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Bodhi Stand

How I Came to Study Buddhism
— Upasika Sarah Tung


有一年暑假,童佼居士去舊金山北美事務協調會辦事,偶然見到萬佛城的月刊 《金剛菩提海》雜誌,順手就拿起來看一看,看到其中有一篇「墓中僧與萬佛聖城」,當時就很驚訝,世界上有個真正在修行的道場。師父說:「我是一隻小螞蟻, 甘願走在一切佛教徒的腳底下;我是一條道路,願所有的眾生走在我身上,從凡夫地,直達佛地。」當時她也不懂為何師父說「我是一隻小螞蟻」? 從那時候起, 她時常閱讀《金剛菩提海》,同時也很想去萬佛聖城,然而直到一年半以後,才有機會去到了萬佛聖城。在萬佛城遇到一位法師問她:「平時有看經書嗎?」她從未 接觸過佛教,也不知道佛經在那裡,即使是看到,也看不懂。後來她到國際譯經學院聽經,才開始學習。未學佛之前,當她看到社會上種種亂象,或者自己遇到一些 問題時,即使心裡希望一切能有所改善,卻也不知道要從何處做起?直到遇到佛法,才豁然明瞭:原來最應學習的就是佛法;因為只有佛法是對治世間所有問題的解 藥,並且一切原是要從心念上開始改正自己做起。

一九九三年,終於在萬佛聖城皈依師父,並且很熱心地把佛法介紹給家人和朋 友,希望大家都能共沾法益,得聞正法。對於學佛,她自覺是才報名註冊,剛剛開始,可是她很確定,也慶幸自己跟對了善知識。她願意由聽經、拜懺,逐步地學 習,能明白佛法的道理,進而到自己能實踐,把它拿出來用。師父常提到的六大宗旨:不爭、不貪、不求、不自私、不自利、不妄語,她認為這是一條學佛所可依循 的道路,「師父領進門,修行在各人。」前有善知識指引,走得怎麼樣,那麼就要靠自己了。

One year, during summer vacation, Sarah went to the Coordinating Council of North American Affairs in San Francisco, where she came across a copy of Vajra Bodhi Sea, the monthly journal of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. As she glanced through the magazine, she saw an article called "A Monk in the Grave and the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas" and was surprised to learn that such a place of true cultivation existed. The Master said, “I am a tiny ant—I wish to walk under the feet of all Buddhists. I am a road—I wish that all living beings will walk on me, right from the position of an ordinary being, to the position of the Buddha.” At that time, she did not understand why the Master called himself a tiny ant.

She began to read Vajra Bodhi Sea regularly, and she was very eager to visit the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. One-and-a-half years later, she finally had the chance to visit the City. At the City, she met a Dharma Master who asked her, “Do you read Sutras often?” She had never encountered Buddhism before and did not know where she could find Sutras; and even if she saw one, she might not understand it. Later on, she attended Dharma lectures at the International Translation Institute and began studying the Buddhadharma. Before, when she saw the chaotic state of society or had personal problems, she did not know how to deal with them, even if she wished to make things better. Once she began studying the Dharma, she realized that it was the most important thing, for it provides solutions to all the problems in the world. She also learned that, in everything, she must begin by changing herself and rectifying her own thoughts.

In 1993, she took refuge with the Venerable Master at the City. She is very keen to propagate the Buddhadharma and has introduced the teaching to her family and friends. She hopes everyone can have the chance to listen to the proper Dharma and to benefit from it. Although she considers herself a beginner in the Dharma, she is perfectly sure and grateful that she followed the right teacher. She is prepared to learn the principles of the Dharma through listening to lectures and bowing repentances, so that one day she will be able to practice those principles. She considers the Six Guidelines advocated by the Master—no fighting, no greed, no seeking, no selfishness, no pursuit of personal benefit, and no lying—essential to the study and practice of Buddhism. As the saying goes, “The teacher leads one in the door, but one must cultivate on one’s own.” The good advisor points the way, but how you walk the path is up to you.


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