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The Dharma Master Changzhen Whom I Know

吳靜容 文 by Jingrong Wu

但在傳衣缽的問題上,老和尚又給人 們以意想不到的驚訝。

第一次聽到關於昌臻法師的事,是在一九九○年。那時他還是一位在家居士,他 從林學院退休後,住在成都文殊院寫《四川省佛學誌》,同時擔任文殊院住持寬霖法師的文祕工作,人稱張妙首老師。

我的朋友介紹說:他歷經劫難,喪妻亡女,兒子又是弱智,照說他應該很苦惱, 但他卻喜樂安詳。他年逾花甲,退休下來,不能含飴弄孫,百無聊賴;照說應該失落空虛,但他卻自在充實。

不久前的一個深夜,他忽然吐血了。口杯裡已吐了一多半,喉嚨裡的血還在往上 湧。此時他本可請人送他去醫院,但他卻不聲張。他想起了一九六五年亡妻顏娟臨終的情景,也是吐血,一口氣不來就走了。不也和他目前一樣嗎?他想:「可能我 的時候到了,該走就走罷」於是起身,先把經手的事務、錢財(別人託印經的,放生的……)一一作了書面交代,寫好遺囑––我死後請清定上師給我作法事超度, 請將我的骨灰撒在文殊院的林盤裡……,然後淨身更衣,禮佛後盤腿向西坐床上,一心專念「阿彌陀佛」。

哪知過了一會,血卻停止了,第二天早上完全好了。事後姪女們埋怨他當時為啥 不去醫院?他淡淡地一笑道:「一個人的命豈是保得了的麼?要是命可以保,那麼秦皇、漢武都在追求長生不死之道,但他們誰又保住了呢?」

在十年動亂期間,他在林學院作醫生,被打成「反革命」、「牛頭鬼神」,被關 進「牛棚」,「專政」。當時學校兩派打派仗,真槍實彈,結果雙方都死了一些人。於是抬埋那齜牙咧嘴,滿身血污的死屍的苦差事,就落在這些「牛頭蛇神」的頭 上。天熱,屍臭,揹死屍的一個個吃不下飯,睡不著覺,痛苦萬分,但他都樂意去作這苦差事。他一邊揹死屍,一邊為死者念〈往生咒〉,超度死於非命的亡魂,所 以他一點也不怕。他還主動幫別的難友完成任務,這樣既跟死者結了善緣,又跟生者也結了善緣,所以他法喜充滿,心情平靜。

當時蹲「牛棚」的人吃不下飯,睡不著覺,個個面如土色,形容憔悴;唯有他食 眠照舊,自在安詳。以至有一天專政隊長(管「牛鬼」的人)忽然把他叫去問道:「張某某,你的印堂為什麼與眾不同,居然是發亮的?」他當時只得找些鬼話來搪 塞。事後他對我的朋友說:

說真話,我當時並不覺得有什麼牢騷或憤懣。四人幫垮臺後給我平個反,說 是冤 枉;其實,這是世間的看法。要知道,從三世因果的角度,根本沒有冤假錯了的事情。我之所以今生遭厄,那是過去造的業。既然如此,就應以德報怨,把業消了。 再說那些胡作非為的人們,其實在迷途之中,還是很可憐的,要悲憫他們。那時我內心很平靜,沒有負擔,一有閑空,我就默念佛號。所以我吃飯睡覺都很香,我也 不知道我的印堂亮不亮。



However, as to the question of the transmission of the robe and bowl, the Venerable Master surprised everyone, because he willed the twenty-second lineage of the Linji Sect to a lay disciple named Miaoshou Zhang who lived faraway in Chengdu. The people had only seen this disciple three times. When Miaoshou arrived during the mourning period, he followed that last request and had his head shaved in front of the body of the Master. From then on he was known as Shi Changzhen.

The first time I heard about Dharma Master Changzhen was in l990, when he was still a layman. After he retired from the College of Forestry, he went to live at Manjushri Temple in Chengdu and was writing for the Buddhist Journal of Sichuan Province. He was known as Teacher Miaoshou Zhang and was secretary to Abbot Kuanlin of Manjushri Temple.

My friend told me about Layman Zhang and said that he had experienced many disasters and difficulties. He had lost his wife, his daughter had passed away, and his son was retarded. Instead of being distressed under such circumstances, he was content and peaceful. At over sixty with no grandchildren to enjoy and nothing to look forward to in life, he should have been feeling empty and depressed, but in fact he was at ease and fulfilled.

One night recently, he suddenly began to vomit blood. He spit up half a cup, and more blood was gushing out of his throat. He could have asked someone to take him to the hospital, but he didn’t call out. He thought about how in l965 his wife, Yuan Juan, when near death had also vomited blood, stopped breathing, and then died. Wasn’t that just like his present situation? He thought, “Probably it’s time for me to go. So just go!” Then he got up, wrote instructions about dispensing his responsibilities, money (that others had given him to use for printing Sutras, liberating life, and so forth), and wrote his will: “After I die please ask Dharma Master Qingding, distinguished Teacher, to perform ceremonies to cross me over. Please scatter my ashes in Manjushri Temple’s forests.” Then he bathed, changed his clothes, bowed to the Buddhas, sat in full lotus facing the West, and there on his bed was single-mindedly reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha. Who would have thought that after a while the bleeding stopped. The next day he was completely well. After that incident his niece complained and asked why he didn’t go to the hospital. He smiled a little and said, “Can a person hold on to his own life? If one could hold on to his own life, then what about the Emperor of Qin and Emperor Wu of Han, both of whom sought immortality? Were they able to hold on to life?”

During the ten years of turmoil, he was a doctor at the College of Forestry and was condemned as a “counter-revolutionary", a “bad element,” and was kept in a cow shed. At that time, at the college, two gangs had a shoot-out and as a result some members of each gang died. The job of the burying the open-mouthed, broken-toothed, filthy, blood-smeared corpses fell on the shoulders of the “bad elements.” The day was hot and the corpses stank. Those assigned to bury the corpses could neither eat nor sleep; they were in great misery. But Layman Zhang willingly did this tough task. As he buried the corpses he recited the “Rebirth Mantra” to cross over lost souls who died untimely deaths. He was not afraid at all, and he even helped his companions finish their job. Thus he tied up good affinities with the living and the dead. He was calm and filled with joy for the Dharma. The other people in the cow shed could neither eat nor sleep, and their complexions were pale and haggard. Only he could eat and sleep as usual; he was calm and at ease.

Because of this, one day the keeper of the political activists (the person who was in charge of the “bad elements”) suddenly called Layman Zhang to come forth and said, “Mr. Zhang, why is your brow so different from those of the others? How come it’s shining?” Layman Zhang thought up some nonsense to answer. Later he said to a friend of mine:

To tell the truth, at that time I didn’t feel resentful or angry. After the Gang of Four fell from power, they considered that I had been unjustly accused and overturned my case. Actually, theirs was a worldly view. You should know that from the perspective of the law of cause and effect, which prevails in the three periods of time, there is never a time when someone is “framed by mistake.” The misfortune I met with in this life comes from the karma I created in the past. I ought to repay enmity with virtue and thereby eradicate my karma. Those who act in unprincipled ways are lost and pitiful; we should be compassionate and pity them. During that time my mind was calm and unburdened. Whenever I had free time I silently recited the Buddha’s name, and so I ate and slept well. I really didn’t have any idea if my brow was “shining” or not.

He was smiling as he said that.

To be continued


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