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Introducing Bhikshuni Heng Je

修持 文 By Xiu Chi

種種因緣引導著比丘尼恆哲師來到臺北的法界佛教印經會,當時那還是座落於一棟公寓頂樓的房子,僅能靠步行上 下。一九八九年,恆哲師還是位在家居士,法名果明,她參加了法界義工組,而且很快就又參與行政工作。她在那兒幫忙到法界佛教印經會擴遷,搬到了一棟較大並 有電梯的建築物;她更貢獻出很多方面的能力,致力於佛經翻譯會出版的流通。

上人幾次蒞臺訪問,果明都參與服務工作;之後,在一九九一年初,她就來到了萬佛聖城,在這兒出家,並受具足 戒。在萬佛聖城期間,她從事各項不同工作,包括照顧老人,後來比丘尼恆哲師加入《金剛菩提海》雜誌的編輯小組,就搬到位於柏林根的國際譯經學院去了。主修 英文的恆哲師,協助月刊及佛經翻譯的工作。一九九四年,她轉至簽證部門,搬去金山聖寺以便工作;她又大發心,盡她所能地來幫助。

身為金山聖寺僧眾之一,她在日常功課和法會的參與上,都顯示出她負責可靠的精神。她發願要盡其所能地將佛教介 紹給西方人;基於此動機,她常應邀到各個院校去講演。

比丘尼恆哲選擇了翻譯《慈悲三昧水懺》,做為她法界佛教大學翻譯系的碩士論文。她特別研讀《楞嚴經》,協助翻 譯上人講解的《楞嚴咒句偈疏解》。在目前金山聖寺長期舉辦的地藏法會中,恆哲師更是熱心參與地藏三經《占察善惡業報經》、《地藏菩薩本願經》、《地藏十輪 經》的研究和讀誦,並講解《地藏菩薩本願經》。

Bhikshuni Heng Je’s conditions led her to Dharma Realm Buddhist Book Distribution Society in Taipei when it was still housed on the top floor of an apartment building with only walk-up access. Still a laywoman then, with the Dharma name Guo Ming, she joined the crew of devoted volunteers in 1989 and soon became a dedicated member of the administrative staff. She helped see the Society through its move to a larger facility with elevator-access and there contributed her diverse skills in serving the Society in its propagation of the publications of the Buddhist Text Translation Society.

In the early 1991, after helping with several delegations to Taiwan led by the Venerable Master, Guo Ming came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, left the home-life, and became a fully ordained Bhikshuni. At the City she did various jobs, including caring for the elderly. Later Bhikshuni Heng Je joined the Vajra Bodhi Sea staff and moved to the International Translation Institute in Burlingame. Holding a bachelor’s in English, Bhikshuni Heng Je worked for both the monthly journal and for the Buddhist Text Translation Society as a transcriber and translator. In l994 she was appointed to the Association’s Visa Department and, bringing forth the resolve to help in whatever way she could, she moved to Gold Mountain Monastery to carry on that work.

As one of the resident Sangha at Gold Mountain Monastery, she is a responsible and dependable participant in the daily practices and special ceremonies. She has made vows to do all she can to help introduce Buddhism to Westerners, and based on that intent, she is often invited to speak at schools and universities.

Bhikshuni Heng Je chose to translate the Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance text for her thesis leading to an M.A. in Translation at the Dharma Realm Buddhist University. She especially studies the Shurangama Sutra and is helping to translate the verse explanations by the Venerable Master of the lines of the Shurangama Mantra. As a participant in Gold Mountain Monastery’s on-going Earth Store Assembly, she shares enthusiastically in the study and recitation of the three Sutras devoted to Earth Store Bodhisattva: The Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva, The Ten Wheels of Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra, and The Sutra for Divining Good and Evil Karmic Retributions. She is also currently lecturing on The Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea