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慈 祥代天宣化 忠孝為國敎民

On behalf of Heaven,proclaim and transform with kindness. For the country,teach the people to be loyal and filial.

Everyone Should Be a Good Child
Get Along in Harmony and Don't Lose Your Temper

宣公上人開示於一九七O年十二月十八日 百日禪
A talk by the Venerable Master on December 18, 1970 during the Hundred-Day Chan Session

任 何人不要吵架,不要發大脾氣,誰若發大脾氣,就要在 佛前跪著,跪三天。

Therefore, no one should bicker or lose his temper. Whoever loses his temper will be made to kneel for three days before the Buddhas. No matter who you are, that will be the penalty. If you don't go along, then your offenses will only be increased. I hope every one of you will be a good disciple and not give your teacher a lot of trouble. Be good children; don't be naughty and mischievous.

修行最要緊的,要修這個忍辱。你若能忍辱了,其他的這五度(布施、般若、精進、持戒、禪定)也就都有辦法去修 行了;你若不能忍辱那,就怎麼樣修行也不會相應的。凡是在家人啊!在家,在這個家裡邊不要發脾氣,你就是甚至於對小孩子都不要發脾氣,不要說對大人了。在 已經成立家庭結婚的人,不應該發脾氣,應該忍辱。這個忍辱要兩方面的,不是說這個丈夫的應該忍辱,做妻子的就可以大發脾氣了;也不是說做丈夫的可以發脾 氣,做妻子的要忍辱,不是的,要兩方面都很明理的,互相忍辱。所謂「夫唱婦隨」,夫唱,就是做丈夫的唱一個歌,做太太的也應該就隨著和,唱一個歌。

因為你這個人哪!這個夫婦間必須要和氣,必須要不吵架。那麼在沒結婚以前更不應該吵架,不應該常常以為很好玩 的,就是互相給對方的這個麻煩,這是不對的,應該要互相尊重,你尊重我,我尊重你,不要為一點的小事,或者說一句話就吵起來了,就發大脾氣了。沒結婚之前 不應該該發脾氣,已經結婚之後更不應該發脾氣。你這個家裡和,國家就會好;國家好,這個世界就好。你若家裡不和,這國家也不會好了;國家既然不會好,這個 世界戰爭也就起來了,互相戰爭。在家有小戰爭,在國有個中戰爭,在世界上就有個大戰爭,那麼要先把這個小戰爭平息了它,然後這個中等的戰爭也就沒有了,那 大戰爭也自然不會發生了。

你們要知道你這個男女兩人這一吵架,就好像那個天和地有那狂風暴雨一樣的。人一發脾氣就像那狂風暴雨一樣的。 你可以下雨,但是不要下那狂風暴雨,這狂風暴雨呀!把樹也刮倒了,把那個房子也都刮壞了,把人也都刮死了,啊!所以有很大的損失。你若細雨,小小的雨可 以,吵架不要吵大架,小一點不要緊,不要叫師父聽到;你叫師父聽到,師父這就心裡也有了煩惱了。所以你們在家裡吵架都不准大聲吵,我就會聽見的!因為這兒 有個雷達,你們那個發電機一發,我這給你收來了,看你們誰吵架?所以任何人不要吵架,不要發大脾氣,誰若發大脾氣,就要在佛前跪著,跪三天。我不管你是 誰?要被罰,你若不聽話那是更罪上加罪了,所以我希望你們各位都做一個好徒弟,不要給師父添很多麻煩,大家都做一個好孩子,不要做一個頑皮的孩子,不要做 個調皮的孩子,Okay,我今天把你們氣的,我也沒有話講了。

The most important thing in cultivation is patience. If you can be patient, then you will also be able to practice the other five perfections (giving, holding precepts, vigor, concentration, wisdom). If you cannot be patient, then you will not have any response no matter how you cultivate. Those of you who are laypeople should not lose your tempers at home, not even toward children. Those who are married and have families should not lose their tempers; they should have patience. Patience goes both ways. It isn't the case that the husband should be patient while the wife can lose her temper, or that the husband can lose his temper while the wife has to forbear. Spouses should be very principled and patient toward one another. As it is said, "The husband sings a tune and the wife follows along." Whatever tune the husband sings, the wife should sing along in harmony with him.

Spouses should get along well and not quarrel with each other. Before two people get married, it is important that they do not quarrel. They should not give each other trouble all the time, thinking it is a lot of fun. That is wrong. They should respect one another. They should not get into a quarrel or lose their tempers over some small matter or something that was said. Two people should not lose their tempers before they are married, and they should be even more careful not to get angry after they are married. If there is harmony within families, then the country will prosper. If all the countries prosper, then the world will do well. If there is disharmony within families, then the country will not do well. When countries are not doing well, then wars will break out in the world. There will be small wars in the families, medium wars in the countries, and great wars in the world. We must first quell the small wars, and then the medium wars will disappear and the great wars will naturally vanish as well.

You should know that as soon as a man and woman start to quarrel, it's as if there is a violent storm between heaven and earth. When people lose their tempers, it is like a violent storm. It is alright for there to be rain, but there should not be a violent storm. Violent storms blow down trees, devastate houses, and kill people, causing tremendous damage. A light, gentle rain does not do that. Therefore, if you get into an argument, keep it small. Don't let it become a major blow-up. Small arguments are all right, but don't let your teacher get wind of it. If your teacher hears of it, he will also get afflicted. When you argue at home, you're not allowed to argue too loudly, or else I will hear you! I have a radar, and it picks up your telegrams right away. Therefore, no one should bicker or lose his temper. Whoever loses his temper will be made to kneel for three days before the Buddhas. No matter who you are, that will be the penalty. If you don't go along, then your offenses will only be increased. I hope every one of you will be a good disciple and not give your teacher a lot of trouble. Be good children; don't be naughty and mischievous. Okay, I've made you all mad today, and I have nothing more to say.


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