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Buddhist Summer Youth Program: A Request for Volunteer Teachers


美國加州萬佛聖城的育良小學及培德中學,將於一九九六年舉辦佛 教夏令營,為期二十六天,自七月七日開始至七月二十七日止。本校學生來自不同的宗教及文化背景,年齡七歲至十五歲。本校所有課程及活動皆以促進各文化之間 的了解及合作,凡於英語為第二語言、中文、美術、工藝、音樂、戲劇、辯論有教學經驗者,皆可申請,所有專任義務教師於萬佛聖城之膳宿皆由本校提供,方便其 參與聖城之日常功課。


一、義務教師於七月一日至七月二十八日期間必須住於萬佛聖城 內。夏令營開學前有一星期舉行義務教師座談會。



若需更多有關義務教學,育良小學,培德中學萬佛聖城之資料,請 來函索取。






申請之人推薦信以能由當地法總所屬寺廟之法師出具為佳。若不能 參與該寺廟之佛事,則由申請人工作單位主管或老師出具亦可。

所有申請資料必須於一九九六年三月十六日送達本校。逾期恕不受 理。本校於一九九六年三月十五日前作決定。

申請資料及任何諮詢請送至:萬佛聖城/培德中學/育良小學夏令 營收 P.O. Box 36 Talmage, CA 95481-0217 U.S.A.

Instilling Goodness and Developing Virtue Schools will be holding a Buddhist Summer Youth Program from July 7 to July 27, 1996 at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Our students come from a variety of religious and cultural backgrounds and range in age from seven to fifteen years. In all our courses and activities we hope to encourage cross-cultural understanding and cooperation. We are looking for volunteer teachers with experience in a wide range of subjects such as ESL, Chinese, arts and crafts, music and drama, debate, and recreational activities. All full-time volunteer teachers will receive free room and board at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and be able to participate in the daily activities of the onastery.


1. Volunteer teachers must be in residence at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas from July 1 thru July 28. There will be a one-week teacher orientation before the summer program begins.

2. Volunteer teachers must be of college age or older.

3. Volunteer teachers must abide by the rules of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Additional information about the volunteer teacher program, Instilling Goodness and Developing Virtue Schools, and the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is available upon request.

Application Procedure:

To apply, submit the following:

1. one completed application form

2. a short essay (1 page) describing why you would like to be a volunteer teacher

3. one letter of recommendation

If possible, it is preferable for the letter of recommendation to be written by a Dharma Master at the local DRBA temple which you attend. For those who do not regularly participate in temple activities, a letter from a work supervisor or teacher can be substituted.

All application materials must be received by March 22, 1996. Decisions will be made by April 2, 1996.

Further Inquiries and Applications should be sent to:

IGDVS Summer Youth Program Coordinating Committee City of Ten Thousand Buddhas P.O. Box 36
Talmage, CA 95481-0217 U.S.A.

Application for Volunteer Teachers
1996 Summer Youth Program


I. Personal Information / 個人資料

Name / 姓名: ____________________________________
Gender / 性別:___________ Age / 年齡:___________
Address / 地址: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone / 電話:(w) 工作:________________________________________________
(h) 居家: __________________________________________________

II. Educational Background / 教育背景

Graduate School / 研究所        Field / 行業             Degree / 學位
_________________________________    _____________________________________  _____________________
_________________________________    _____________________________________  _____________________
College / 大學:________________   Major / 主修: __________________   Degree / 學位: ___________________

III. Work History (a resume can be attached) / 工作履歷(可附履歷表)

Employer / 雇主               Position / 職位             Dates/ 日期
______________________________________   _________________________________  _____________________
______________________________________   _________________________________  _____________________
______________________________________   _________________________________  _____________________
______________________________________   _________________________________  _____________________

IV. Previous Teaching Experience / 教學經歷

V. Interests (check all that apply) / 興趣(可以多選)

___dorm supervisor / 宿舍管理。    ___ art / 美術。___ music/ 音樂。___ creative writing / 寫作。
___teacher: elementary level / 小學教課。 ___ drama / 戲劇。___ crafts / 工藝。___ Buddhist studies / 佛學。
___ teacher: junior high level / 中學教課。 ___ sports / 體育。___ activities & games / 戶外活動。
___administrative assistant / 行政助理。  ___ ESL / 教英語。___ Chinese / 教中文。___ debate / 辯論。
___ science / 科學。___ ecology / 環保。
___ other / 其他 ____________________________
___ other / 其他 ____________________________

Applicant’s Signature / 申請人簽名:___________________
Date / 日期:_______________________________


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea