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Bodhi Mirror

Why I Left the Home-Life
— Bhikshuni Heng Ji


一九五二年出生於菲律賓。五歲時被家父帶往觀音堂讓祖母培養,祖母是觀音堂住持,所以從小就隨祖母素食、拜 佛、信仰佛教。讀小學時,祖母管教甚嚴,一切都要經過她的允許才可行事,學校的旅行或一般的餐會,都不可參加。也從不給零用錢,私人要買東西或吃東西都得 先問一聲;買來之後還要給她過目,所以自小身邊就沒有錢。初中畢業後,開始學習佛前的法器和維那。高中畢業又繼續在中正大學部進修漢文的文史系第一年級, 下午則在能仁學校義務教小學班佛學的課程,教了六年。

一九七四年,觀音堂喬遷到郊外,當時因祖母年老又缺助手,我只好停學,就開始專門忙著廟裡寺務。七八年受菩薩 戒,次年開始從事慈善工作,以及辦理養老院、孤兒院等。八二年,閱讀《修行者的消息》一書,才知道有萬佛聖城,進而認識宣公上人,喜愛上人的六大宗旨;因 而發起正念欲出家,自覺應該向上人學習,更要親近如此的善知識。

一九九三年五月,接待兩位從萬佛聖城來的尼師在觀音寺居住三星期,我與萬佛城的因緣才成熟。十月二十六日往美 國拜見宣公上人。於農曆十一月十六日,阿彌陀佛聖誕日於法界聖城落髮,正式受沙彌尼戒,並承受沙彌尼的訓練––每天除了早暮課誦之外,還要運動、靜坐、誦 大乘經典、拜願、上課、出坡、聽經、持咒等等,雖然功課很緊很忙,但那樣的生活真是過得法喜充滿,身心清淨自在,自覺得好幸福。今年九月受具足戒畢,希望 能依上人之法如法修行。

I was born in the Phillipines in 1952. When I was five, my father sent me to live with my grandmother at Guanyin Temple, which she managed. Following her example, I became vegetarian and began bowing to the Buddha and believing in Buddhism. When I was in elementary school, my grandmother supervised me very strictly. I had have her permission before I did anything. She did not allow me to attend fieldtrips or parties and never gave me any pocket money. If I needed to buy food or other things, I had to ask permission first, and then I had to show her whatever I bought. I never had money of my own. After graduating from junior high, I learned to lead Buddhist ceremonies and play the Dharma instruments. After high school graduation, I enrolled in a first-year Chinese language course in the Humanities Department of Zhongzheng University. In the afternoons, I taught an elementary-school class on Buddhism at the Nenren School. I was a volunteer there for six years.

In 1974, Guanyin Temple was relocated to the outskirts of the city. At that time, since my grandmother was getting old and needed someone to help her, I devoted myself to temple administration. I received the Boddhisattva precepts in 1978. The following year, I started a number of charity projects and set up a home for the elderly and an orphanage.

In 1982, I read News from True Cultivators, through which I learned about the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Venerable Master. I really liked the Master’s Six Guiding Principles (no fighting, no greed, no seeking, no selfishness, no pursuit of personal gain, and no lying). Thus I resolved to leave the home-life. I wanted to draw near and study from the Venerable Master, such a good and wise advisor.

In May 1993, two nuns from the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas visited Guanyin Temple and stayed for three weeks. My conditions with the City ripened, and I visited the Venerable Master in America on December 26. On the sixteenth day of the eleven lunar month, Amitabha Buddha’s Anniversary, I left the home-life and received the novice precepts. I went through the training of a novice nun, which included, in addition to morning and evening recitation, daily physical exercise, meditation, recitation of Mahayana Sutras, bowing, classes, community work, Sutra lectures, mantra recitation, and so on. Although the schedule was very tight, I rejoiced in the Dharma, felt purified both physically and mentally, and obtained a sense of self-mastery. I feel very fortunate to have had this experience. Having received the complete precepts in September of this year, I aspire to cultivate in accord with the Venerable Master’s teaching.


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