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A Friend Comes from Afar
Dharma Master Renjun Visits the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

史仰塋/文  By Yangying Shi

佛教界耆宿,平日駐錫紐約的仁俊法師,於十月二日(週一)前往北加州萬 佛聖城,瞻仰宣化上人的舍利。並在午齋時分,對萬佛聖城的出家人和在家居士開示。

仁俊法師在開示中指出,修學佛法最重要的是,謹慎運用我們的六根–– 眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意。六根都能以佛法調治,就能得到佛法的好處。若不懂得謹慎運用六根,那麼大家只是浪費時間。仁俊法師特別強調,學佛人要控制瞋心, 學習忍辱。不過,不是生氣時憋在心裡,真正的忍辱是以智慧、真理去觀照自己,影響別人。久而久之,以此柔和的心,便能對一切人都恭敬。「善修三業(身、 語、意),善用六根」,是仁俊法師對萬佛聖城所有修行人的期勉。宣公上人住世時,仁俊法師每次到加州,經常往訪宣公上人,雙方在修行方面的見解相當投契。

Dharma Master Renjun, a respected elder in the Buddhist world who lives in New York, went to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas on Monday, October 2, to pay respect to the Venerable Master Hua sharira. He delivered a speech to the left-home and lay people at the City at lunchtime.

He mentioned that the most important thing in cultivation is to be heedful in using one six sensesyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. If one is able to use the Buddhadharma to subdue and regulate one six senses, then one will derive benefit from the Buddhadharma. If one does not know how to heedfully use one six senses, then one is merely wasting time. In particular, he stressed that one who follows the Buddhadharma should overcome hatred and learn to be patient. One should not get angry or harbor anger in the mind. True patience is the ability to use wisdom and genuine principle to reflect upon oneself and to influence other people. In the long run, one should be able to use such a gentle and harmonious mind to respect all people. Dharma Master Renjun hoped that all his fellow cultivators at the City would killfully cultivate the three karmas of the body, mouth, and mind and skillfully use the six senses.” When the Venerable Master was still alive, Dharma Master Renjun visited him whenever he came to California. The two Elder Masters shared similar views on cultivation.


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