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【水鏡回天錄白話解 】


Mengxing Wang

宣化上人講述於一九八八年二月二十六日金山寺 Composed by the Venerable Master Hua on February 26, 1988, at Gold Mountain Monastery
國際譯經學院記錄  Translated by the International Translation Institute

這位是在清朝末年,大約在光緒的時候,他生在吉林長春。這個吉林,記得不是古林,是吉林,那個「吉」字是「士」字,「古」是個「十」字,底下差一橫,所以 這是吉祥的吉,吉林長春的人。
他生來就是好修道,所以他自己覺得人生好像作夢似的,富貴榮華呀,功名利祿呀,父子兄弟妻財眷屬呀,都是在作夢呢。這個夢,什麼時候醒?這是個問題。於是 乎大約他父母死的時候,他就在墳上守孝。

守孝這時候,他不吃熟的東西,就吃生的東西。吃生的東西吃什麼呢?吃這 個生米。吃生米他也不吃多,一天只用他的手在這個米裡頭抓這麼一把,抓多少就吃多少,就這麼多。這一把米,就是他這一天維持生命的一個餱糧。這一把米是不 是他自己買來存的呢?不是。那麼誰給他送去?這一把米,他就吃這一把米;沒有人送呢,他就不吃了。因為這個,大家都知道他只吃一把米,所以天天就有很多人 給他送米去。既然很多人,他就誰先送這一把米,他就吃誰這一把米,後有送來的,他就不吃了。

在這個時候,曹錕當統帶。統帶大概就是好像現在的營長大小那麼樣子。曹 錕當時就常常去拜見這位王孝子,和他談談話。

那麼他在這兒時間一久了,人就都傳說,說他有了道了,又怎麼樣有了功夫 了。這樣子一來,就有很多人想供養這個活神仙呀,活菩薩呀,這個大孝子呀,就到那兒爭先恐後的想要供養他。

供養他呢,他只吃一把米,那麼有的人就認為他一定也要錢呀,於是乎就把 這個銅錢或者紙幣就往他那個地方放。放這個銅錢大概是很多,紙幣也不少,因為人都爭先恐後想要供養這麼一個極少的聖人。

那時候,長春也很熱鬧,各國的人士都有,所以他這個銅錢和紙幣也不少, 甚至於人家在那兒放一個笸籮,一個裝錢的東西,就往那裡邊扔錢。錢或者被風給颳跑了,或者有其他人到這兒就給拿一把他這個銅錢,他自己也不加攔阻,隨他們 自己願意怎麼拿就怎麼拿。

在這個時候就引起這一些個流氓,這一些個惡人的羨慕,於是乎他們一商量 說:「呸!怎麼那些個散錢他也不收拾起來,隨便人拿?他一定是錢很多,他才這樣子,如果沒有錢,他不會不要這個散錢的。所以我們大家晚上去和他要金銀珠寶 去,他不給,我們就殺了他。」於是乎,這些人在晚間就來打劫他。

打劫他,那麼他是在那兒坐著,惡人就和他要錢,說:「你啊!把人家供養 你的金銀珠寶,你趕快獻出來給咱們,你如果不獻出來啊,我們今天就要殺你!要你的命!」

這個王夢醒,根本就誰給他錢,他不要,一文也不留,他怎麼會有錢來買他 這個命呢?沒有。他對這些個惡人說他沒有錢,惡人也不相信他,說:「你沒有錢?沒有錢,你那麼多的散錢,你連管都不管,任人家拿,你當然另外有值錢的東西 了。」這麼樣子呢,他沒有錢,這個土匪就向他逼錢,要他拿錢買命,他說:「沒有錢!」土匪說:「好!那我們就殺了你。」拿刀就把他喉嚨給刺破了。看他喉嚨 刺的那個樣子,也沒有錢,這些個惡人就都走了。

到第二天,有警察來了,地方的維持治安的人就來,看他這奄奄一息的樣 子,就問他說:「誰把你殺的?現在有美國人,有日本人,有中國人,有蘇聯人,有法國人,我們點到頗哪一個國家,譬如是美國人殺的你,我們問你是不是美國人 殺你,若是,你就點頭;不是,你就搖頭。」當時他已經不能講話了。


這個警察當時說:「喔!那莫非是天殺的你?」這一回他點頭了。那麼警察 說:「哦!那天殺的你,沒有法子叫老天爺來給你償命,那沒有辦法了。」於是乎,他就死到那兒,死在他母親的墳旁邊。

