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The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra with Commentary

【卷四 提婆達多品第十二 】

Roll 4, Chapter 12, Devadatta

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version

前期提示:修精進波羅蜜有十種的 利益。

第四個,你精進有什麼利益呢?第四個 利益,這是最好的一個利益,最好了。什麼呢?「聞法不忘」,good memory(好的記憶)。聞法不忘,除非不聽見法,聽見法,就不會忘了。「一歷耳根」,這經過耳根,走一遍,聽過一次,「永為道種」,永遠都不會忘了, 你看好不好?你說這第四個利益你願不願意有這個利益啊?我相信我們在座的都想有這個利益,那就精進啦!你不修精進,就沒有這第四種利益。你盡力修行,一步 的精進,就有一分利益;修行十分的精進,就有十分利益。第四是「聞法不忘」。

第五呢?這個利益更是不可思議,這真 是妙,「未聞能聞」,沒有聽見這個法,都能聽見。你看這是妙不妙,這是利益不利益?不要說旁的,今天來了三位居士,這一個母親帶著兩個兒子,這未聞能聞, 本來沒有機會到美國三藩市這兒來聽佛法的,現在來了,聽到了;本來她今天也不預備聽的,大概聽我講一些騙人的話,就把她騙得心裡就動彈了,這個媽媽就問兒 子:「我們好不好在這兒聽經?」兒子說:「可以的。」那麼這就叫未聞能聞。本來沒有這個機會聽佛法,她離這兒很遠的,這叫「未聞能聞」。這是第五種的利 益。這也就是因為她往昔有過精進,現在她也吃齋了。這個吃齋、念佛、信佛啊!這不是很容易的!這都有宿世的因緣,才有能發這種的心。

第六是什麼呢?「增長辯才」。本來你 不會說佛法,啊!不知道從什麼地方來的辯才無礙?這就是因為你精進。你精進呢,這辯才也就增長了,增長辯才。什麼叫辯才?我告訴你,就是會說話。什麼叫會 說話呢?你想哭,他把你說樂了;你本來想要發脾氣,他把你說得生出一種慈悲心來了;本來你想要跑,在這個暑假班太辛苦了,想要跑,他能把你說得不跑了,這 都叫辯才,就是會說話。會說話,就是令你聽得很舒服,甚至於他罵你,你聽得也很甜的;這個滋味很甜的,不覺得苦,這就是辯才。

第七種的利益,「得三昧性」,得這個 定性。

第八種是什麼呢?第八種的利益,「少 病惱」,病惱都跑了,沒有病了,也沒有煩惱了,也不知道跑到什麼地方去。

第九種,只要你精進,「隨時能消」, 你吃多少東西都能消化,為什麼你精進?無論你吃得再飽,啊!等沒有好久,這個肚皮又餓了,為什麼呢?你就精進嘛,精進就是勤,就是殷勤做工,不懶惰,不躲 懶偷安。不會說:「喔!師父不在了,我現在休息休息了。嗯!閉閉眼,睡睡覺。」不躲懶偷安,這就叫精進。所以隨時能消,能消化,消化力很強的,胃口也不 錯,stomach really good!(胃很好!)這個精進,就有這種的好處。

第十,你猜是什麼?第十就是「如優波 華」,優曇缽羅華「增長」,一天比一天增長。這第十種的利益。

上人:臺灣來的三位居士聽我亂講,怎 麼樣啊?

好了!今天這個經,講得好,也勉勉強 強講完了;講得不好,也勉勉強強的到時候。還有一刻鐘,我可以躲一刻鐘的懶;不過,我這個做師父的,懶一點不要緊,做徒弟的不可以懶,因為什麼呢?有狀元 徒弟,沒有狀元師父。我叫你們不懶,我就不管自己了,所以你們都不要懶。

方才說,把這個懶蟲斬了,變個精進 虎。我一想,這個虎是太惡了,不要變成精進虎,變成一個精進龍好了;這個蟲可以變成龍,我希望這個懶蟲能變成精進龍。


From last issue: The Ten Advantages of cultivating the Perfection of Vigor

4. One will not forget the Dharma one hears. This is the best advantage of all. One will have a good memory. Once the Dharma passes by one’s ears, it will always remain as a seed of the Way. One will never forget it. Wouldn’t you like to receive this benefit? I think you all would. Then be vigorous! If you aren’t vigorous, you won’t get it. For every increase in your effort, you gain that much benefit.

5. One will hear what one hasn’t heard. This is quite inconceivable! One will hear Dharma one has never heard before. What an advantage!

For example, the mother and her two sons who came today originally had not planned on listening to the Dharma in San Francisco. But the mother was probably swayed by what I said to “trick” them into staying, so she asked her sons about it and they agreed to stay for the lecture. Basically, they shouldn’t have had this opportunity to listen to the Dharma, since they live very far away. However, today they got to hear what they had never heard before. This is due to their vigor in past lives. When someone becomes vegetarian, has faith in the Buddha, or recites the Buddha’s name, it is not such a simple matter. They are able to resolve to do such things because of causes and conditions from past lives.

6. One’s eloquence will increase. To start with, one might not have been able to speak the Dharma, but, all of a sudden one becomes quite eloquent. This is because one was vigorous, and so one’s eloquence increased. Those with eloquence can talk people out of crying into laughing, out of anger into compassion, and out of running away from the suffering of this Summer Session into staying! Eloquent people can even scold others and they will find it very pleasant and not hard at all to hear.

7. One will obtain the essence of samadhi. One will have concentration.

8. One will have little sickness or affliction. One will not be sick or afflicted. Such problems will vanish.

9. One will have good digestion. One will be able to eat all one wants, and in just a few hours one will be hungry again. Why? Because one works hard and isn’t lazy. One doesn’t sit around thinking, “The Master’s not here. I think I’ll take a snooze.” One is very vigorous, and so one will always be able to digest one’s food well. One will also have a good appetite.

10. One will grow like the Udumbara flower. One will develop and grow, day by day, just like the Udumbara flower.

Venerable Master: What do the three laypeople from Taiwan think of my reckless talking?
Laywoman: Dharma Master, you speak very well. I have heard what I’ve never heard before.
Venerable Master: Now you’ve heard it.
Laywoman: Venerable Master, what does “Udumbara” mean?
Venerable Master: It means “magical and auspicous.”
Laywoman: Is it the kind of flower that appears only once in a long while?
Venerable Master: Yes. It blooms once every 3,000 years. “Udumbara” is Sanskrit and is translated as “magical and auspicious.”

Whether the lecture was good or not, time is just about up. There is a quarter hour left, but I think I can be lazy. However, while the teacher can relax a bit, the students should not be lazy. Why? Because the students should strive to be top of the class, while teacher doesn’t have any “top” to strive for. I tell you all to not be lazy, but I pay no attention to myself.

I just said that you should beat your lazy worms into vigorous tigers, but really, tigers are too fierce. Turn your lazy worms into vigorous dragons. That would be better.

To be continued


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