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The Shurangama Sutra with Commentary

【 卷八 】 Roll Eight

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version

阿難。是諸菩薩。從此已往。修習畢 功。功德圓滿。亦目此地。名修習位。

如是菩薩。順行而 至。覺際入交。名為等覺。
The Bodhisattvas thus reach this point through compliance with practice. Their enlightenments intermingle; it is therefore called equal enlightenment.

「阿難」,你要明白啊!「是諸菩薩」:這一切的菩薩,前邊從乾慧地––那個 金剛初心,到達此地,這是五十四個位子。那麼這些個菩薩,「從此已往」:從這個地位,再向前去修去。「修習畢功」:他修行已經完畢,無功用道了,不必用什 麼功了,這已經畢業了。「功德圓滿」:這功德圓滿了。什麼畢業了呢?學佛就來要畢業了,就來要成佛了,就要功德圓滿了。「亦目此地」:也給以前這所有的位 子、這些地,起個名字,「名修習位」:叫修習的位,修行的位置。

「慈陰妙雲」:這個慈和妙,這都是屬於法;這個陰、雲,就屬於這個覆,屬於 蔭蓋的意思。慈陰這個「陰」應該是有草字頭那個「蔭」,慈蔭妙雲,這個慈悲普遍來蔭護一切眾生;這個妙雲,是微妙的這種雲。「覆涅槃海」:遮蓋著這個涅槃 海。涅槃海這種的形容,也就因為一切佛、一切的菩薩,都在這個涅槃海裡而產生出來的。所以這個第十地,「名法雲地」:它的名字就叫法雲地。這個慈和妙,這 都屬於法;這個蔭和雲,這都屬於雲,這叫法雲地,蔭護一切眾生,就是保護這一切眾生,這是第十地。

「如來逆流」:怎麼叫如來逆流呢?因為如來已經成佛,又逆流而出。佛已經到 佛的果位上了,再向菩薩這個路上來,來做什麼呢?來迎接這個菩薩,這叫逆流。「如是菩薩順行而至」:這菩薩怎麼叫順流呢?菩薩因為由凡夫,到達羅漢,到達 菩薩;還沒有到達佛的境界上、沒有到佛的果位上,所以這叫順流而行,就向佛這個覺位上走。那麼在這兒呢,正和佛碰頭,這叫「覺際入交」:佛的覺和菩薩這個 覺,這兩種覺入交,交接到一起,「名為等覺」:所以這個名字叫等覺,就等於佛,和佛平等了,但是還不是妙覺,只可以等於佛。在這個時候,這個菩薩還有一分 生相無明沒有破。所以這個無明最不容易的,你把這一分的生相無明一破了,這時候就成佛了。

所以一般人說,他就是佛。你從什麼地方到佛那個地方去的?從哪一條路走的? 初地你連名字都不知道,二地連那個道路你也沒有見過,三地你也不知道怎麼樣子去,怎麼到佛那個地方的?哦!說你坐飛機去的,那你若坐火箭,比飛機更快!所 以這種的人,恐怕永遠都到不了佛那個地方去。為什麼呢?他沒有到,他就說到了;你說這是真話?是假話?也沒有修行,在佛教一點什麼事情也沒有做,就成了佛 了,這可太容易了!我在佛教裡行了這麼多年,我還沒成佛呢!啊!或者他是原子科學時代,用一個科學的方法去的,所以這麼快就成佛了。


Ananda, all Bodhisattvas at this point and beyond have completed their work in cultivation. Their merit and virtue are perfected, and so all the previous positions are also called the Level of ultivation.

Then with a wonderful cloud of compassionate protection one covers the sea of Nirvana. This is called the Ground of the harma Cloud.

The Thus Come Ones counter the flow as the Bodhisattvas thus reach this point through compliance with practice. Their nlightenments intermingle; it is therefore called equal enlightenment.

Ananda, you should understand that all Bodhisattvas at this point and beyond have completed their work in cultivation. From the beginning—the level of dry wisdom, also known as the initial vajra mind—to the culmination of the ninth ground, there are a total of fifty-four positions. When the Bodhisattvas have passed through to this point, they’ve come to the end of their cultivation. They’ve reached the effortless way and no longer need to apply effort in cultivation. They have graduated. Their merit and virtue are perfected. In their study leading toward Buddhahood, they are just about to earn this degree; they’re about to become Buddhas. And so all the previous positions are also called the Level of Cultivation.

“Wonder” and “compassion” are dharmas. “Protection” and “covering” belong to the analogy of the cloud and represent a sheltering influence. Then with a wonderful cloud of compassionate protection one covers the sea of Nirvana. One shelters all living beings. All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas emerge from the sea of Nirvana, and so the tenth ground is called the Ground of the Dharma Cloud. At this level one shelters and protects all living beings.

The Thus Come Ones counter the flow. This means that the Thus Come Ones have already become Buddhas. But they counter the flow and appear in the world to rescue living beings. Thus from the Buddha-position, they come back along the Bodhisattva path in order to greet the Bodhisattva. That’s what’s meant by countering the flow. The Bodhisattvas thus reach this point through compliance with practice. The Bodhisattvas comply with the flow. This “flow” refers to going from an ordinary person to Arhatship, through Bodhisattvahood, and on to Buddhahood—which the Bodhisattvas have not yet experienced at this point. So they are going along with the flow that leads to the Buddha’s enlightened position. Now, they actually encounter the Buddhas. Their enlightenments intermingle. The enlightenment of the Buddhas and the enlightenment of the Bodhisattvas merge at this point. It is therefore called Equal Enlightenment. These Bodhisattvas are equal to the Buddha. But theirs is still not wonderful enlightenment. It is only similar to the Buddha’s enlightenment, because at this level they still have left one bit of ignorance of the arising of appearances that they must still destroy. So ignorance is difficult to leave behind. Once they smash it, however, they will be Buddhas.

When people claim to be Buddhas, I ask them, “How did you get there? What path did you take?” If they don’t even know the name of the first ground, have never seen the path that leads to the second ground, and don’t know how to get to the third ground, then how can they have arrived at Buddhhood? They took a plane, perhaps? In that case a rocket would have been even faster. I suspect that such people will never reach the Buddha position. Why not? It is because they say they are there when in fact they are not. Do they speak the truth, or do they lie? They have not cultivated or done anything within the Buddhadharma, and yet they profess to be Buddhas. It just doesn’t add up. How about those people who have practiced within the Buddhadharma for decades and still are not Buddhas? Maybe those people who say they are Buddhas have effected some scientific means to get themselves there so fast.

To be continued


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