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"A Community Immersed in Authenticity and Contemplation"
— quote from a student evaluation

恆古 文 by Heng Gu

一九九五年十月十三日至十五日,一群來自漢堡大學,並少數來自柏克萊加州大 學的學生,一共約四十人左右,再度造訪萬佛聖城。這個週末的主題是「市場上的精神價值」,經多方面的討論後,在星期六晚上,於全體大眾參加的討論會上作了 總結。

塔那瓦拉上師(Ajahn Thanavaro),一位小乘的義大利法師,也是蘇美度法師的弟子,也參加了這個週末的活動,他對隱居生活(住茅棚)的深見甚獲學生重視。星期天上午, 在佛殿裡他並用巴利文唱三皈五戒,當晚又給大眾作開示。對很多學生來說,萬佛城平靜,優美的自然環境,增強了這個工作坊的經驗。清晨的靜坐及星期六下午的 太極拳,將這些訪客密集的講演,討論及法會行程,作了一個平衡性的調整。約瀚羅賓斯 (John Robins) 的記錄片「新世紀的飲食」中,具體行動表現了慈悲給了很多學生很大的啟示。學生也很歡喜收到一本《宣公上人的開示錄》。

很多學生在他們此次週末的心得報告中表示:願意再回萬佛聖城,尤其是能住久 一點。一位漢堡學生在報告中說「去年及今年的萬佛聖城之行,對我的認知,產生了很大的影響。我憬悟到,日常生活中,除了上學、上班等之外,應該還有更多的 一些東西。同時我想提一下,我去年來此的經驗,在與幾位比丘尼談話當中,我被一種很強烈的感覺,感動得差點掉下眼淚;那好像是來自比丘尼們的一種感覺、力 量或者是一種平和之氣,深深的影響了我。當晚躺在床上,我想著這件事,於是我決定成為一個素食者;吃素是讓我繼續體會這種感受的方法。我想要告訴你們:萬 佛聖城這地方,以及這裡的人,給我的影響真的很大。」

From Oct. 13–15, 1995, a group of nearly forty Humboldt State University students as well as some students from University of California at Berkeley again visited the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. The theme of the weekend was “Spiritual values in the marketplace?” This topic was pursued from several perspectives and wrapped up in a Saturday night panel discussion, which was attended by the whole assembly.

Ajahn Thanavaro, an Italian monk of the Theravada tradition and a disciple of Ajahn Sumedho, also joined the weekend. His insights concerning the hermit’s life were valued by the students. Ajahn Thanavaro also led the Pali recitation of the Three Refuges and Five Precepts in the Buddha Hall on Sunday morning and gave a Dharma talk to the assembly on Sunday night.

For many students, the beautiful and peaceful natural surroundings of the City enhanced the experiences of the workshop. The visitors’ intense schedule of lectures, discussions, and ceremonies was balanced by some early morning meditation and Saturday afternoon taiji. A John Robbins video, “Diet for a New America,” showed compassion in action and was an inspiration to many. The students also appreciated being given a book of instructional talks by the Venerable Master.

In their final evaluations of the weekend many of the students said they would like to return again, especially for a longer retreat. One Humboldt student wrote: “Coming here this year and last year has had a big influence on my awareness that there is something more than just the everyday life of going to school, going to work, etc... Also, I want to mention an experience I had here last year. [During a talk] with a few of the nuns... I was overcome by a very strong feeling that almost moved me to tears... It seemed to be a feeling or energy or peace that was coming from the nuns. It really affected me, and as I lay in bed that evening thinking about it, I decided to become a vegetarian... It was a way for me to maintain an awareness of what I had felt. I wanted you to know that this place and people here have really affected me.”


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea