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DRBU Painting Exhibit by Professor Chung-on Yung

恆實 文 By Bhikshu Heng Sure

一九九六年二月十四日,法界佛教大學教授翁松安居士,在加州柏克萊佛教研究所舉行中國山水書畫展覽會,協辦單 位是法界佛教總會在柏克萊的道場––世界宗教研究所。展覽會開始時,有招待會、剪綵等節目,與會人數近一百五十位。來賓包括柏克萊加州大學校長田長霖博士 夫婦、加大宗教聯合研究所長布克博士,共同剪綵的來賓,有法界佛教大學董事長祖炳民教授、法大校長阿比納博士、佛教研究所主任培博士。

貴賓包括位於艾爾善瑞都的中華文武學院院長蔣教授,蔣教授致詞時說:「中國評量一位畫家的能力,以其能否將繪 畫、詩詞及書法三者融合為一,翁教授三方面才賦均等,誠可謂第一流的中國藝術家。」八一高齡的翁教授,對所有讚詞謙不敢受。翁教授邀請了舊金山灣區中國藝 術同好、學生及朋友們,共同來品賞其作品。

此次展覽會為法界佛教大學第一次在東灣學術文化界舉行的文化活動。招待會中氣氛熱烈,顯出了中國文化歷久不衰 之價值。正如培博士所說:「雖然山水畫沒有一定的宗教涵義,但是其對人生情操之啟發與宗教精神相近。」

此次為法界佛教總會第二次邀請翁教授展覽其作品。一九七九年十一月七日,法總創辦人宣化上人,曾請中華民國前 內政部部長王德溥,在萬佛聖城為翁教授舉辦第一次的大型國畫展覽開幕剪綵。


On February 14, 1996, Dharma Realm Buddhist University Professor Chung-on Yung opened an exhibition of his Chinese landscapes and calligraphy in Berkeley at the Institute of Buddhist Studies. Co-hosted by the Institute for World Religions, which is the Berkeley branch of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, the exhibition began with a reception and ribbon-cutting ceremony. Near 150 people attended, and the guests of honor included Dr. and Mrs. Changlin Tien, Chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley, and Dr. Glenn Bucher, President of the Graduate Theological Union. Helping with the ribbon-cutting were Dr. John B. Tsu, chairman of the Board of Directors of Dharma Realm Buddhist University, Dr. Sjnezana Akpinar, Chancellor of DRBU, and Dr. Richard Payne, Dean of the Institute of Buddhist Studies.

The guests of honor also included Prof. Y. C. Chiang of the Wen Wu School of Chinese Arts in El Cerrito, who joined the others in dedicating brief speeches in appreciation of the artistic skills of Professor Yung. Professor Chiang in his remarks said, “Chinese art considers the test of an excellent painter to be his ability to combine painting, poetry, and calligraphy in the same work.. Since Professor Yung has all three talents in equal measure, he can be considered a true first-class Chinese artist.” Professor Yung, who is 81 years old, responded with humility to their congratulations and invited all the attendees, which included admirers of Chinese culture, students of art and friends of the artist from all sides of the Bay Area, to enjoy his work.

The exhibit marked the first Dharma Realm Buddhist University sponsored event in the East Bay’s academic and cultural community. The warm and enthusiastic reception testified to Chinese culture’s enduring value and universal appeal. As Dr. Payne stated, “Although landscape art has no specific religious content, the sentiments it inspires are not far from the religious spirit.”

This was the second time that the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association has invited Dr. Yung to exhibit his works. On November 7, 1979, at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas the Honorable Defu Wang, former Cabinet Minister of the Republic of China, accepted an invitation from the founder of Dharma Realm Buddhist University, Venerable Master Hua., to cut the ribbon and inaugurate a large exhibition of Professor Yung’s paintings and inscriptions.

Dr. Akpinar announced that DRBU hopes to invite Professor Yung in the near future to give a class on Chinese painting and calligraphy at the Institute of World Religions in Berkeley.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea