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The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra With Commentary

【卷四 提婆達多品第十二 】

Roll 4, Chapter 12, Devadatta

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version








Sutra text from last issue:
It is because of my good and wise advisor, Devadatta, that I have perfected the Six Paramitas... All this came about because of my good and wise advisor, Devadatta.

Four Reasons for Cultivating the Paramita of Patience

1. We can eliminate impatience. If you cultivate patience, you can destroy impatience. If you cultivate the Paramita of Patience, your inability to be patient will vanish, and you'll be able to bear things.

2. We can adorn Bodhi and gather in living beings. All of the Six Paramitas have this as the second causal condition.

3. We can enable ourselves and others to be free from fear. When you cultivate patience, you cause others not to be afraid, and you yourself will not be frightened either.

4. In future lives we will not be hateful. If you cultivate patience in this life, then your next life you won't have a big temper. Why do you have such a big temper now? It's because you didn't cultivate patience in the past. If you cultivate patience, your household will be peaceful and your family members will not become separated from one another. Because of the merit and virtue you have gained through the cultivation of patience, you won't undergo suffering and hardship. In the future, you will obtain the bliss of Nirvana.

Four Reasons for Cultivating Vigor

1. We can destroy laziness. If you are vigorous, you won't be lazy. Your laziness will be destroyed. If you aren't vigorous, your laziness will overcome you.
2. We can adorn Bodhi and gather in living beings.
3. We can increase in good dharmas. That is, our self-benefit will grow, and by not bothering other people, not giving others trouble or affliction, we will benefit others as well.
4. With great strength we will realize the fruit of Bodhi.

Four Reasons for Cultivating the Paramita of Dhyana
Dhyana means "thought cultivation" or "stilling thought."

1. We can destroy our confusion.The skill of Dhyana samadhi can destroy your scatteredness.
2. We can adorn Bodhi and gather in living beings.
3. We will be peaceful in body and mind. That is self-benefit, and you won't bother other living beings; that's benefiting others.
4. In your state of purity, you will securely gain Nirvana.

Four Reasons for Cultivating Prajna

1. We will destroy our ignorance. Ignorance means "stupidity, so we can destroy stupidity.
2. We can adorn Bodhi and gather in living beings.
3. With wisdom, we can make ourselves happy. Once you have wisdom, you feel very happy--that's self-benefit. As to benefiting others, if you have wisdom you can teach and transform living beings.
4. If we have wisdom, we can overcome the "obstacle of the known" and obtain true Prajna wisdom.

The Buddha says he perfected the Six Paramitas, and also kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and giving--the Four Limitless Minds. With "kindness" one can bestow happiness upon living beings. With "compassion" one can relieve them of their suffering. "Sympathetic joy" is what enables you to take delight in causing living beings to be happy. "Giving" means renouncing those things other people cannot give away. The unlimited mind of kindness, the unlimited mind of compassion, the unlimited mind of sympathetic joy, and the unlimited mind of giving: They said to be unlimited because there is no end to them. They are like flowing water--you can take and use as much as you want, but it never runs out. The Four Unlimited Minds are also inexhaustible like this. The Buddha attained his Buddhahood by means of the Four Unlimited Minds. When you become a Buddha, your scope is unlimited in these four ways. Before you become a Buddha, you use these Four Unlimited Minds to become one. After becoming a Buddha, you use them to teach and transform living beings. They are limitless in the past, limitless in the present, and limitless in the future. They include the three periods of time. They are used to cultivate the Path to Buddhahood, and to teach and transform living beings. Their power is exceedingly great.

To be continued


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