那麼從清朝到到日本佔領東北的時候,成立滿洲帝國,建都在長春,叫新 京,又開一條大同馬路。這大同馬路在長春的馬路是最寬的,也是最好的。可是這馬路開到這孝子墳這兒,偏偏這孝子墳就在這個馬路中間,也不左,也不右,在中 間這兒擋著。這時候工人就想把這個墳給搬到一邊去,可是用器具來刨這個墳,誰刨誰或者就昏倒了,或者受傷了,或者有什麼意外,這種種情形。

那麼這樣,人知道這個墳是不容易搬了,就報告日本,日本也不相信,就用 砲來轟,以後又用飛機炸彈來炸,這個炸彈都不響,都不爆炸。然後又找康德(就是宣統)下命令,下聖旨叫他這個墳要搬家。那麼雖然是這樣子,可是這個墳在那 個馬路那兒,也是屹然不動,誰也刨不了。最後就聽見那個墳裡邊就講話,說什麼呢?他說:


「蒲團靜坐已多年」:這個王夢醒他說他在蒲團上打坐很多年了。「修身養 性守真元」:修身養性,「栽培心上地,涵養性中天」,就是不發火,不有脾氣。守真元,那個真的東西要守。「母骨遷徙時未至」:說我母親這個屍骨搬家時候還 沒到。「吾墳移動在乎天」:說我這個墳墓搬家,這是由天命的,不是誰都可以搬的。那麼這樣子,所以在日本時代,這個墳在長春馬路中間就沒有移動,在那個馬 路就卓然獨立。

在全東北,一般人差不離都知道這個孝子墳,很靈感的,很遠的地方都有去 燒香的。我自己呢?還到這個孝子墳那兒去看過,也在那個老道廟上還住了一宿。


夢醒夢醒 名利泡影
守孝廬墓 重於九鼎
敝衣生米 淡水適應
惡人劫財 至死弗驚

「夢醒夢醒,名利泡影」:說他這個王夢醒他的夢真醒了,怎麼證明他夢醒 了呢?他也不求名,也不求利了,把名利看得好像那個水泡和黑影子一樣,泡影那麼樣子,是短暫的。

「守孝廬墓」:他守他母親的孝,在那個墳的旁邊。「重於九鼎」:他因為 這個事情是特別重要,比那個九鼎更重要,就是「一諾千金」,他說了他這個事情一定要做得圓滿了。

「敝衣生米」:他吃的是生米,穿的是破衣服。「淡水適應」:他喝一點淡 水,也不喝開水,也就夠了,適應他的生活。

「惡人劫財」:惡人到他這兒來劫財了,「至死弗驚」:到死的時候他也不 怕,也沒有生驚恐。


大志大孝大菩提 一心廬墓不遠離
披星戴月伴慈母 捨死忘生陪墓西
日寇移墳卓然立 天神護念世稱奇
長春馬路中心處 國民皆知仁者稀

「大志大孝大菩提」:這位王夢醒可以說是有大的志願,有大的孝順心,也 發大菩提心。「一心廬墓不遠離」:他就一心一意地在母親墳的旁邊守孝,遠一步他也都不走。

「披星戴月伴慈母」:白天晚間他也不怕,也不避寒熱風霜,就在那墳上守 孝。「捨死忘生陪墓西」:他死也不怕,他死也要在那兒守孝。

「日寇移墳卓然立」:日寇想要移他那個墳的時候,他卓然而立,像一個山 似的也不動。「天神護念世稱奇」:這天上的神都來護念他,都保護著他,世間人認為這是奇蹟了。

「長春馬路中心處」:在吉林長春馬路的中間。「國民皆知仁者稀」:所有 東北的老百姓沒有人不知道這個仁者就是大孝的王夢醒,是非常非常地稀少,人間像他這樣大志大孝大菩提心的非常少了,少之又少,不可多得的。


四月二十八至五月日(農曆三月十一至四月六日):萬佛寶懺(四月二十七 晚上灑淨)
五月二日(農曆三月十五日) 常志大師出家日
五月三日(農曆三月十六日) 宣公上人聖誕
五月四日(農曆三月十七日) 常仁大師誕辰
五月十九日(農曆四月三日) 慶祝釋迦牟尼佛聖誕(浴佛節)
五月二十日(農曆四月四日) 文殊師利菩薩聖誕
五月二十四日(農曆四月八日) 釋迦牟尼佛聖誕
五月二十六日(農曆四月十日) 懷少節
五月三十一日(農曆四月十五日) 夏安居受籌


Today we will discuss the Filial Son’s Grave, which stood in the way of a large highway being built in Changchun, Manchuria. This is the story of Mengxing Wang.
Mengxing [meng means “dream” and xing means “awaken”] Wang woke up from his dream, but Mengyi Lee hasn’t woken up yet.
Mengxing Wang was born in Changchun, Jilin Province, during the Guangxu reign period at the end of the Qing dynasty.
He was a born cultivator. To him, life seemed like a dream. Wealth, honor, fame, and family all seemed like part of a dream. The question was, when would one wake up from the dream? When his parents passed away, he built a hut by their graveside and stayed there to observe the practice of filial piety.

During that time, he abstained from cooked food. He ate only raw food, in particular raw rice. He only ate a handful of it each day. However much rice he took in one handful, that was what he would use to sustain himself for the day. Did he buy the rice himself and keep it stored up? No. If people gave him rice, he would eat a handful of it. If no one sent him rice, he would go without. When people found out that he ate only a handful of rice each day, many people started bringing rice to him. However, he would eat only the first handful of rice that he received. Any rice that people sent him after that, he would not eat.

During that period, there was an army commander named Cao Kun, whose position was equivalent to that of a present-day batallion commander. He often went to pay his respects to and converse with the Filial Son.

In time, the word spread that the Filial Son had attained the Way and had great spiritual skill. Many people considered him a Living Immortal, a Bodhisattva in the flesh, and a great filial son, and they eagerly made offerings to him.

Although they made many offerings to him, he still ate only one handful of rice a day. They also placed coins and bank notes next to him, thinking that he might want them. Since he was looked upon as a sage, a very rare person, people were eager to make offerings. The money placed next to him probably grew to a considerable sum.

In those days, Changchun was a bustling city inhabited by people of many different nationalities. Filial Son Wang received a great quantity of money offerings. Someone even placed a basket next to him so that people could toss money into it. Sometimes the paper money would be blown away by the wind, or other people would come and help themselves to it. But Filial Son Wang didn’t try to stop them. He let them take as much as they wished.

Some vagrants and evil-minded people became envious and started saying, “How come he doesn’t pick up all the money scattered about? Why does he let people help themselves to it? He must have lots of money. If he were poor, he wouldn’t be so careless about the money lying about. We ought to hold him up tonight and force him to hand over his riches. If he refuses, we’ll kill him.” So they banded together and went to rob him during the night.

The bandits approached the place where he was sitting and demanded, “Hand over all the money and valuables that people have given you. If you don’t cooperate, you’ll be killed tonight. It’s your money or your life!”

Actually, Mengxing Wang hadn’t taken any of the money that people had given him, not even a single cent. How could he buy off these thugs who wanted his life? But when he told them he had no money, they didn’t believe him. They said, “There’s so much money lying around you and you don’t even want it. People come and take it as they please. You must have another cache of valuables hidden away somewhere.” The thugs would spare his life only if he paid them off, but he told him, “I’ve got no money!”

“Fine, then we’ll kill you.” They took out a knife and slit his throat. Then, seeing that he really had no money, they left him to die.

The next day, the local constable discovered Filial Son Wang gasping for breath and asked him, “Who did this to you? There are American, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, and French people in this place. When we say the nationality of the killers, nod your head. For example, when we ask you if it was Americans, nod your head if it was and shake your head if it wasn’t.” They used this method because he was unable to talk by then.

They asked him, “Was it the Americans?” He shook his head.
“Was it the British?” He shook his head.
“Was it the Japanese?” Again, he shook his head.
“Was it the Russians?” He shook his head.
“Did the French do it?” He shook his head.
“Did the Chinese do it?” He shook his head.
No matter what nationality they said, he shook his head.

“Then it must be Heaven who wants you to die!” said the constable. Filial Son Wang finally nodded affirmatively. “Well, if Heaven has doomed you to die, we can’t punish Heaven for taking your life. There’s nothing we can do.” And so Filial Son Wang died there, right beside his mother’s grave.

Later, when the Japanese occupied Manchuria and set up the puppet state of Manchukuo with its capital at Changchun (renamed Xinjing, “New Capital”), they began constructing the Datong Highway. It was to be the broadest and the best highway in Changchun. But when the construction reached the Filial Son’s Grave, the grave was right in the middle of the highway’s path. The workers decided to move the grave to another location. However, whoever tried to dig up the grave either passed out, was injured in the process, or suffered some other sort of accident. When they saw that relocating the grave was proving to be troublesome, they reported the situation to Japan. The leaders in Japan didn’t believe it could be that difficult, and ordered that the grave be blasted. They dropped bombs on it from the air, but the bombs didn’t go off. Then they had Kang De (the former Qing Emperor Xuantong) issue an imperial decree to move the grave. Despite all of this, the grave remained untouched in its original place, in the path of the new highway. No one was able to dig it up. Finally they heard a voice coming from inside the grave. The voice said,

I spent many years on the cushion, sitting in meditation—
Cultivating my body, nurturing my nature, and guarding my     true source.
It is not yet time for my mother’s bones to be moved.
Only by heaven’s decree can my grave be relocated.

I spent many years on the cushion, sitting in meditation— / Cultivating my body, nurturing my nature, and guarding my true source. Mengxing Wang was talking about himself. He said he had spent many years meditating, “nurturing the ground of the mind and fostering the sky of the nature,” that is, not getting angry and not losing his temper. He protected what was true in himself. It is not yet time for my mother’s bones to be moved. The time has not come to move her body. Only by heaven’s decree can my grave be relocated. My grave can be moved only if heaven wills it. Not just anyone can decide to move it. Therefore, the grave was not moved from the middle of the highway. It still stands there now, all by itself.

Just about everyone in Manchuria knows about the Filial Son’s Grave. It’s a very efficacious place to pray, and people travel long distances to go and light incense there. I myself have visited the grave, and I also stayed overnight at that old Taoist cultivator’s temple.

A verse in praise says:
Wake up! Wake up!
Fame and profit are but bubbles and shadows.
He gave the utmost importance
To the filial act of guarding his parent’s grave.
Tattered rags, raw rice, and plain water
Were enough to sustain his life.
When thugs came to rob his money,
He remained fearless even to his death.

Wake up! Wake up! / Fame and profit are but bubbles and shadows. Mengxing Wang really woke up from his dream. How do we know? By the fact that he had no desire for fame or benefit. He saw that fame and profit were as ephemeral as bubbles and shadows.

He gave the utmost importance / To the filial act of guarding his parent’s grave. He felt that living by his mother’s graveside in observance of filial piety was extremely imporant. He was absolutely determined to carry out his vow to do this.

Tattered rags, raw rice, and plain water / were enough to sustain his life. He ate raw rice, wore tattered clothes, and drank a bit of water. That was all he needed to sustain himself.

When thugs came to rob his money, he remained fearless even to his death. He felt no fear even when he died.

Another verse says:
With great vows, great filiality, and a great Bodhi resolve,
Single-mindedly he stayed by the grave, never leaving it.
Under the stars and moon, he kept his kind mother company.
Unconcerned about his own life and death, he remained by the grave.
When the Japanese tyrants tried to move his grave, he stood    firm and strong.
The heavenly spirits protected him and people called it a miracle.
Everyone knows that, in the middle of the Changchunhighway,
Lies the grave of an exceptional man of virtue.

With great vows, great filiality, and a great Bodhi resolve. Mengxing Wang was a person with lofty aspirations, tremendous filial piety, and a great resolve for Bodhi. Single-mindedly he stayed by the grave, never leaving it. He wholeheartedly practiced filial piety by his mother’s grave, not taking so much as a single step away from it.

Under the stars and moon, he kept his kind mother company. Day and night, he remained by the grave, undaunted by the elements. Extreme cold, extreme heat, strong winds, or frost did not deter him. Unconcerned about his own life and death, he remained by the grave. Death didn’t intimidate him. He was determined to fulfill his filial duties even if he had to die.

When the Japanese tyrants tried to move his grave, he stood firm and strong. He was unmoving, like a mountain. The heavenly spirits protected him and people called it a miracle. The spirits came to guard him, and the people of the world thought it was a miracle.

Everyone knows that, in the middle of the Changchun highway, / Lies the grave of an exceptional man of virtue. The people of Manchuria all know that that virtuous man, the greatly filial Mengxing Wang, was a very exceptional individual. It is extremely rare to find a person in the world with such great vows, such great filial piety, and such a great Bodhi resolve.

Events and Celebrations in May

April 28 - May 22 (lunar 3/11 - 4/6)   Ten Thousand Buddhas Jewelled Repentance (Boundaries will be purified on the evening of April 27)
May 2 (lunar 3/15)   Great Master Chang Zh Leaving Home Day
May 3 (lunar 3/16)  Venerable Master Hsuan Hua Birthday
May 4 (lunar 3/17)  Great Master Chang Ren Birthday
May 19 (lunar 4/3)   Sunday Celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha Birthday
May 20 (lunar 4/4)   Manjushri Bodhisattva Birthday
May 24 (lunar 4/8)   Shakyamuni Buddha Birthday (actual day)
May 26 (lunar 4/10  Cherishing Youth Day
May 31 (lunar 4/15)  Tally-taking for Sangha Summer Retreat
For more information, contact the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas or the nearest branch of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea