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Bodhi Mirror

守得雲開見日出  比丘尼恆品師
Finally the Sun Shines through the Clouds  Bhikshuni Heng Pin Shi







西 方 彌 陀 寶 蓮 花
等 候 眾 生 早 到 家
一 心 持 名 恆 不 退
十 萬 億 土 剎 那 蓮

Although Heng Pin Shi received full ordination as a Bhikshuni, with the Venerable Master as Precept-transmitting Master, during the recent Eighth Transmission of the Three Platforms of Precepts held at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, actually her affinities with the Buddhism and the Venerable Master go clear back to the 1940’s in Manchuria. She took refuge with the Master in her teens; and before the Master left Manchuria, she left the home-life under him.

In fact, Heng Pin Shi was an eye-witness to the Well County flash flood that drowned some fifty to sixty people in a matter of minutes. The Venerable Master was at her family’s home at the time. He had brought with him several very young disciples and when the flood began, the Master instructed them to recite the Great Compassion Mantra. Behind Heng Pin Shi’s family home, the back property was fenced with a loose-lattice bamboo fence—with holes big enough to see through. Inside the fence, where the Master led his disciples in reciting the mantra, the flood waters only rose a matter of inches. But outside the fence, the water rose so high that even people who stood on top of their high brick beds were drowned.

The Master knew that the flood was caused by some strange sea-monster demons who wanted to drown the Master himself, a fact that Heng Pin Shi and her family were probably not aware of at the time. But the power of the Great Compassion Mantra was evident to them all, and Heng Pin Shi’s faith grew deeper and deeper as she followed the Master during those early years.

That faith sustained her through several decades of turmoil and eventually brought her to the Master’s guidance again--with a second opportunity to become his left-home disciple and receive precepts transmitted by him. Now in her seventies, she was encouraged by the Master to be ever-mindful of Amitabha Buddha, and was given the ordained name Heng Pin—“Forever in the Lotus Positions.”

The Master’s verse for a line of the Shurangama Mantra is as if written for his long-time disciple:

In the West is Amitabha on a jeweled lotus,
Waiting for beings to quickly return home.
Single-mindedly hold his name and never, ever retreat.
And you can reach billions of Buddhalands in the space of a thought !


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