamlike samadhi, one is free and at ease.
Roaming playfully with spiritual powers,
One accords with changes and transformations,
In stillness, contemplate all things:
How their glory fades by itself.
                                         by Venerable Master Hua


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