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Dharma Talks at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver

金佛寺提供 A report by Gold Buddha Monastery

法界佛教總會的比丘恆佐、恆緣,比丘尼恆佳、恆貞、恆音、恆哲,應此間溫哥華卑詩大學佛學社之邀請,於一月二 十五和二十六日赴卑詩大學活動中心,舉行兩場演講會,計有中外人士、學生百餘人到場聆聽。


法師們在法會中闡述佛法教義,是讓人明白世法無常,和苦的來源;但它本身並非消極和無助的,只要我們能夠依佛 法的義理躬行實踐,佛法能給予人們光明的未來,與無限的希望。現在社會注重科學,追求外在的美好,而忽略了人性的道德。佛教則告訴我們外在的年輕是不久長 的,重要的是要使自己的精神和內心年輕。佛法注重實行,我們在學習佛教的道理之外,還要使佛法在我們的日常生活上能受用,才是最重要的。面對今日生活中種 種的競爭壓力,如何調整自己的身心,而能平穩自在,又發菩提心,是修行道上第一步。

最後一段時間,法師們留給聽眾們發問題,問題有關因果、素食、修行、出家等。最後以合唱一首英文佛曲「觀音 讚」來結束兩天之法會。學生們意猶未盡,臨行之時,殷請法師們年年都來開示。

At the invitation of the University of British Columbia (UBC) Buddhist Community, Bhikshus Heng Tso and Heng Yuen and Bhikshunis Heng Chia, Heng Jen, Heng Yin, and Heng Je of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association went to the University, located in Vancouver, Canada, and delivered lectures on January 25 and 26 to an audience of over a hundred students.

The theme of the lectures was “How to Be Young Forever.” Students hoped to learn what kind of an attitude they should have toward life, what values they should have, and why they should study Buddhism.

The Dharma Masters explained that while Buddhism helps us understand the impermanent nature of worldly phenomena and the cause of suffering, it does not encourage a pessimistic or helpless attitude. If we can truly practice the Buddha's teachings, it will give us a bright future and limitless hope. Today's society puts great emphasis on science and the pursuit of external pleasures, but it neglects spirituality and ethics. Buddhism teaches us that while physical youth does not last, it's important to maintain youth of the mind and spirit. In Buddhism the emphasis is on practice. When we learn Buddhist principles, we should try to apply them in our daily lives. Faced with the "rat race" and stress of modern life, we should learn to regulate our bodies and minds and to live in a balanced and peaceful manner. Bringing forth the aspiration for enlightenment—the Bodhi resolve—is the first step on the spiritual path.

At the end of the lecures, the Dharma Masters answered questions from the audience on such topics as cause and effect, vegetarianism, spiritual practice, and monastic life. Finally, to conclude the two days of lectures, they sang a praise to Guanyin Bodhisattva in English. Many of the students seemed to want to learn more, and before leaving some of them went up to the Dharma Masters to ask them to come back every year.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea