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Bodhi Stand

A Faithful Cultivatorin Taiwan
— Bhikshuni Heng Syun


二十多年前,有一群出身清寒、文化水準不高的老同修們,以護持正法的真心和願力、不畏艱難地建立起這座矗立於 臺灣北部的智慧傳播站––法界佛教印經會。其中劉果鶯居士更是常年在印經會護法。她對上人有信心––「無論我們做什麼、想什麼,師父上人都知道。」由於她 的誠心,她的感應事蹟也談不完。一九八一年,上人首次返臺弘法,第二天在法會現場,上人神奇一棒敲下去,她突然茅塞頓開。那天晚上人講什麼她都聽懂了。從 此下定決心,為了方便護法,以五十五歲的年齡,再去讀國小夜校,重新學習識字。起初她的先生非常反對她護法,甚至於破口大罵,不久便中風。後經上人加持, 才漸漸痊癒。從那時起,態度才轉變,支持她學佛護法,並感恩上人救他。

她開始學習日中一食。她單純的想法是:持戒就是天天檢討自己、反省自己。一切都是自己不對,不要怨嘆。有一天 下午,她在站牌等公車要來法界時,順手拿起一個水果芭樂便吃。沒多久,她整個口都痛起來了,直到她抵達法界,在佛前懺悔後,疼痛才解除。她的親身經驗說 明:要時時刻刻守戒,不能放逸。一定要持戒清淨,天龍八部才會護法。目前她是法界念佛會組長,雖然有時很忙,但身體卻一年比一年健康。她深知親近善知識、 護持清淨道場,自然罪消福生,得到身心莊嚴。「真心修行,願離苦得樂」是她的心願,祝福她隨心滿願,早成佛道!

More than twenty years ago, a group of cultivators of humble background and little education sincerely made vows to support the Proper Dharma. Undergoing all kinds of hardships, they set up the Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Association (DRBBDA), a center in northern Taiwan for the dissemination of wisdom. Upasika Liu Guoying was one of the cultivators who gave constant support to the center. Upasika Liu has faith in the Venerable Master. She says, “The Venerable Master knows whatever we are doing and thinking.” Her sincerity has brought many responses. In 1981, the Venerable Master went to Taiwan to propagate the Dharma for the first time. On the second day of the Dharma session, the Venerable Master struck her on the head with his staff and, miraculously, all her problems were straightened out. That evening, she understood everything the Master said in his lecture. At the age of fifty-five, she decided to enroll in night class at an elementary school and learn to read and write so that she could support Buddhism more effectively. At first her husband opposed her efforts to protect the Dharma and yelled abuses at her. He later suffered a stroke, but recovered gradually after the Venerable Master bestowed aid upon him. From then on, his attitude changed, and he supported her in her study and protection of the Dharma. He was also grateful to the Master for saving his life.

Upasika Liu began to practice eating one meal a day at midday. From her point of view, holding the precepts consists of examining and reflecting upon oneself daily, regarding all mistakes as one’s own, and not blaming other people. One afternoon while she was waiting for the bus to go to DRBDAA, she picked up a guava fruit and ate it. Soon her whole mouth was aching, and the pain did not go away until she reached the Association and repented before the Buddhas. The experience taught her that we must hold the precepts at all times and never be lax. The gods, dragons, and the rest of the eightfold division will protect one only if one holds the precepts purely. She now leads the Buddha’s Name Recitation Group of DRBDAA. Although she is quite busy, her health has improved over the years. She knows that by drawing near to a Good Knowing Advisor and supporting a pure Way-place, she has naturally eradicated offenses and created blessings, thus adorning both her body and mind. She wishes to cultivate sincerely in order to leave suffering and attain bliss. May her wishes come true and may she quickly realize Buddhahood!


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