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【 佛祖道影白話解 】


69th Generational Patriarch Dhyana Master
Jan Ran Yuan Cheng

虛雲老和尚集  Composed by the Elder Master Hsu Yun
宣化上人講於一九八五年六月十三日 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua on June 13, 1985

崛起大覺 雷震雲門 霈然滂澍 普潤三根
高懸寶鏡 龍象魂驚 兒孫遍地 道冠古今

「崛起大覺」:本來這個 大覺是雲門的大覺寺。崛起大覺呢,大約是他的發源,或者開俉,或者什麼時候和這個雲門 有關連。不過,我不太清楚,所以叫崛起大覺。「雷震雲門」:他這一起 來,把雲門山都震動了。「霈然滂澍」:《孟子》上說:「天油然作雲, 沛然下雨,則苗勃 然興之矣。」那個沛不是這個霈,那是沒有這個雨字頭的;可是這個霈呢,和那個沛的意思差不多。所以油然作雲,好像那個油就是不太乾淨的樣子,就是像那個玻 璃有油,一定要弄點洗碗水才能洗乾淨了,不然的時候,就是邋邋遢遢的。這個天,油然作雲,也就像那個邋邋遢遢就成了雲彩,就有雲彩了,那麼一塊一塊地成 群,像這天上不乾淨了,這油然作雲。沛然下雨,沛然就是突然間就下了雨了。「則苗勃然興之矣」,則所種的那個苗草,勃勃然就都長起來了。那麼這個是崛起大 覺,他突然間在這個大覺寺,他與大覺寺大約有淵源的,所以在那兒就出乎其類,拔乎其萃了。這雷震雲門,就好像那雷震雲門那麼樣的厲害;霈然滂澍,他就因為 這個法的源流在這兒,他就好像下雨,那霈然滂沱大雨,就是下得很大雨,到處都溝滿濠平的。「普潤三根」:所以普遍上中下這三根,頓根、利根都一起滋潤啦! 就是那個大樹、小草、所有的萬物,都受他的滋潤了。這言其這位禪師他的功勞、功德。

「高懸寶鏡」:他高懸這 種最寶貴的智慧鏡子。「龍象魂驚」:就是法門的龍象見著他,都是老實 了,都是沒有什麼 話講,舌頭都給斷了,沒有話說了,所以這下都怕了,就因為他們這舌頭都給割去了。他把他們的舌頭給割去了,所以就老老實實的,是龍要盤起來,是虎要臥起 來,是象也要乖乖的,在那兒做它應做的工作。「兒孫遍地」:這個兒孫 就是法嗣。他的法嗣遍地。「道冠古今」:這個冠是帽子。這就是說他的 道德好像古今大德 高僧的一個帽子似的,在他們頭上。不是他騎在他們頭上屙屎。



「湛然澄寂潭水清」:他 那不是「月穿潭底破」嗎?這個「波斯不展眉」嗎?所以說他這湛然澄寂,澄寂,他就身口 意三業清淨了,這湛然了。潭水清,就好像那個潭裡的水清了。「風平浪靜宇宙寧」: 他那個潭裡頭風平浪靜,也沒有什麼波浪了,宇宙都安寧了。所以「大振洞風 闡正教」:大振洞風,他能大振這個曹洞宗;闡正教,能提倡這個正法眼藏。「弘揚祖道續傳燈」:弘揚這個祖道;續傳燈,燈燈相印、祖祖相傳這種傳燈,他能 續 下來。「光古輝今照天下」:這古來也受他的光輝照到了,現在也受他的 光輝照到了,所以照天下。「高麗日本一脈薪」:乃至於這個曹洞宗傳到 高麗和日本,都是 由這個曹洞宗一脈薪傳而傳出去的。「兒孫遍地源流遠」:他的源也遠, 流得也遠。「三千世界鬼神驚」:三千大千世界一切的鬼魂、妖魔鬼怪、魔王宮殿都震動 了,都在那兒害怕。所謂正法住世,我們佛法住世,魔法就該衰了,所以他們都怕了。

A verse in praise says:
He rose to eminence at Great Enlightenment,
Like thunder shaking up Yunmen.
The rain poured down in torrents,
Moistening all the three roots.
A precious mirror was suspended on high,
Frightening the dragons and elephants out of their wits.
His descendants are everywhere;

His crown of virtue caps those of ancient and modern times.

He rose to eminence at Great Enlightenment. “Great Enlightenment” refers to Great Enlightenment Monastery in Yunmen. His becoming eminent there probably means he had his beginnings there, or he became enlightened there, or he had some connections with Yunmen at some point. I’m not very clear on this point. Anyway, he became eminent at Great Enlightenment Monastery. Like thunder shaking up Yunmen. When he rose to prominence, he shook up all the people at Yunmen mountain. The rain poured down in torrents. The Works of Mencius says, “When the clouds gather darkly in the sky and the rain falls in torrents, then the sprouts suddenly grow up.” The character pei in the line from Mencius is not the same as the pei in the verse, for it is missing the ‘rain’ radical on top, but the meanings are pretty much the same. When the clouds gather darkly, literally “like grease,” the sky has a greasy appearance and doesn’t look clean. For example, when glass gets greasy, you have to use some dishwashing detergent to wash it clean. If you don’t clean it, it will look dirty. When clouds gather darkly in the sky, it is as if the sky becomes smudged and soiled with patches of clouds forming and gathering together. The sky doesn’t look clean anymore. When the rain falls in torrents, that means there is a sudden shower of rain. “Then the sprouts suddenly grow up”: Then the sprouts of grain that have been planted suddenly grow up. This describes how he suddenly became prominent at Great Enlightenment Monastery. He probably had his origins at Great Enlightenment Monastery, so he rose above his peers and stood out from the crowd. Thunder shook up Yunmen: his influence was so powerful that it was like thunder shaking up Yunmen. The rain poured down in torrents: Because the fountainhead of the Dharma was there with him, he was like falling rain—a sudden copious rain that filled the ditches and watercourses. Moistening all the three roots: And so all those of superior, average, and inferior roots, those of dull faculties and sharp faculties, are together nourished and enriched. From the great trees down to the small sprouts, all the myriad things receive nourishment from him. This is speaking of the Dhyana Master’s achievement and merit.

A precious mirror was suspended on high. He hung up the most treasured mirror of wisdom. Frightening the dragons and elephants out of their wits. When the men of outstanding talent in Buddhism, the “dragons and elephants in the gate of Dharma,” saw him, they behaved themselves and didn’t have anything to say. Their tongues were as if severed, so they had nothing to say. They were all scared, because their tongues had been cut off. He had sliced off their tongues, so they were very obedient. The dragons had to coil up, the tigers had to lie down, and the elephants had to be submissive, too, and do whatever work they were supposed to be doing. His descendants are everywhere. “Descendants” refers to Dharma heirs. His heirs in Dharma pervade the land. His crown of virtue caps those of ancient and modern times. This crown is a hat. This means that his moral virtue is like a hat worn by the eminent, virtuous monks of ancient and modern times. This doesn’t mean that he climbed on top of their heads to relieve himself. 

Another verse says:
Deep, pure, and placid, the lake water is clear;
Winds calmed and waves stilled, the universe is at peace.
He shook up the Dong tradition and expounded the proper teaching.
Propagating the Way of the patriarchs, he continued the transmission of the lamp.
His bright glory illuminated all under heaven;
Even Korea and Japan received the single transmission of the torch.
His descendants pervaded the land and his source flowed afar,
Frightening the ghosts and spirits of the trichiliocosm.

When there was nothing to be done, I deliberately looked for something to do in order to waste everybody’s precious time. That’s why I uttered these lines of  irrelevant talk.

Deep, pure, and placid, the lake water is clear: Didn’t he say that the moon penetrated to the lake bottom and shattered it? Didn’t he talk about how those waves didn’t smile? Therefore, this line says that he was deep, pure, and placid. Since his body, mouth, and mind—the three vehicles of karma—were purified, he was deep and pure. The lake water is clear: It is just like the water in the lake becoming settled and clear. Winds calmed and waves stilled, the universe is at peace. In his lake, the winds were calm and the waves were quiet; there weren’t any waves or ripples, and the universe was all peaceful. Therefore, he shook up the Dong tradition and expounded the proper teaching. He was able to stir up the Cao Dong sect in a great way, and he promoted the Treasury of the Proper Dharma Eye. Propagating the Way of the patriarchs, he continued the transmission of the lamp. He taught and spread the Way of the patriarchs and carried on the transmission of the lamp. He was able to continue the transmission of the lamp, in which each lamp seals the next lamp and each patriarch transmits the Dharma to the next patriarch.

His bright glory illuminated all under heaven. Those of ancient times basked in the light of his glory, and those of the present also enjoy the radiance of his glory. Thus he is said to illuminate all under heaven. Even Korea and Japan received the single transmission of the torch. The Cao Dong sect was transmitted as far as Korea and Japan. It was all from the single transmission of the torch in the Cao Dong sect that the teaching was spread abroad. His descendants pervaded the land and his source flowed afar. His source flowed a long ways. Frightening the ghosts and spirits of the trichiliocosm: All the ghosts, goblins, demons, and monsters in the great trichiliocosm were frightened, and all the demon palaces were shaken up. When the proper Dharma dwells in the world, when our Buddhadharma exists in the world, then the demonic dharma is weak. Thus they were all afraid.


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