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News from the Dharma Realm

The EighthTransmission of theThreefold Platform of Precepts
the Great Water-Land-Air Dharma Assembly for
Protecting the Nation and Quelling Disasters

晁山 文 By Zhao Shan


由上海佛教協會秘書長蔭遠法師率領的上海龍華寺法務團一行八人,於十月三日結朿訪美行程,返回上海。這八位法 師此行訪美,主要目的是到萬佛聖城參加護國息災水陸空大法會。

萬佛聖城今年自農曆閏八月初一起,舉行水陸空大法會(陽曆九月二十五日至十月一日),為祈禱世界和平,風調雨 順及超薦水陸空含靈,共有來自歐、亞、美洲七百餘人參加。這項大法會,除了有內壇、外七壇(淨土壇、諸經壇、華嚴壇、法華壇、楞嚴壇及大壇拜梁皇寶懺), 並有齋天,及四個晚上的放焰口。又有幽冥戒,分三次傳授,總共將近七百人為亡故親友求受幽冥戒。龍華寺的法師們唱腔典雅、板眼準確、中氣十足,與萬佛聖城 訓練有的維那合作無間,為法會帶來更莊嚴的氣氛。

這項水陸空法會緊在萬佛聖城第八屆三壇大戒之後舉行。六十九位剛受過具足戒(沙彌/沙彌尼戒、比丘/比丘尼 戒、菩薩戒)的新戒子,加上一百六十五位新受菩薩戒的在家居士,為萬佛聖城帶來一股新的氣象。開山祖師宣公上人雖然在這次三壇大戒一百零八天戒期之初圓 寂,但他一生提倡苦修與重視戒律的精神,仍然在萬佛聖城延續下來,令上海龍華寺的八位法師印象十分深刻。

上海龍華寺是中國著名的古剎之一,即將於今年十二月傳戒,共有三百位戒子求受戒律。龍華寺已經正式具函請宣公 上人座下的中美出家弟子,於今年十二月赴上海,為龍華寺的戒子們開講戒律,為期一個月。

祥雲獻瑞 法喜充滿

萬佛聖城於今年九月十九日至二十三日舉辦第八屆三壇大戒,共邀請了十位南北傳諸山長老前來傳戒。一百零八天的 戒期自六月三日開始,至九月十八日圓滿。六月七日宣公上人便示寂了。在上人的四十九天涅槃法會期間,戒子們仍然抖擻起精神,努力背戒、學戒,充份發揮了萬 難不退的鬥志。

上人的涅槃法會暨報恩追思大會圓滿後,臺灣埔里正覺精舍住持道海老和尚,及該精舍監院天因法師,應邀前來聖城 講授戒律。從八月廿三日起至九月十一日止,兩位律師於每天上午八時至十時,下午三時至五時,分別開講「在家律學」與「沙彌律儀威儀錄要」。足足講了二十天 的課。

道公老和尚十三歲便隨山西祖印法師出家。至今年,僧臘五十八。道公老和尚一生提倡戒律、嚴持戒律,多年前曾在 上人創辦的香港大嶼山慈興禪寺掛單,與上人結下法緣。


戒律課結朿一週以後,便開始正式傳戒。第八屆三壇大戒的戒師們包括:中國佛教協會副會長明暘老法師、美國東部 一百零五高齡的緬甸裔達瑪瓦拉老法師、英國的阿瑪若法師及啥那瓦若法師、美國西部華盛頓州的越南佛教會會長明照法師等。

初壇、二壇及三壇懺磨分別於九月十八、二十及二十二日進行。初壇、二壇及三壇正授則分別於懺磨後隔天舉行。九 月十九日傳授沙彌/沙彌尼戒。九月二十一日傳授比丘/比丘尼戒。九月二十三日傳授梵網經十重四十八輕菩薩戒。

九月二十一日下午四時,十六位新戒比丘,及五十三位新戒比丘尼於二壇正授圓滿後,從戒壇整齊的排班步行至山 門,與戒師們合照。當時天空出現了兩朵彤雲。彤雲很快的化成七彩祥雲,映滿天空。祥瑞的彤雲為新戒比丘及比丘尼帶來無量的法喜,也象徵著正法將從萬佛聖城 傳遍全世界。


The Shanghai Dragon Flower Monastery’s Dharma Delegation, comprised of eight members led by Dharma Master Yinyuan, the Chief Secretary of the Shanghai Buddhist Association, returned to Shanghai after their visit to the United States. They had come to attend the Great Water-Land-Air Dharma Assembly for Protecting the Nation and Quelling Disasters held at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

The Great Water-Land-Air Assembly commenced on the first day of the intercalary lunar eighth month. The Dharma Assembly was held in order to pray for world peace and favorable weather as well as to cross over sentient beings who had been killed in water, on land, and in the air. More than seven hundred people came from all parts of Europe, Asia, and America to attend. In addition to the recitations performed in the Inner Platform and the seven Outer Platforms (the Pure Land Platform, the All Sutras Platform, the Avatamsaka Platform, the Dharma Flower Platform, the Shurangama Platform, and the Great Platform, in which the Jeweled Repentance of the Emperor of Liang is held), there was a ceremony for making offerings to the gods, and special ceremonies for making offerings to hungry ghosts held on four evenings. The transmission of precepts to beings in the lower realms was conducted on three occasions. More than seven hundred people requested these precepts on behalf of their deceased relatives and friends. The Dharma Masters from Dragon Flower Monastery chanted the praises elegantly and in precise rhythm, and were very energetic. Their excellent coordination with the well-trained cantors of the City enhanced the inspiring atmosphere of the Dharma Assembly.

This Water-Land-Air Dharma Assembly was held immediately after the Eighth Complete Precept Ordination Transmission in the City. Sixty-nine newly ordained bhikshus and bhikshunis, as well as a hundred and sixty-five lay people who received the Bodhisattva Precepts, generated a fresh atmosphere in the City. Although the Venerable Master Hua, the Founding Patriarch of the City, entered the stillness at the beginning of the 108-day Threefold Platform Complete Precept Transmission period, his lifelong spirit of promoting ascetic practices and emphasizing the precepts continues in the City to this day. This spirit deeply impressed the eight visiting Dharma Masters from Dragon Flower Monastery of Shanghai.

Shanghai’s Dragon Flower Monastery is one of the most famous ancient temples in China. A transmission of precepts will be held there in December this year, and three hundred preceptees have already signed up. Dragon Flower Monastery has formally invited the Venerable Master’s left-home disciples, both American and Chinese, to go to Shanghai and conduct precept classes for the preceptees over a one-month period.


The Eighth Transmission of the Threefold Platform of Precepts was held at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas from September 19 to 23 this year. Ten Precept Masters from both southern and northern transmissions of Buddhism were invited to conduct the precept transmission. The 108-day precept period started on June 3 and ended on September 18. On June 7, the Venerable Master Hua passed into stillness. During the forty-nine days of the Nirvana Dharma Assembly, the preceptees strived hard to memorize and study the precepts. They showed firm and unwavering determination.

After the Nirvana Dharma Assembly and the Ceremony for Repaying Kindness and Commemoration were over, the Venerable Daohai, the Abbot of Proper Enlightenment Vihara in Puli, Taiwan, and the Vihara’s Disciplinary Master, Dharma Master Tianyin, were invited to lecture on the Vinaya (precepts and moral rules) at the City. They lectured four hours a day from August 23 till September 11, a total of twenty days. The lecture hours were from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. and from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. The topics were “Vinaya for Laypeople” and “Essentials of the Shramanera’s Rules and Deportment.”

Venerable Master Daohai left home at the age of thirteen under Dharma Master Zuyin of Shanxi Province, China, and has been a monk for fifty-eight years. Venerable Master Daohai has promoted the precepts and strictly upheld them all his life. Many years ago, he stayed at Cixing Monastery, founded by the Venerable Master Hua on Lanto Island (Hong Kong), thereby creating a Dharma affinity with the Venerable Master.

Dharma Master Tianyin left home under the Venerable Master Chanyun in Taiwan. He lectured at Pure Vinaya Buddhist Academy prior to accepting an appointment as Disciplinary Master at the Proper Enlightment Temple earlier this year.

The actual transmission of precepts took place one week after the precept classes ended. The Precept Masters for the Eighth Threefold Precept Transmission included Dharma Master Mingyang, Vice-President of the Buddhist Association of China; Venerable Dharmawara Bhante, a 107 year-old monk of Burmese descent residing in the eastern United States; Dharma Masters Amaro and Thanavaro from England; and Dharma Master Mingzhao, President of Vietnamese Buddhist Association in the United States, who lives in the state of Washington.

Repentances for the three platforms were held on the September 18, 20 and 22. For each platform, the actual transmission was held the day after the repentance: The Shramanera/Shramanerika Precepts were transmitted on September 19, the Bhikshu/Bhikshuni Precepts were transmitted on September 21, and the Ten Major and Forty-eight Minor Bodhisattva Precepts of the Brahma Net Sutra were transmitted on September 23.

At 4:00 p.m. on September 21, after the Second Platform Precept Transmission, sixteen newly ordained Bhikshus and fifty-three newly ordained Bhikshunis lined up and walked from the Ordination Hall to the Mountain Gate to have a group photograph taken with the Precept Masters. At that time, two large clusters of vermillion clouds appeared in the sky; in no time, they transformed into multicolored auspicious clouds that covered the whole sky. These auspicious clouds brought much joy to the newly ordained Bhikshus and Bhikshunis. They seemed to be a token of the spreading of the Proper Dharma from the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to all parts of the world.


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