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We Develop Our Virtue Together by Urging Each Other towards Goodness


Bhikshuni Heng Bau









F or more than two decades before she left the home-life, Heng Bau Shi was a teacher in Malaysia. Those valuable years of experience have provided her with countless expedients to use in teaching, guiding, and counselling young students of the Dharma. After leaving home in 1991, Heng Bau Shi served for a period of time at Gold Buddha Monastery in Vancouver. Under her expertise, the Sunday School flourished, and when Heng Bau Shi prepared to return to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to receive full ordination as a Buddhist nun, the parents and students wept at her departure.

The way to success in your studies, Is to focus your attention on three: Trust your eyes, mouth, and mind. Believe that these are all that you need.

Using Standards for Students, a text containing instructions in virtue recommended by Venerable Master Hua, Heng Bau Shi was able to awaken in her students both self-confidence and an aspiration for learning. Under her guidance, the students’ talents blossomed and developed. Many of us once witnessed one of her four-year-old students recite from memory the entire Standards for Students for an astonished audience of adults one Sunday morning during the noon meal at Gold Buddha Monastery! We were also impressed by the songs, music, stories, and recitations of the many other students in the Sunday School.

Study one book at a time,
Don’t let your concentration scatter.
Stick with this topic till finished,
Only then choose another to learn.

After her ordination, Heng Bau taught at the Instilling Goodness and Developing Virtue Girls’ School at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas until she went to serve in Singapore at an affiliated monastery and then in Malaysia at the Association’s branch.

In 1994 Heng Bau Shi returned to Gold Buddha Monastery, much to the parents’ and students’ delight and now holds the position of Principal of the Sunday School. She continues to educate students in the long-enduring moral values that are imbedded in the Chinese culture, and by applying them to life in the West is able to help young people develop a firm set of values based in the wisdom of sages.

For all creatures throughout the world, We should cherish a kindred regard. The sky covers all of us equally. The earth supports all humankind.


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea