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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】


Ming Laowu

宣化上人講述於一九八七年十二月三日   Composed by the Venerable Master Hua on December 3, 1987
國際譯經學院記錄  Translated by the International Translation Institute

前期提示:明老五看見他結拜兄弟來,就生這個兒子,他知道這個因果跑 不掉了。他給這孩子起個名字,叫三成。意思說,你要債就要三成好了。三成長大了,吃喝嫖賭吸樣樣都通。

這個明老五也知道他這兒子三成,是一成不成了,那麼一定將來敗家的,他就說了,說:「小三兒啊!你將來如果窮 的時候啊,你賣房子,你要把這個房子拆著賣,你不要就那麼整個賣。你若拆著賣啊,還是夠你吃一輩子也吃不了。」他也不懂怎麼叫要拆著賣。為什麼他叫他拆著 賣呢?拆著賣,每一個磚底下有四個大錢。那時候買什麼東西都很便宜的,一個錢、兩個錢就買很多東西。那個柱腳底下都是銀子,是用銀子做的柱腳石,那麼如果 拆下一個柱腳石,也就夠他甚至於生活一輩子了,給他打算得很好,說:「你要拆著賣。」想不到這個三成啊,你說叫我拆著賣,我單不拆著賣,就這麼整個就賣 了。賣一賣,賣得沒有多少錢,譬如賣五百萬,然後人家那個買宅子的人,要拆著用了;一拆,拆出來,恐怕那個錢值五千萬都不只,就差這麼遠。

所以嘛,人算不如天算,人,你想得怎麼好怎麼好啊,那個天不幫你,你是沒有用的。好像國家吧,我想把我這國 家,怎麼樣弄得富有了。啊!一旦地震了,把所有的房屋,連生命財產都沒有了。又打颶風了,你看,又吹倒多少千間房子,損失多少財產,傷了多少人命。你看這 個,你想要發財囉?!嗯!人算不如天算!所以「人莫心高,自有生存造化;命由天定,何須巧用機關。」那麼這個三成,就把明老五的財產都給敗壞了,就一貧如 洗了。這真是如是因、如是果,這個因緣果報是你不相信也是不行的。

見利忘義 害人無忌 生子三成 討債敗器
逢賭願輸 贏發脾氣 資產雖多 葬身少地

「見利忘義」:見著這個 利了,就把道義忘了;見著這個錢了,害人的心就來了,見利忘義。「害人無忌」: 害人他 一點也不忌諱。那時候他也不怕因果報應,所以一點也不忌憚,不怕這個因果。「生子三 成」:生個兒子,他知道是來討債的,他說:「你只討三成就好了,那個七 成還留著給我吧!」想不到啊!這真要十成,十成都要回去了。「討債敗器」: 這是一個敗家的子弟,你有多少也不夠他敗的。

「逢賭願輸」:他喜歡 賭,吃喝嫖賭吸。到賭的時候,他願意輸,不願意贏,你說這真是一個大布施家,大慈善家! 是不是啊?你看他所願意的,他不要了;他不願意的,他要拿來,所以這個逢賭願輸。「贏 發脾氣」:他若贏了,就把替他賭錢這個人罵了一頓。罵他一頓,他也不 去看,就這麼躺在那兒吸吸鴉片煙就罵。所以生這樣的子弟,你看!害人終害己。「資產 雖多」:他的財產雖然是很多的,可是這個明老五臨死的時候,連一個葬身 的地方都沒有。「葬身少地」:少就是缺少了,沒有了;說死無葬身之 地,這就是死無葬身之地,你得到寶貝了又怎麼樣呢?


「深山穹谷有靈丹」:那 裡頭有長生不老的藥。「結伴同行步滿山」:到滿山去找去,「忽遇奇寶自私起」:自私心 就生出來了,「突施毒計推懸巖」:把他推落懸巖裡去,叫他就粉身碎 骨。

「養子三成索血債」:是 來要這個債。要這個債,本來應該把這個明老五也推倒跌死,可是是不是把他推跌死了?這 還不知道。如果沒有把這個明老五推跌死的話,這還算從輕辦理,討的債也是輕的,就是本來你沒有的,現在你還要沒有。有沒有把他從大廈樓房上面推下來,把他 也跌死?這是不知道的。「建廈百間享晚年」:他自己一個人建廈有一百 多間,那麼想享受晚年的快樂。可是「誰知結果如泡影」:誰能知道這個 結果的情形,好像 那水中泡,一個影子一樣的,都是虛妄不實的。「明五後悔淚連綿」:明 老五這回臨死才知道自己做錯事了,那麼哭著死的。



From last issue: Ming Laowu saw his sworn brother come right before his child was born, and so he knew there was no way to escape cause and effect. He named the child Sancheng (“three tenths”). His meaning was, “When you collect the debt, just take thirty percent.” When Sancheng grew up, he indulged in eating, drinking, gambling, visiting prostitutes, and taking drugs.

Ming Laowu knew that his son “Three Tenths” was not even going to keep “one tenth,” and that in the future he would surely destroy the family, so he said, “My son! If you become broke in the future and you have to sell the house, you should tear it down and sell it in pieces. Don’t sell the whole house at once. If you sell it in pieces, you will still have more money than you can use in one lifetime.” But his son didn’t understand what he meant by tearing it down and selling it in pieces. Why did he tell his son to do that? Because if his son tore down the house, he would find four large ingots under each brick. In those days, everything was very inexpensive. One or two ingots could buy many things. Under the bases of the pillars were silver pieces that served as the foundation of the house. If he tore down just one pillar, there would be enough silver to support him for his whole life. Ming Laowu had planned everything very thoughtfully, so he told his son, “You should tear it down and sell it in pieces.” What he didn’t foresee was that Sancheng’s reaction would be: “You want me to tear it down and sell it in pieces? Well, I’ll do just the opposite.” And so he sold the whole house. He sold it at a very low price, too. For example, suppose he sold it for five million dollars. If the buyer tore down the house, it could have turned out to be worth more than fifty million dollars. That’s how great the difference was.

Therefore, instead of making our own calculations, it would be better to follow the reckonings of heaven. No matter how well you may plan in advance, if Heaven is not on your side, your plans are useless. For example, you may be trying to think of ways to make the country rich and prosperous, but suddenly there’s an earthquake, and all the houses are ruined, and lives and properties are lost. Or, when a hurricane strikes, do you see how many thousands of houses are blown over? How much property is lost? How many people are hurt? Seeing this, do you still wish to strike it rich? Ha! Human schemes are no match for the plans that Heaven has in store for us!  So there is a saying: “Do not aim too high, for everything has its own way to go. Our fate is predestined. What need is there for shrewd and cunning plans?” Sancheng used up all the wealth of Ming Laowu and became penniless. It is really “just as is the cause, so will be the effect.” There is no way you can fail to believe in causes, conditions, effects, and retributions.

A critique in verse says:
Seeing profit, he forgot about righteousness.
Without scruples, he hurt people.
A son named Sancheng was born to him;
This prodigal son came to collect a debt:
In gambling, he wished to lose
And was furious when he won.
His assets and properties had been abundant,
Yet there was hardly any place to bury his body.

Seeing profit, he forgot about righteousness. When he saw benefit, he forgot his sense of right and honor.  When he saw the money, thoughts of malice arose. Seeing profit, he forgot about morality. He hurt people without scruple. When he harmed people, he had no fear at all. At the time he was not afraid of the cause and effect and the retribution, so he did it without scruple at all. He was not afraid of the cause and effect of what he had done. A son named Sancheng was born to him. When his son was born, he knew his son was coming to collect a debt from him, so he said, “You can take 30%, but leave the remaining 70% to me!” What he never expected was that his son took 100%. He took it all. This prodigal son came to collect a debt. This was a prodigal son. No matter how much money you had, it wasn’t enough for him to spend.

In gambling, he wished to lose. He (the son) was fond of gambling. He indulged in eating, drinking, fooling around with women, gambling, and taking drugs. When he gambled, he preferred to lose and didn’t want to win. You could say that he was really a great giver, a great philanthropist, right? See, he would give away whatever he wanted, and take what he didn’t want. Therefore, in gambling he was willing to lose. And was furious when he won. If he won, he would scold the person who was gambling on his behalf. He wouldn’t even bother to go take a look. He would just lay there, smoking opium and scolding that person. That’s the kind of son that Ming Laowu had. So you see, if you hurt others, you are just hurting yourself. His assets and properties had been abundant. Alhough he had owned a great deal of property, when it came time for Ming Laowu to die, he didn’t even have any place to bury his corpse. Yet there was hardly any place to bury his body. “Hardly any” means there was a lack of space; there was none at all. You don’t even have enough land to bury yourself. If you don’t even have enough land for a burial ground when you die, what was the use of obtaining the treasure?

Another verse says:
Deep in the mountains and valleys, there is an efficacious medicine;
Forming a partnership, they walked together all over the mountain.
Suddenly encountering a rare treasure, he became selfish
And instantly conceived a malicious plot to push the other over a cliff.
He raised his son Sancheng, who collected the debt of blood,
And built hundreds of mansions in which to enjoy his old age.
Who could have known the outcome would be like bubbles and shadows?
Ming Wu was filled with regret as he wept without stop.

Deep in the mountains and valleys, there is an efficacious medicine. There was an elixir of immortality there. Forming a partnership, they walked together all over the mountain. They searched all through the mountains for it. Suddenly encountering a rare treasure, he became selfish. He gave rise to a selfish thought. And instantly conceived a malicious plot to push the other over a cliff.He pushed his partner over an overhanging precipice, so that all the bones of his body were smashed.

He raised his son Sancheng, who collected the debt of blood. His son came to demand the debt he owed. Basically, Ming Laowu’s son should have killed him by making him fall, but was he actually killed by a fall? It’s not known. If Ming Laowu wasn’t killed by a fall, then it could be said that his son was easy on him and collected a lighter debt, only taking away what was not his to begin with. As for whether his son pushed him off the top of a tall building, making him fall to his death, this is something we do not know.

And built hundreds of mansions in which to enjoy his old age. He built over a hundred mansions, hoping to enjoy the happiness of his old age. Who could have known the outcome would be like bubbles and shadows? Who could have known that the final outcome would be just like a bubble in the water or a shadow—false and unreal? Ming Wu was filled with regret as he wept without stop. It was only when he was about to die that Ming Laowu realized he had done something wrong, and so he died crying.

Therefore you should not want to make money. You should amass virtue, not money, for your descendants. You shouldn’t just want to buy houses for them. If you can buy them some virtue instead, that would be good.

(The End)


Volunteer Teachers Wanted

萬佛聖城長期徵求大、中、小學各科系義務教師。歡迎有能力、肯發心、不 計較,能遵守聖城六大宗旨:不爭、不貪、不求、不自私、不自利、不妄語,願放棄城市生活,投入淡泊而充實的精神生活者。我們也需要體育、童軍、園藝、工藝 (雕塑)及住宿輔導等人才。不拘年齡、性別與國籍,有志從事義務教學工作者,請與姜吉甫教授洽談。

聯絡辦法:萬佛聖城 Talmage, CA 95481-0217 U.S.A., Tel: (707) 462-0939 信封請註明「應徵義務教師」。(聖城歡迎義工參與服務,不限學歷)

The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) needs long-term volunteer teachers to teach a variety of courses at the elementary, high school, and university levels. We welcome capable individuals who have a firm resolve, do not crave benefits, and will follow the Six Guidelines of CTTB: not contending, not being greedy, not seeking, not being selfish, not pursuing personal gain, and not lying. People who are ready to leave an urban life-style and want to lead a simple but fulfilling spiritual life are welcome to apply for a volunteer teaching position. We are also looking for people with backgrounds in physical education, gardening, handicrafts, and dormitory counseling. There are no restrictions of age, gender or nationality.  Please contact Prof. Chiang Chi-fu at CTTB, Talmage, CA 95481-0217, U.S.A., Tel: (707) 462-0939. Please write: "Application for Volunteer Teaching" on the envelope. Other volunteers are also welcome to join in the work at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, regardless of their educational backgrounds.


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