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The Best Gift That A Brother Could Give to A Sister


I vow that from today on, and in all future lives,I will not knowingly eat the flesh of living beings or cause their death, directly or indirectly.

比丘恆緣文 By Bhikshu Heng Yuen


我祝福妳、約翰和妳的孩子們新年快樂,並希望一九九四年會給妳們帶來有意義的生活轉變。但是我不希望這只是一 個空洞的問候,我要給妳和妳的親人一些用全世界的財富也買不到的東西,一些能保證妳活得更長久、健康和快樂的東西。甚至可說,即是一份禮物,可以確保妳來 世至少還可以做個擁有一切良好才能的智者,不至墮入那三個悲苦的世界。

以前,我曾鼓勵妳停止吃肉,但妳的反應是妳的孩子需要肉類來幫助發育成長。同時,妳也需要時間來學習煮素菜。 如果妳仔細考量過,那些都只是藉口,不是對我,而是對妳自己。在妳的內心深處,妳明知吃那些可憐的眾生肉是不對的,但是習氣很難捨去。慈悲是從妳的佛性來 的,那是每個眾生內在本具的。佛法在好多方面令妳受益,我再補充一點,好幫助妳了解有關吃肉的細節。一個明智者不該吃肉,最少有下列五種原因:


在西方國家,肉類的消耗量很高,尤其是從一九三○年代以來,新的畜牧管理方法,經研究而被廣泛推廣了,畜牧場 主為了增加生意,製造出蛋白質的神話。例如說「蛋白質對人體是必要的。」和「肉類是蛋白質唯一最好的來源」。很多人都被這謬傳給洗腦了。這個蛋白質的神話 是起於一九三○年,根據研究人員利用老鼠來做實驗的結果。他們不知道老鼠的新陳代謝,比人類快六倍。老鼠對蛋白質的需求是比人類還要高得多。當人類過量的 吸收蛋白質(尤其是動物蛋白質),造成了他們比原先蛋白質攝取不足時更多病。

最近在西方國家有許多中年女人患上骨質疏鬆症。導致這種病的因素有很多,最重要的是因為過量的攝取蛋白質。他 們所吃的蛋白質會減低他們骨裡的鈣元素。如吸取的蛋白質愈多,失去的鈣元素也愈多。因此,這些中年女士的骨骼非常脆弱,輕微一碰,例如撞到車門,骨頭就會 折斷或折碎。吸取太多奶製品也是骨質疏鬆症的原因之一。在亞洲國家,如中國,肉類的消耗量很低,所以沒有骨質疏鬆症的現象。過量的動物蛋白質也會造成腎結 石,根據美國癌症協會的報告指出,大量吸收蛋白質和乳癌,前列腺癌,胰臟癌和腸癌有密切關聯。

最好的蛋白質來源是蔬菜和水果,而且沒有副作用,例如膽固醇過多。在素食裡,不必去特選那一類,任何一類蔬菜 組合,保證都有我們人體所需要的蛋白質。妳可以從約翰·羅賓著作的「新美國人的飲食」這本書裡查到這些事實。而且書裡有很多可靠的報告和資料。

在美國,三分之二的死因是由三種病而起的:心臟病、癌症和中風。這三種病的主要兇手就是攝取過量的肉。大多數 的亞洲國家,因為肉類的消耗量低,不但不會受這些病苦,而且也不缺乏蛋白質。

吃肉不會導至身體健康和長壽。如果那是事實,那富有的人因為買得起肉,就會是唯一可以活得健康和長壽的人了。 能買得起肉又比別人吃肉吃得多的西方人,現在卻蒙受上述的厲害病症之苦。並且我們留意一下,很多素食者或那些買不起很多肉的人,他們卻享受健康的身體和長 命。吃肉並不保證健康長壽。如去醫院看那些癌病、心臟病、肝臟、或腎臟等病的人,他們都是肉食者。

健康的身體和長壽是來自善業。而善業是從不殺生(間接或不間接)而形成的。善業是由修行慈悲而來的,不只是對 人類,對所有的眾生者也該有慈悲心。如果一個人看到受傷的小鳥或跛行的馬會覺得它們可憐,為什麼不能對每天成千上萬被屠殺以供人狼吞虎嚥的無助動物起憐憫 之心呢?每天被屠殺為食物的動物多過於在全部戰爭中被殺的人啊!

如果人存有這種態度「啊!這些動物生來就是給人類殺來吃的」。那我們可以說為了我們自私而寶貴的生命,在我們 一生中,有許多動物就得為了成為我們的食物而被殺。妳的身體就等於是那些動物的墓場。有必要令其它的動物為了我們每日的餐食而死嗎?殺生是絕對必須的嗎?

即使妳不關心這些動物的痛苦,吃它們的肉只會對我們自己造成傷害。我們不會得到健康,也不會長命的。事實上正 相反,妳的健康會受到威脅。反之,蔬菜的蛋白質不會奪去我們的生命。

好的行為會得到好的果報,好的思想會得到好的結果。常對這些雞、豬、牛、魚、和其它動物有慈悲心,而且不吃它 們,會保證我們不會投生到畜生道。

妳可能記得這事件:當佛陀抓一把土壤在手上並解釋說,得人身的眾生,就像他掌上土那麼多;而投生在低等界(畜 生道,餓鬼道或地獄界裡)的眾生,有如地上的土地那麼多。當人造了無數惡業,就墮在惡趣裡。就算是一個普通人,表面上似乎活得沒遇到惡業,其實當他繼續的 吃肉,令很多無辜的動物死去,他正累積著無數殺業。那麼是否有任何奧祕,為何一個吃了許多眾生的人,他投生再為人身之前,會無數次的墮在畜生道?這個麻煩 就是:當他有機會為人時,又因為吃眾生肉,而再無數次投生在畜生道中。現在妳明白為何得人身的,比投生在痛苦道中的眾生少得可憐的嗎?

一般人相信吃肉能給他精力和營養。事實上,妳吃任何一樣東西,無論是維他命或毒藥,都會充滿妳的全身體。但是 一般人忘了,被他們吃掉的動物的生命力也取代了妳的生命力。當這些動物面對死亡那刻時,恐佈,憤怒,痛苦和仇恨充滿在它們每個細胞裡,也會充滿在吃這些動 物的人的身上。如果妳思考一下,一般人所吃的肉類的數量總計起來,他們的血液裡,細胞裡或精神裡,有那一部份不是被這些動物的毒素所污染呢?妳再想想看 吧!

因為人們吞食肉類的數量驚人,因果報應重得不會等到來世才報;因果報應就在這世出現(現世報)。剛才所提到的 嚴重疾病是個人的吃肉業報。殺生的共業則出現驚人數量的謀殺,戰爭,災難如地震,洪水,颶風,意外災難,火災等。現在人的思想和行為都像畜生一樣,沒有理 由而去殺人的情形越來越多。現在的小孩子連他們的父母也殺,很多人都在死亡陰影之下長大,其中原因是被電視的暴力訊息所感染。這世界都被殺生困擾著。

妳我今生為人是兄妹關係,這不是初次的,我們往昔無數次生為人,也有親屬關係;但是我們投生為畜生親屬,更多 過投生為人。如果妳繼續吃肉,就算妳曾做好的事,我們也不敢肯定多少世妳會投生為畜生或在其他痛苦惡道中,然後再投生為人,而且是親屬關係。我之所以一再 對妳解說這點,實在是因為得人身宛如在恆河中找尋一根針那麼難。我寫這麼長的信,是因為我不忍心看到妳,我親愛的妹妹,不停的投生為雞或牛,而被一次再一 次的屠宰。

如果妳每天繼續的吃肉,妳會陷入更深的輪迴裡。投生為畜生不是好玩的!相信我!妳以為每天投胎為雞和牛的是 誰?每天被宰殺的又是誰?它們就是往昔為人時,沒有慈悲心的去噉食眾生肉的人。當它們是人類時,從沒關心到這些可憐的動物當時的恐怖和痛苦,所以最終這些 人都投生為畜生被人吃。所以這種惡的循環自動地一再重複無休無止,所以妳該盡速的停止這些可怕的事情發生在妳自己身上。

肉食者所造的殺業比屠夫多,因為你付錢叫他們去殺,這就像僱用刺客去犯罪一樣。每個因都一定有個果的。當無數 的動物因妳而死,又被妳吃了後,妳真的相信妳可以逃脫嗎?從沒有一個肉食者能自這個殺業中被赦免的。

事實上,吃肉不會使妳或妳的孩子健康和長命的。是行善道,慈悲和放生,保證妳有健康的身體和一個快樂而且長命 的一生。

當我們要改掉我們的壞習氣時,我們不能再等,去行善去惡的最佳時機是「現在」!只要妳下決心立刻不吃肉,妳自 會知道如何煮素菜。當妳抱怨煮素食的困難時,妳只是給自己製造不需要的障礙。何況坊間有許多好的素食食譜。妳要教妳孩子孝順,妳得自己先孝順,妳也可以以 不吃肉和不餵他們吃眾生肉來教他們慈悲和尊敬生命。

寫這封信花了我很多時間,但我是用最真誠、懇切心去寫的。這是一份身為哥哥可以送給妹妹或任何人的最卓越的禮 物,值得妳一讀再讀。今天是妳至誠立下決心的時候了,「我發願從現在起以至未來際,不有意地吃眾生肉,或者直接,間接地導至他們的死亡。」



My Dear Sister

I wish you and John and the kids a happy new year, and that 1994 will bring meaningful changes to your life. But I want to make this not just an empty greeting. I want to give you and your loved ones something which all the wealth in the world cannot buy, something that will ensure that you live long, healthy and happy. More than that, a gift that sustains past this present life. A gift that ensures that you will be reborn no less than a wise human being with all full healthy faculties, and not fall into the three realms of woe.

Previously, I encouraged you to stop eating meat. But your reaction was that your children need meat to grow up strong, and that you needed time to learn to cook vegetarian meals. If you think over it, those are just excuses, not to me, but to yourself. Deep in your heart, you know it is wrong to eat the flesh of those poor living creatures, but habits are hard to stop. Deep inside is your compassion which tells you eating meat is wrong. That compassion comes from your Buddha-nature, which is inherent in every living being. The Dharma has enriched you in many ways. I will try to fill in one more part. I will try to help you understand the ramifications of eating meat. There are at least five reasons why a wise person should not eat meat, namely:

1.  The Protein Myth.
2.  Good health and long life are the result of your karma.
3.  Compassion can never be considered a waste on any
  living being.
4.  You become what you eat.
5.  Livestock are loaded with chemicals.

Meat consumption has been most conspicuous in Western countries, especially since the 1930’s when new methods of husbandry were researched and became widespread. The animal farmers, in an effort to boost up business, built up the “Protein Myth,” which states, “protein is essential for your body” and “meat is the only good source of protein.” Many people have been brainwashed by that myth.

The protein myth was the result of researches based on rats in the 1930’s. What they did not know then was that rats have a body metabolism six times faster than that of human beings. Rats’ requirement for protein is much higher than the equivalent for humans.

When humans consume excessive amounts of protein (especially animal protein), they end up with more illnesses than when they were short of protein. Today, an alarming number of women in Western countries who are past middle age are suffering from osteoporosis. It is a disease caused by a number of things, the most important of which is excess dietary protein. The protein they eat attacks the calcium in their bones. The more protein they consume, the more calcium they lose. Consequently, these women have brittle bones that break at the slightest impact, such as bumping against a car door. Osteoporosis is caused also by excessive milk consumption. In Asian countries, like China, where meat is consumed in tiny quantities, osteoporosis does not exist. Excessive animal protein also causes kidney stones. The American Institute for Cancer Research reported a strong correlation between dietary protein intake and cancer of the breast, prostate, pancreas, and colon.

The best protein sources are from vegetables and fruits. Besides, they don’t have side effects, such as cholesterol. In a nonmeat diet, without even trying to select the vegetables for any meal, any random combination of vegetables would guarantee the required protein for the human body. You can check all the facts in the book Diet for a New America by John Robbins. It also contains lots of reliable reports and references.

In the US, two thirds of the deaths are caused by these three diseases: heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Excessive meat consumption is the main cause of these three major killers. In most Asian countries where meat is consumed mostly in tiny quantities, people don’t suffer from lack of protein nor from those diseases just mentioned.

Good health and long life are not the result of eating meat. If they were, then rich people who can afford meat would be the only ones to live healthy and long lives. Western people who can afford it, and who in fact do eat more meat than others, are now predominantly the ones suffering from those dreadful diseases I mentioned. On the other hand, you see many people who don’t eat meat or who can’t afford much meat enjoying good health and living long. Eating meat does not guarantee good health and long life. Visit any hospital and you will see that the people with cancer and diseases in the heart, liver, kidney, and so on are those who eat meat.

Good health and long life come from good karma. Good karma comes from not killing, whether directly or indirectly. Good karma comes from practicing compassion, not only to human beings, but to all living beings. If one is able to feel sorry for a wounded bird or a limping horse, why is one unable to have mercy for the millions of helpless animals that are slaughtered every day for people to gobble up? The number of animals killed every single day for food around the world is more than the total number of people killed in all wars.

If one adopts the attitude that, “Oh, those animals are meant to be killed for human consumption,” then you are also saying that for your own “selfish precious life,” many other living beings should be killed for your food for your entire life span. Your body then becomes the cemetery for those animals. Is it necessary for other beings to die in order for us to have our daily meals? Is the killing absolutely essential?

Even if you don’t care about the pain and suffering of those animals, eating their flesh causes harm to yourself and no one else. Your health will not benefit, nor will you live any longer. In fact the opposite happens; your health will suffer. In contrast, protein from vegetables does not kill humans.

A good deed brings good results. A good thought brings good results. Constant compassion for those chickens, pigs, cows, fish, and animals ensures that you will not be reborn as one of them.

You might remember the incident when the Buddha picked up a handful of dirt and explained that the number of beings born as humans is like the dirt in his hand, whereas the number of beings born in lower realms, among animals, ghosts, and hell-beings, is like the amount of dirt in the world. Humans commit many evil deeds that cause their rebirth in these lower miserable realms. Even the average citizen who, on the surface, appears to live without evil, is actually accumulating killing karma so long as he continues eating meat and causing many innocent animals to die. With the number of animals a person eats, is it any mystery, then, why he is reborn countless times as animals before he finally gets reborn as a human again? The trouble is that, once given the break as a human, he eats animals and again gets reborn countless times as those animals. Do you now understand why humans are so woefully few compared to those reborn in the realms of suffering?

The average person believes that eating meat gives him energy and nutrition for his life force. In fact, anything you eat fills up your entire body system, whether vitamins or poison. But people forget that in eating animals, the entire animal life force also fills up your life force. The fear, anger, agony, and vengeance that fill up every cell of the animal at the moment of death will also fill up every cell of the person who eats the animal. If you consider the sum total animal flesh eaten by the average person, is there any part of his blood supply, body cells or psyche that is not contaminated by that toxic animal energy? Think it over.

At the rate people are gobbling up meat, the retribution becomes so heavy that it cannot wait until a later life; retribution manifests in this very life. The escalating diseases just mentioned suffered by meat eaters result from their individual karma. Their collective killing karma is manifested in the alarming number of murders; wars; and calamities, such as earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, accidents, and fires. People are thinking and acting like animals, killing each other for no reason in increasing numbers. Even kids kill their parents nowadays. People in greater numbers are growing up with a death wish, partly fed daily by the unnecessary abhorrent violence shown on TV. The world is obsessed with killing.

You and I are related as brother and sister in this present human life. This is nothing new. We have been related as humans countless times before. But we have been related as animals many more times than as humans. If you continue eating meat, even if you do other good karma, it is unsure how many lives you will be reborn as animals or in other painful realms before we can be reborn in the same human family again. The chances of my explaining this to you again in a future human life is like looking for a needle in the entire Ganges River. The reason I have written this long letter is because I cannot bear to have you, my beloved sister, reborn countless times as chickens or cows, only to be slaughtered over and over again.

With each passing day, as you continue eating meat, you sink deeper into samsara with that many more lives to go through in the realm of those pitiful animals. Being an animal is no fun! Believe me! Who do you think are those getting reborn as chickens and cows every day? And being killed every day? They were previously humans who ate animals without compassion. As humans they had no concern whatsoever for the fear, pain, or agony of those poor animals, and so they eventually ended up being reborn as those animals only to be eaten by others. The vicious cycle repeats itself ad infinitum. There is utmost urgency to stop causing this horror to yourself.

One who eats meat incurs more killing karma than the butcher, because one pays him to kill. It is like paying an assassin to commit the crime. Every cause definitely produces an effect. After causing their death and eating their flesh, do you really believe you can get away with it? No meat eater can ever be absolved from this killing karma.

Be realistic. It is not eating meat that makes you or your children healthy and long-lived. It is doing good deeds, being compassionate, and liberating life that guarantee you good health and a long and happy life.

When it comes to changing our bad habits, we should not wait. The best time to do good and avoid evil is NOW! If you would only make the resolve to stop eating meat this very instant, you would know how to cook vegetarian meals. You are only putting unnecessary hurdles in front of yourself by fussing over the difficulty of cooking. Besides, there are many good cookbooks available on vegetarian cooking. You teach your children to be filial by being filial yourself. You also teach them to be compassionate and respect life by not eating meat or feeding them the flesh of living beings.

This letter has taken a long time to write. But I write it with the most sincere intention. It is the best gift that a brother could give to a sister, or to anyone. It is worth your reading it over again. Today is the day to sincerely make the resolve: “I vow that from today on, and in all future lives, I will not knowingly eat the flesh of living beings or cause their death, directly or indirectly.” Amitabha.

    With Metta and wishes beyond words


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea