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Bodhi Stand

How I Came to Study Buddhism
— Upasika Sonya Wei


習慣於在空中飛來飛去,曾經是空中小姐的莊居士,終於在萬佛聖城著陸了。這 全得助於其同修––魏居士的接引。莊居士在娘家時原是信基督教的,性喜旅遊、吃館子、跳舞、看電影,生活過得多彩多姿,結交的也都是些王孫貴公子、外交 官。婚後因為夫婿是美食家,經營的又是室內設計業,社交生活更是活躍。信佛修行似乎和莊居士沾不上關係,搬到佛教清修的道場來定居,更是壓根兒沒想過。

或者是緣份到了吧!有一天,同修魏先生在看夠了臺灣外道的形形色色之後,終 於接觸到了佛法,並且立刻開始修習,又將自己所修的法門也介紹太太照樣修習,因此莊居士也就跟著又是誦經,又是禮佛,又是持咒,老實依教奉行起來;甚至在 魏居士自己已經轉換了法門之後,她還是持續不斷,因此將〈楞嚴咒〉、〈十小咒〉全背下了,打下日後來萬佛城修行的基礎。

一九九四年四月,終於隨夫婿搬來萬佛城定居,並在城中女校教書及幫忙財務工 作,從此莊居士洗盡鉛華,斷絕外緣,每日隨眾做早晚功課並拜願。一年住下來之後,莊居士覺得心胸似乎開闊了許多,也不想出門了。在諸多法門之中,莊居士覺 得最對機的就是拜佛,所以在拜萬佛寶懺期間,除了教課之外,絕不放棄一枝香。

Sonya, a former flight attendant, has finally landed at the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. It was her husband who brought her here. Sonya had been a Christian before she married. She liked to travel, eat out, go dancing, watch movies; her life was very colorful, and the people she typically associated with were dignitaries and diplomats. After she married, because her husband was a connoiseur of gourmet food and was in the business of interior design, her social life became even more active. Buddhism and cultivation seemed completely irrelevant to her lifestyle, and the idea of settling down in a Buddhist monastery of pure cultivation never entered her head.  

But the conditions must have ripened. One day, her husband finally encountered the Buddhadharma after having seen enough of the various cults in Taiwan. He immediately began to cultivate and also introduced his method of practice to his wife. Sonya thus joined her husband in reciting Sutras and mantras, bowing to the Buddhas, and cultivating faithfully. Even when he switched to a different method of practice, she continued to persevere and thus committed the Shurangama Mantra and the Ten Small Mantras entirely to memory. This served as the foundation for her to come to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to cultivate.

In April 1994, she and her husband finally moved to the City, where she teaches in the girls’ school and helps out in the financial department. Giving up her glamorous life and cutting off ties with the outside world, she joins the assembly in morning and evening ceremonies and in bowing to the Buddhas. After living here for a year, Sonya feels her mind has expanded, and she no longer feels like going out to socialize. She feels that the best method of practice for her is bowing to the Buddhas, and so during the annual Ten Thousand Buddhas Repentance Ceremony, she never misses a period unless she has to teach class.


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea