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The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra With Commentary

【卷四 提婆達多品第十二 】

Roll Four, Chapter Twelve,Devadatta

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute








這在大乘菩薩裡有這十種的波羅密。 我們現在講六波羅密、四無量心,在這四無量心裡頭就包括這十波羅密了。所以要是細講起來真是無量無量的。那個道理無窮無盡的。大概的意思說那麼多。

「三十二相」:這是三十二大人之相。所謂大人之相,也就是大丈夫之相。這三十二大丈夫相 ,要是修這個戒而得到三十二相,這是三藏教的 意思。





From last issue:
Before the Buddha became a Buddha, he practiced the Four Limitless Minds in order to accomplish Buddhahood.

To be kind means to be kind to others, and to bestow happiness upon them. It doesn't mean that others are supposed to make you happy! To be compassionate means to relieve others of suffering, not to get rid of your own suffering. This is something we should all be clear about. To be joyful means to make others joyful, not yourself. To give means to fulfill others' wishes, not to tell others to give to you to fulfill your own wishes. Joy doesn't mean making yourself joyful and not caring whether or not others are joyful .. Shakyamuni Buddha gave up his life thousands of times - renouncing what others cannot renounce. In teaching and transforming living beings he made them all happy and got rid of their sufferings. Whatever made living beings happy, that's what he would give them. This is what Shakyamuni Buddha did as his practice for many lives and many eons.

The seventh is the Paramita of Expedient Means. This is to turn the affairs of the world into the Buddha's work. Everything one does is an expedient method, and all the Dharma one speaks is expedient Dharma. Expedients are temporary measures, not long-term devices. Anything that is used for an occasion is called an expedient. For certain beings, certain expedient Dharma-doors are applied. That describes the Paramita of Expedient Means. 

The eighth is the Paramita of Vows. This refers to making vows to teach and transforming beings, or vows to save all beings.

The ninth is the Paramita of Strength. If we have strength, or power, then we can reach paramita.

The tenth is the Paramita of Wisdom. This refers to provisional expedient wisdom that is used to teach and transform beings. Great Vehicle Bodhisattvas work on these Ten Paramitas.

We are now explaining the Six Paramitas and the Four Limitless Minds. Included in the Four Limitless Minds are the Ten Paramitas. A detailed discussion would be endless since the principles are boundless, but for now we will explain this much.

The Thirty-two Marks. These are the thirty-two marks of a great person, a great hero. According to the Store Teaching, the thirty-two marks of a great hero come from cultivating precepts. According to the Penetrating Teaching, the thirty-two marks come from cultivating giving and patience. According to the Separate Teaching, cultivating the emptiness of dharmas brings one thirty-two marks. According to the Perfect Teaching, receiving a prediction brings the thirty-two marks. In lecturing Sutras, one classifies the teaching according to the Store, Penetrating, Separate, and Perfect doctrines. The thirty-two marks are acquired through past cultivation of blessings. There are also eighty fine characteristics, which if you wish to know in detail, you can look up in a Buddhist dictionary or a book called Dharmas that from the Teachings. The Buddhas' Perfect Reward Bodv has thirty-two marks and eighty subsidiary characteristics.

Coloring of burnished purple-gold. Purple-golden is the finest hue of gold. The Ten Powers. I believe there are those who remember what the Ten Powers are. If anyone does, please explain them in English. After this, no matter what topic is brought up. you should respond quickly with an answer. Don't be afraid that if you speak up, you will appear to be Number One and will be considered a show off, and because of that, you just keep quiet even though you know. I'm very clear about this. I know that often people know the answer very well but even though I ask the question, no one answers. This happens on the one hand because those people are afraid of looking like Number One, and on the other hand because they are waiting to see if someone else wants to explain it. Now we are practicing the giving of Dharma, and so whoever knows should speak up and practice the act of giving. Don't be stingy with the Dharma, because that brings the retribution of being stupid in the future.  

~ To be continued



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