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Bodhi Mirror

Vowing to Learn the Bodhisattva's Kindness that Treats All Beings the Same

編輯室by Editorial staff
文‧比丘尼 恆詠 by Bhikshuni Heng Yung




幾年來隨著身邊人相繼地往生,使我感到人生是何其的短促、苦空無常,正所謂「莫待老來方學道,孤墳盡是少年人。」 現在身為出家人,我希望時時往內心去修行,能嚴持戒律,不辱師教。即使我不能使佛教發揚光大,也願能為佛教盡一點微薄的力量,以報四重恩。


Many things that happen in this world are inconceivable. When I was young it never occurred to me that I would one day be a left-home person. I was someone who respected left-home people, but kept my distance. Privately I considered them to be parasites of society who didn't really contribute anything.

I was born into a poor household and my parents separated twice. Disharmony in the family was the impetus for my search for true principle and planted the seeds for my leaving home later. Once, by chance I had an encounter with Buddhism and went to attend a Theravada meditation session. It change my entire life. From then on I worked very hard to change my bad habits involving greed, hatred, and stupidity and also made the resolve to leave home and cultivate.

I also realized how foolhardy and muddled all my previous pursuits had been! Glory, riches, and honor are gone in the blink of an eye and when the time comes to go, who is going to take responsibility for me? Out of gratitude for the Buddhas’ teachings and with the hope of completing my deeds in the Way, I began regularly to worship the Buddhas, seek repentance and reform, recite the Sutras, bow repentances, eat vegetarian food, and went on to the point I could eat only once a day at noon. While studying at the University, I learned from one of my instructors that The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas was a place to cultivate the Proper Dharma. I have no way to express the happiness I felt. But my mother wanted me to finish my education before I left the home-life.

As the years pass, many of my acquaintances have passed on, leaving me with the deep impression of how short human life is. The suffering, emptiness, and impermanence reminds me of the saying "Do not wait until you are old to study the Way; the lonely graves of people who died young are many indeed!" Now I am a left-home person and I hope at all times my mind is attentive to cultivation, that I will be able to strictly uphold the precepts and vinaya, and that I will not disobey my teacher's  instructions. Then, even if I am not able to cause Buddhism to spread widely, at least I want to put forth my best effort for Buddhism, so I can repay the four kinds of kindness.

I vow in life after life to enter the Way as a virgin youth, to end birth and death, and to perpetuate the wisdom-life of the Buddhas. I vow to propagate the Dharma for the benefit of beings and learn the spirit of the Bodhisattva's kindness that treats all the same. I vow to always practice the Bodhisattva Way. In the face of any kind of situation I will sustain the faith that "never will I lightly renounce the sash which is the unsurpassed field of blessings."


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