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The Shurangama Sutra with Commentary


Roll Eight

宣化上人講     Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄     Translated by the International Translation Institute





如是乃至十方虛空。滿足微塵。一一塵中。現十方界。現塵現界。 不相留礙。名無著行。




From iast issue: The Conduct to Freedom from Deluded Confusion.

Then within what is identical, myriad differences appear.
In all the differences, an identity can be seen.
This is called the Conduct of Wholesome Manifestation.

Then within what is identical, myriad differences appear. What is identical is the principle. What are different are the specifics. At the noumenal level there is identity; at the phenomenal level there are differences. In all the differences, an identity can be seen. That is, the phenomena all tally with principle. There are:
1. the unobstructedness of principles in specifics;
2. the unobstructedness of specifics in principles;
3. the unobstructedness of specifics with specifics;
4. the unobstructedness of both principles and specifics.

Therefore, in identity appear differences; within differences identity is found. This is called the Conduct of Wholesome Manifestation. Identity and differences do not obstruct one another, and each appears within the other. At the phenomenal level there are noumena, and at the noumenal level the phenomena are also included.

This continues until it includes all the dust motes that fill up empty space throughout the ten directions. In each and every dust mote, the worlds of the ten directions appear. And yet the appearance of dust motes and the appearance of worlds do not interfere with one another. This is called the Conduct of Non-Attachment.

This continues until it includes all the dust motes that fill up empty space throughout the ten directions. Not only can differences appear within identity and identity within differences, but the many can appear within the few and the few can appear within the many. The great can appear within the small and the small can appear within the great. "Empty space throughout the ten directions" is the manifestation of the great. Each of the dust motes that fills empty space manifests a world within it. On the other hand, every world can be shrunk until it becomes a mote of dust. But when a dust mote manifests a world inside it, that world isn't small at all. And when a world appears in a dust mote, that dust mote doesn't appear to be large, either. Nor is it the case that the dust mote has to expand to contain the world. This is the great appearing in the small and the small manifesting the great without any hindrance.

In each and every dust mote, the worlds of the ten directions appear. The worlds of the ten directions are tremendously large, while a fine mote of dust is minute; yet even though the worlds of the ten directions appear in a mote of dust, the worlds don't seem small and the mote of dust doesn't seem large. And yet the appearance of dust motes and the appearance of worlds do not interfere with one another. They include one another without any obstruction. This is called the Conduct of Non-Attachment. Worlds are motes of dust; motes of dust are worlds. Little is big; big is little. To experience this is the Conduct of Non-Attachment.

→To be continued


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