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宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute


飛禽飛到天上,那個飛禽,你看那個雀鳥,為什麼身上花花綠綠的,很多的花斑,很多很好看的,那就因為做人的時候,喜歡穿花衣服。一穿上花衣服覺得很美麗的,哦!這特別好看。就這麼一天到晚左看自己的花衣服,右看自己的花衣服。情也多,又有一點想,就墮落成飛禽了。那個飛禽,你看,長得真美麗,那個羽毛非常好看。這就是好穿花衣服 ,要是變成飛鳥呢,那個鳥毛也花花綠綠的,很好看的。這所以輕為羽族。羽族就是有翅膀的,有羽毛又會飛的東西。為什麼牠變成畜生又會飛呢?也因為牠這個情沒有那麼重;有情又有想,所以就變成畜生裡頭的飛禽。
七情三想。沈下水輪。生於火際。受氣猛火。身為餓鬼。常被焚燒。水能害己。無食無飲。 經百千劫。



天上的人,他看水就是琉璃。那個魚鱉蝦蟹,水裡的東西,看見水是牠的宮殿,牠的房子 ,牠就在那個地方住著。魚、看不見水的,牠雖然在水裡游來游去,牠看不見水的。人在風中不知有風,我們人在風裡邊生存著,要沒有空氣,人就都會死了。我們人雖然說吃東西生存 ,但是也需要新鮮空氣才能生存的。可是我們能看見空氣嗎?看不見的。我們人在這空氣裡邊看不見空氣;那個魚在水裡,也看不見水,魚看見水就是牠住的房子,牠的宮殿,牠的陸地。我們人看見水是水,那個鬼,他看見水就是火。那為什麼我們看見它不是火呢?你要想問為什麼?你去做鬼試一試,你就知道為什麼了。


Sutra text from last issue: When they have more emotion than thought, they enter the animal realm. With heavier emotion, they become fur-bearing beasts; with lighter emotion, they become winged creatures.

Winged creatures fly in the sky. Why do we see those little birds as so colorful, with their feathers creating many different beautiful patterns? It's because when they were people they liked to wear colorful clothes. They would get all dressed up and admire themselves, thinking how fine they looked. "Ah! How exquisite!" All day long they checked out their clothing, noting how nice they looked. Besides that, they had a lot of emotion and very little reason. That's how they eventually fell and became winged creatures. Our feathered friends are really good-looking. They must have really dressed fine when they were human beings. Those with lighter emotion become winged creatures. Their wings enable them to fly. The reason they are animals and yet can fly is because their emotion was somewhat lighter. Besides emotion, they still possessed some reason, and so within the animal realm, they are winged creatures.

When they have seventy percent emotion and thirty percent thought, they fall beneath they wheel of water and are born in the regions of fire, where they experience the full force of that terrible blaze. In the bodies of hungry ghosts, they are constantly burned to a crisp, Even water harms them, and they have nothing to eat or drink for hundreds of thousands of eons.

Above, equal parts of emotion and reason were discussed, and then six parts emotion and four parts reason, which leads to rebirth as an animal. With six parts reason and four parts emotion, one ascends; but now with seventy percent emotion and thirty percent thought, that is seven parts emotion and three parts reason, they fall beneath the wheel of water, and are born in the regions of fire. Beneath the wheel of water is fire. Volcanoes are the fire beneath the water. That fire heats the water to the point that the rocks of the mountain melt. At that point there is a volcanic eruption. Born in the regions of fire, beneath the water, they experience the full force of that terrible blaze. The fire beneath the water heats the water so that the area above the water also becomes hot. It is all like a terrible blaze.

Born in the bodies of hungry ghosts: At that time, they become hungry ghosts. At that point it will be impossible for you to be a bird or beast even if you want to. You will have no choice but to become a hungry ghost. There are hundreds of thousands of types of hungry ghosts. The most difficult to bear is having a throat like a needle. The throat passage is so small it is impossible to swallow anything and so one has no way to eat or even drink. But one's belly is as big as a huge drum. One's throat is like a needle and a belly like a drum. For hundreds of thousands of eons, they cannot drink a single drop of water. Why is that? It is because when they see water, because of their karma, it turns into fire.

Those in the heavens see water as being lapis lazuli. Fish, shrimp, and crabs live in water and so they perceive water as their palace, their home, their place of residence. Although fish swim in water, they do not perceive the water. People live in air, but they do not perceive the air. If we people don't have air to breath, we will die. Although it's said that people must eat to live, still, they must also have fresh air in order to survive. But do we see that air? No, we don't. We live in space but do not see space itself. Fish live in water but do not see the water itself. Fish see water as home; people see water as water. Ghosts see water as fire. Why don't we see water as fire? You want to know why? Well, try being a ghost and then you will know why.  

~ To be continued



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