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The Wonderful DharmaLotus Flower Sutra with Commentary

【卷四 提婆達多品第十二 】

Roll 4, Chapter 12, Devadatta

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version


怎麼叫精進?精進,就是不懶惰。你聽經,想要睡覺,這就不是精進;你 聽經,打妄想,這就不是精進;你在這兒聽經,和人講話,這就不是精進。那什麼是精進?不睡覺,不打妄想,不講話,平心靜氣的,注目凝神,畢恭畢敬。精進, 我應該不應該精進呢?是不是叫他精進,不叫我精進呢?不是!我應該精進。他精不精進,我不管他。我現在要睡覺嗎?我站起來,再不醒,就跪在那地方聽經。我 一定要對治這一種懶惰,所以要把懶蟲一刀兩斷,把這個懶蟲殺了它,這就是精進。有的人說:「我受五戒,不殺生,殺個懶蟲不就犯戒了嗎?」你把懶蟲若殺了, 你就有精進了。

你這個精進是個什麼呢?就是精進虎。好像老虎似的。你看那個老虎跑得那 麼快,那就是精進;你若能學那個老虎,那就是精進。說:「老虎我沒看見,不知道牠是怎麼精進?」我現在介紹一個小老虎,什麼是小老虎?就是那個貓。你看見 貓了沒有?那個貓,一跳!喔!跳得很遠,又會上樹。老鼠跑得那麼快,也沒有貓跑得快。就學貓那麼快。

精進,好像你由早晨四點鐘起來,到晚間九點鐘以後,或者十點才休息,這 一天就是精進了。你要是說:「這一天,我休息休息了!」那你就是沒精進了。精進就是這個意思,明白嗎?

但是,又有身精進,又有心精進。身精進,是晝夜六時用這個身體來行道, 來修行。到一早起身的時候就起來,做早課,我也不懶惰,我絕對不落人後。大家都站在那個地方,就等你一個人,那好意思?就那麼多人等你一個人,你把大家的 寶貴時間都給耽誤了,這不單沒有精進,而且還造了罪。因為什麼呢?


你那個千江的水你都把它搖動了,這可以的;但你不要動修道人的心。那修 道人的心哪,他只要打一個妄想,那就不得了了。你令他說:「這個人還不來?」就生了瞋恨心了。這樣子你就沒有功,有過了。你把那個道人心給動搖了,那你這 個罪過就很大的。

那麼精進,身精進、心精進。心精進哪,晝夜六時念佛、念法、念僧,時時 都不打妄想,時時都對三寶有一種恭敬心、供養心,這心精進。

現在還是依照這「十力」來講這精進。第一,你要是修精進,有真正精進, 修這個頭陀行,抖擻精神,精進。所以參禪,在止靜的時候,就喊一聲,說:「打起精神!不要睡覺!」這就是叫你精進。

你修精進,第一種利益是什麼呢?「他不能折伏」。你能折伏他,他不能折 伏你。你有精進,有這種真正功夫,你和人辯論也會百戰百勝。和誰一辯論,他不能折伏你,你就不會輸;不會輸給他,那你一定勝利的。因為什麼你會勝利?就因 為你精進。好像那個軍隊打仗,這一邊的軍隊那麼精進抖擻的,都有精神,那邊的軍隊就像要睡覺似,那邊就是個懶惰,這邊就是個精進。你精進這一邊,一定會把 睡覺的那一邊打敗了它,所以這叫第一「他不能折伏」。

第二呢?那更不可思議了,「佛所攝護」,這佛攝護你,佛看:喔!這個眾 生真是不錯,他是認真修行,不懶惰。廣東話叫很乖的,乖仔、乖女,就是一個好孩子。那麼佛因為你是一個好孩子,來保護著你、攝受你。你看這是不是利益呢? 所以第二個利益叫「佛所攝護」。

第三個利益是什麼呢?也是「非人所護」。不單佛所護持你,天龍八部、人 非人等都擁護你,都保護著你。


The Paramita of Vigor

Vigor is the opposite of laziness. If you are listening to the lecture and falling asleep, you are not being vigorous! If you listen to the lecture, but strike up a lot of false thinking, you are not being vigorous. If you listen and talk to your friends at the same time, you are not being vigorous. What, then, is vigor? Not sleeping, not having false thinking, and not chattering! Sitting quietly, paying full, respectful attention is being vigorous. Vigor is something you cultivate yourself. You don’t go around telling other people to do it. Whether or not other people are vigorous is not your business. If you feel like you are falling asleep, then stand up! If that doesn’t work, kneel to listen to the Sutra lecture. Vigor means fighting with the lazy worms inside of you—killing them all. “I’ve taken the five precepts, so I shouldn’t kill. Wouldn’t I be breaking precepts by killing a lazy worm?” If you kill off the lazy worms, then you will be vigorous.

You should be as vigorous as a tiger! See how fast they run?

“I’ve never seen a tiger,” someone says.

Then I will introduce you to a small tiger. Have you ever seen a cat? It can jump and it can climb trees. It can run faster than mice.

Vigor: You get up at four in the morning and don’t rest until ten at night. That’s vigor. If you take breaks all day long, you are not vigorous. Vigor just means you keep working.

There is physical vigor and mental vigor. Using physical vigor means practicing the Way in the six periods of day and night. In the morning you rise and do morning recitation, determined not to be late, not to make other people have to wait for you. If you make people wait for you all the time, instead of merit, you are committing offenses. It is said,

You can change the course of a thousand rivers,But don’t disturb a cultivator’s mind.

If you cause a cultivator to have one false thought, you’re in for trouble! If you make everyone wait for you and cause them to be mad at you, then, instead of creating merit, you have committed offenses, great offenses!

Using mental vigor means being mindful of the Buddha, Dharma, and the Sangha throughout the six periods of day and night. You do not have any false thoughts. At all times you are respectful of the Triple Jewel and you think about making offerings to the Triple Jewel.

Now we will discuss the Ten Advantages of Vigor. If you cultivate vigor by striking up your spirits and cultivating the ascetic practices, then you will gain these benefits. That’s why, in our Chan sessions, we say, “Strike up your spirits! Don’t sleep!”

1. Others cannot defeat one. If one has the true skill of vigor, one will win all debates. No one will win over one. One shall win because of vigor. If two armies are engaged in a battle and one is very high spirited, while the other is drowsy and lazy, the vigorous ones will certainly conquer the lazy ones.

2. The Buddhas will receive and protect one. The Buddha will look upon one and think, “This living being is pretty good. He’s a straight ahead cultivator, not lazy at all.” The Buddha will take care of one. Wouldn’t you call that an advantage?

3. One will be protected by non-humans. Not only will the Buddhas protect one, but the gods, dragons, and the eightfold division will protect one as well.

To be continued


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